Home > Mistletoe Kisses(37)

Mistletoe Kisses(37)
Author: Anna B. Doe

“That was fun, we should do it again tomorrow,” I said, trudging up the steps to the cabin. The snow was still coming thick and fast, but the wind had dropped a little.

“You go inside and get warm,” Jason suggested, “and I’ll clear the porch.”

“I’ll make some hot cocoa and see what there is for lunch.”

“Sounds good.” He kissed me before taking off in search of a snow shovel.

I pulled off my coat and hung it up before toeing off my boats and leaving them by the fire.

I was halfway through making us both a sandwich when Jason reappeared.

“Hello, snowman,” I chuckled at the sight of him, snow clinging to his lashes and hair.

“It’s coming down harder.”

“Good job my plans for this afternoon included staying in then.”

He shucked out of his coat and joined me at the breakfast counter. “And what exactly do your plans include?”

“I found some old board games.” I smirked. “I thought I could whip your ass at Battleships.”

“You want to play board games?” His eyes narrowed.

“What’s wrong with playing board games?”

“Is there a pack of playing cards?”

“Playing cards?” My brow arched as I slid his cup of hot cocoa across the counter.

He smirked. “The only game I want to play, is one that ends up with you naked and underneath me.”

“And we need playing cards for that?” My lips twitched.

Jason took a bite of his sandwich and grinned. “We do if we want to play Strip Poker.”




Felicity’s laughter was like music to my fucking ears. My arm shot out, pulling her toward me. I gripped her jaw and lowered my face to kiss her. “One day, I’m going to put a baby inside you.” The words spilled out with warning, and I froze.

Had I really just fucking said that?

Felicity’s brows furrowed. “Did you just say what I think you said?”

“I... uh...”

She chuckled again. “We’ve never talked about kids before.”

“No, I guess we haven’t.” I ran a hand over my jaw. “But you want them, right?” Because now I’d said the words, all I could picture was a little kid with Felicity’s big eyes and her big heart.

“Yeah, I mean... when we’re older. Much older.”

It was my turn to chuckle. “I love you, Felicity Giles. I love you so fucking much, I can’t wait to make a life with you.”

Her cheeks pinked under my intense regard. “What has gotten into you?” She batted my chest.

“What, a guy can’t be happy?”

I’d never imagined myself wanting to settle down. Hell, I’d never imagined myself wifed up and playing house with a girl. But Felicity made me want things.

Scary as fuck things.

Going pro was still the dream, it always would be. Now that I’d won the Heisman Trophy, I had my sights set on the NFL draft. But lately—especially since putting a ring on her finger—I was thinking beyond that.

She narrowed her gaze. “Hmm, you seem, I don’t know... different.”

“It’s you,” I said with complete conviction. “It’s all you.”




“Do you think we’ll always be friends?” I asked Jason as he stroked my hair.

After lunch, and Jason’s surprising confession, we’d climbed back into bed and spent the rest of the day there, tangled up in each other. We hadn’t done this in forever. Life was always so busy with classes and my volunteering work, and with Jason practicing with the team. It was the perfect end to the year.

“Babe, you’re wearing my ring, I should fucking hope so.”

“Not us, silly. I mean with Cam and Hailee, and Asher and Mya.”

“What kind of dumb question is that?” He grunted. “Of course we’ll always be friends. We’ll have kids and they’ll have kids and they’ll all grow up together.”

“What if football takes us across country?”

“Then we come home after I’m done.” He shrugged.

“You sound so sure of everything.”

“Because I am, babe.” Jason kissed my head, brushing his foot alongside mine. “Our life is going to be amazing, you’ll see.”

“I hope so.” I couldn’t imagine not having Hailee and Mya in my life. They were my ride or die friends, the way Cam and Asher were Jason’s. The fact we all got on and were friends was an added bonus.

“I think Cam and Hailee will get pregnant first,” I mused.

“What makes you say that?”

“Cameron wants to be there, back at Rixon. Don’t you see it in his eyes?”

“Yeah, maybe.”

“He’s already counting down until the day they graduate and can move back.” Part of me wondered if he’d even make it that long.

“I’m not so sure about Asher and Mya though,” he said. “She loves the city.”


Silence settled over us. We still had time. We were only sophomores. But life was moving fast. Before we knew it, we would be seniors, counting down the days until graduation, and everything would change again.

As if he could sense my thoughts, Jason hugged me closer. “It doesn’t matter, babe. Wherever we all land, we’ll still be family. Always.”



Chapter Four




The next morning, I woke first. But I didn’t move. I was more than content watching Felicity sleep, thinking back on our conversation yesterday. I’d meant what I said, that it didn’t matter where we went or how our lives moved in different directions, the six of us would always be tight. Cam and Asher were my guys. Even though I’d made new friends at Penn, they would never replace the bond I shared with my best friends.

Slipping out of bed, I pulled on a hoodie and went in search of coffee. Turning on the coffee machine, I went to start the fire next, adding a new pile of wood and lighting it. The flames crackled to life and I savored their warmth for second.

Satisfied with my handiwork, I made myself a cup of coffee next. The morning sun filtered in through the curtains, and mug in hand, I traipsed over to the window next, to see if the storm had passed.

“Fuck,” I breathed. It had stopped snowing but there was at least another five or six inches, the snow drifts banked higher than the window ledge.

“Morning,” Felicity’s voice was thick with sleep.

I glanced back and smiled. “Morning.”

“What’s wrong?” She frowned.

“We might be snowed in after all.” I’d joked about it, but I hadn’t really imagined it would happen.

Joining me at the window, Felicity sucked in a shaky breath. “Wow, okay.”

“Maybe it’s not that bad out front.” I moved to the door and pulled it open, my eyes going wide.

“Hmm, babe, what is that?” She joined me as I stared at the sheet of compacted snow blocking the door.

“Maybe it’s the universe’s way of saying we should stay here.”

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