Home > HUNTER (Rosewood High #5)(36)

HUNTER (Rosewood High #5)(36)
Author: Tracy Lorraine

The second we both step back into class, all eyes turn on us—well, me—including the teacher.

“Everything okay?” she asks me, her brows pulling together in concern.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, I just felt a little…” I trail off. “I’m good now, thank you.”

She nods at me, although the concern doesn’t leave her face.

Ruby retakes her seat but the second I turn away from Mrs. Pritchard, his eyes pin me to the spot. An evil smile curls at his lips before he blows me a kiss and raises a brow.

Fear snakes around me and for a second I wonder if I’m about to run back out of the room. But I swallow it down, rip my eyes from his and march back to my seat to continue with the lesson.

I unlock my cell when Mrs. Pritchard is distracted once more and find another message waiting for me.

Zayn: If he tries anything tell me and I’ll be there in a flash.



My fingers squeeze my cell.

If he tries anything, does Zayn not know Preston at all? Of course he’s going to try something.

My cell vibrates in my hand once more. Expecting it to be him, I quickly wake it back up but the unknown number I find staring back at me turns my body to ice.

Unknown: While the bodyguard is away, Preston gets to play…



My muscles tense and I hate myself for reacting. His stare burns into my back, I don’t need to turn around to know that he’s smiling in the knowledge that he’s getting to me.

Locking my cell, I shove it into my pocket deciding against replying to Zayn or being forced to read anything else from Preston.

His attention never leaves me and the second the bell to the end of first period rings, I stuff my books into my bag and practically run from the room.

I almost collide with Amalie as I make my escape down the hallway.

“Whoa, something on fire?” she asks, looking me over.

“Sorry, just excited to get to gym,” I lie.

“Are you okay, you look a little terrified?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Honestly.”

The rest of the school thankfully descend in the hallways and any chance we had of having a conversation comes to an end.

“I’ll see you later, yeah?”

“Sure,” she says, but I hear the concern in her voice.

When did I stop becoming so good at hiding how I was really feeling? Probably about the same time you let Zayn put his hands on you, again.

Locking down the little voice in my head, I march toward the girl’s locker room, thankful that Preston isn’t going to be anywhere near me.

“Ah, you decided to show your face then?”

“Ugh, yeah. I had such a hair nightmare this morning,” Harley complains, running her hand over her bangs.

“Looks perfect to me.”

“It should after the amount of time I spent on it. I could really do without volleyball right now, it’s going to ruin it.”

“I’m sure you’ll still look stunning, Har.”

“Whoa, you look a little too lively today. You knocked back a few Red Bulls or something this morning?” she asks when I instantly start getting changed as if I’m actually looking forward to what’s to come.

“No, just feeling a little pumped.”

I still when her hand lands on my forearm. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I snap. “I’m fine. Your mom pissed then, or what?” I ask, hoping to get the heat off me.

“Pissed doesn’t really cover it. I didn’t know why she was in such a mood when I got in last night though. I only found out this morning. I thought she was going to blow a fuse though, and I don’t think it helped that he spent most of the night out avoiding her.”

My cheeks heat and I keep my back turned to her and I continue changing into my gym clothes. “Have you spoken to him about it?”

“Nah, not really.”

“So you don’t know why he did it?”

“No, but does anyone really need a specific reason to hit Preston? I would, given half the chance, he’s a dick, and he treats you like shit.”

You don’t even know the half of it.

“Come on, girls. You can spread the gossip at lunchtime,” Miss White shouts, clapping her hands together in the hope we speed up a little.

Volleyball helped to release a little bit of the tension that was pulling at my muscles, but it didn’t last because the second I walked into every other class I had for the rest of the morning, his cold evil eyes followed.

When the bell rang for lunch, I ignored my empty stomach and instead took myself to the library. The music rooms are usually my sanctuary, but after yesterday, I don’t feel safe going there. I need to do something out of character to throw him off, so the final aisle of the library away from everyone else is it.

I drop my bag to the floor before lowering my ass to the ground and tipping my head back against the books and closing my eyes for a beat.

The sound of others filter through the air, but no one is anywhere near me, thank God. I just need a few minutes of not looking over my shoulder, of wondering when he’s going to strike. There’s no if, it’s just when and I want to be prepared for when it happens.

Each minute ticks by as if it’s an hour.

I wish I had a car, so I could get away from it all then. I could go to the beach. Walk along the sand and feel the waves against my feet. I can’t even remember the last time I did that. Or I could drive up to the cliffs where we used to go for picnics when things were relatively okay and just watch the clouds.

Anything other than being here like a sitting duck waiting for the inevitable.

My cell dings and I reluctantly pull it from my pocket. I pray that it’s Zayn. He’s sent a couple more since I ignored his messages this morning. But I haven’t even opened them. I have no idea what I’m even supposed to say.

It was easy last night, he left me on a high and our banter was easy. Today with the weight of the world pressing down on me, I have no idea what to say to him.

Only when I look at the screen, I find it’s not him and my stomach sinks into the pit of my stomach.

Unknown: Come out, come out, wherever you are…



My cell trembles in my hand as I stare down at his words.

I fucking knew he’d be looking for me.

The temptation to get up and run out of the school is strong, but I refuse to let him win. He will not break me.

I don’t unlock my cell for fear it might open the message and show him I’ve seen it, instead I shove it to the bottom of my bag. My hand hits a packet as I do so and I find a smashed up cereal bar that I spend the rest of lunch nervously nibbling on.

He’s not in my final classes of the day, and I almost begin to breathe normally again knowing that I’m going to be able to lock myself at home soon and try to put this day behind me.

Not having Zayn here shouldn’t make any difference. I’d managed all this time without him having my back, but only a few days after he figures out there’s something going on and I’m already relying on him.

It’s pathetic and I chastise myself over and over before the final bell of the day rings out.

I’m stronger than having to rely on a boy to protect me.

The second the bell rings, I sweep my books from the desk and run for my locker. If I didn’t have books in there I needed for tonight’s homework then I’d run straight out the doors and not look back, well, not until tomorrow.

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