Home > Wild Like Us (Like Us #8)(87)

Wild Like Us (Like Us #8)(87)
Author: Krista Ritchie

It’s quiet in the garage. The doors are open to the lonely road while we wait near Booger. After the mechanic brings out the parts, Banks pops the hood, and they talk and start to work their magic.

I’m exhausted. My whole body is sore, but I’m less physically spent and just emotionally wiped out. Akara pockets his phone so he can hold my hand, but before our fingers even clasp together, everything comes crashing down again.

Banks comes over to us fast. “It’s the wrong carburetor for this older model. He thought they would match, but it’s not gonna fit.” He uses the bottom of his white tee to wipe grease off his hands. “We can order parts, but he said they won’t be here for another two days.”

I butt in, “Booger stays here. She stays here.” I convince myself that nothing bad will happen to my Jeep if we desert her. She’ll survive, and I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t do everything possible to make it to Jane and Thatcher’s wedding.

That’s my cousin. My big sister. I can’t miss her walk down the aisle. Banks can’t miss his twin brother get married.

I’m a bridesmaid. Banks is the best man. Akara is a groomsman. We’re all in the wedding party and supposed to be a part of the ceremony.

I add strongly, “And we don’t have time to argue about it. Salvaging her isn’t a part of the plan anymore.” It hurts when I think about the day my dad gave me the keys. How he started crying with me. My dad rarely cries like that—like something was torn open in him for a second and he was brought back to a place in the sky where he released the ashes of his friend.

He gave me the Jeep because he said I’d get more use out of it. He didn’t want the car to languish in a garage.

I still remember him saying, “Adam Sully took his car around the country, and he’d want someone to go on just as many adventures in it. It’s yours, Sulli. Just promise me you’ll take care of it.”

I promised him, but no matter how painful, I’d break it for Banks.

Softly, Banks asks, “Are you sure?”

“I’m more positive than I’ve ever fucking been,” I tell him with everything in me, my voice shaking with emotion. “I love you more than that car.”

His chest rises, lips parting at my declaration. I told Banks that I love him. It just came out. It came out in front of Akara. Fuck!


I’m dying inside, seeing Akara’s face contort in heartbreak. It hurts like a hundred knives stabbing my lungs. And I’m not that dense that I’d fling an I love you at Akara right now. Because he’ll just see the words as a pity thing.

Even when they’re true.

“Kits,” I start.

“It’s okay,” he chokes, swallowing hard. “I’ll call a tow truck for the Jeep, so it’ll get back to Philly without us.” His eyes stay on me, mine stay on him, and he says, “It’s not a new realization, Sul. I’ve known how you feel about him.”

“Do you know how I feel about you?” I breathe, my throat swollen.

He nods with a sad smile. “Yeah.” He nods again. “You love me too, string bean. It’s why you haven’t picked yet.”


I sniff back snot that tries to drip down my lips.

“We’re going to get through this,” Akara tells me and also Banks, and even though his words encompass our current car situation, it feels like he’s speaking about so much more too.

We whip out our phones.

Akara books a tow-truck to transport Booger, so the Jeep is set to arrive back home in a few days. But we need to find a way to get ourselves to Philly much earlier than that.

“Nearest airport is a two-hour drive,” Akara says.

I scroll through my phone, looking for taxis, Ubers, Lyfts. Anything that will get us from point A to point B.

Banks is looking for flights.

Akara breaks away and speaks to the mechanic. I barely pick up their conversation as Akara asks, “Is there any local we can call to take us to the airport?”

The mechanic chuckles. “If you find someone ‘round here to take you there, let me know. I’d like their number.”


“No ride shares are in range,” I tell Banks.

He eyes Akara, who disappears into the back of the shop with the mechanic. “Akara will think of something. He always does.”

Five minutes later, Akara returns and opens the glove compartment of Booger. He pulls out an envelope stuffed with cash—his cash that he brought for “emergencies”—and he jogs back to the mechanic. Vanishing again.

One-minute later, he comes out and dangles a set of keys. “Let’s go.”

“You bought a car?” I ask, my heart swelling up.


I could kiss him, but I think the way I’m looking at Kits means more than any kiss. He smiles down at me, his eyes roaming over my features. He tells me and Banks, “I paid all cash and bypassed the paperwork. We can get out of here now.”

Wasting no time, we all unload our crap from Booger. Transferring our bags to an old, black Honda with wrinkled and ripped, black leather seats.

Before noon, we’re on the road.

I drive first since they’re both on the phone.

“Slow down, Sul,” Akara says in the passenger seat.

“I’m only going fourteen-over,” I refute. “I won’t get stopped.”

“It’s not going to matter,” Banks says from the backseat. I glance through the rearview. He’s looking at his cell. “There’s only one flight back to Philly. And it leaves tonight.”

“What time does it say we get in?” I wonder.

“Give me,” Akara leans over and holds out his hand for Banks’ cell.

Banks says to me, “We’d arrive at oh-six-hundred.” He passes his cell to Akara.

So…6 a.m. The venue is only a half-hour from Philly. Wedding is at 9 a.m.

It’s perfect.

“I’m booking it,” Akara says.

I slow the car to the speed limit. We have time then to make it to the airport. But if I wreck this Honda, I really will never forgive myself.









The drive to the airport is painful. Like being in a slow-moving train that I know is about to crash. And it has nothing to do with being late to the wedding. I’m confident we’ll be there with hours to spare. Even without a private jet.

We did visit that avenue. Sulli called her uncle, but Connor couldn’t find a pilot available in our area. At least not in the window we’re working with.

But I’ve pinned down four other possible commercial flights with short layovers that we could take at last minute. Just in case our current flight is delayed.

Sulli is in love with Banks.

The thought crawls over me every few minutes and digs into my flesh.

Be happy for them, Nine.


How can I be happy when I love her too? I love Sullivan Minnie Meadows, and I don’t want to let her go. I’ve even contemplated whispering the words in her ear. Shouting them with all I have. Making sure she knows how much I love her, so I’ve put everything on the table.

If she chooses him, I don’t want it to be because she’s unsure of how I feel.

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