Home > Break Me (Brayshaw High)(82)

Break Me (Brayshaw High)(82)
Author: Meagan Brandy

Captain pushes on my chest, trying to drive me away, but I shove his hand off and he shakes his head, unable to look at Brielle.

“You’re such an asshole.” She rasps, uncertainty in her gaze.

“I know.” And this will be my greatest show.

An R-rated fucking nightmare, never to be forgotten, a sight I’ll forever be haunted by.

She blinks but nothing new shines back as she does and it tears me in two, yet she doesn’t run, doesn’t move an inch.

She stands still, staring right at me.

I need her away before I crack.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you, it never should have.” The only true words to leave me tonight. “But I’m not gonna stand here and pretend I have any more use for you. I’ve already taken all you’ve got to offer. Used you up like I planned to. Erased the halo hanging above your head and replaced it with some horns, but that’s what you wanted, right? To be bad? To be a part of the darkness of our world.” I walk backward, retaking my place on the couch, Katie on one side, Giana on the other. I shrug. “You’ve got nothing left I want, so go on, little Bishop,” I rasp, not recognizing my own voice. “Get out of here before you get bit. I’m trying to celebrate, and you’re killing the mood.”

“I’m not done talking to you,” she pushes on, her voice so low it’s almost missed, her hope damn near dead at my hands.

Micah steps up, gripping her arm gently and I fly from my seat, shove him back, and dip into her face. I growl the final gauntlet; one I know will get her to leave.

“You really want another person to get their ass beat because of you?”

My heart cracks, shame and self-reproach stabbing straight through my skin, the blade jagged, wrapped in wire, and twisted on impact.

How dare I use what she told me about what happened to her brother against her.

Her lip trembles, but she fights it. “How dare you say that to me.”

The cords in my neck stretch tight and I grind my teeth together. “You’re pathetic to think I wouldn’t.”

“And you’re a bastard who’s afraid to show himself because what if people don’t love you when you do?” She pushes into my chest. “Well, fuck those people, and fuck you too for being too much of a coward to stand here and do what you really want, because I know it’s not this, but I guess you want to learn this the hard way.” She begins to back away. “Watch me walk away from you this time, Royce, and don’t expect me to be the one who strolls on back.”

She turns around and leaves, tearing my heart out and taking it with her.

Fucking me even more, my brother leaves with her.



Chapter 33





“Brielle, wait!”

I keep rushing for the exit, but Captain catches up to me, gently shooting in front of me.

“Please, just—”

“Get the fuck away from her.”

I jump, swinging around and searching the darkness, and there he is, creeping up with slow angry strides, a dark shadow falling over his eyes as he approaches.

He doesn’t spare Captain a glance, but steps right in front of me.

The events of the night, the last few days, and everything in between come crashing around me at the sight of him. Tears fill my eyes, clogging my vision, and I fall into him.

His arms wrap around me instantly, pulling me closer, and I begin to full-on cry.

He clutches the back of my head gently, and whispers, “I’ve got you, baby sister.”

I grip on to my brother’s jacket, and his hold on me tightens.

He sways me like he did when we were kids, when he’d come to comfort me after an episode from our father.

I hate that this is how he’s seeing me for the first time in so long—weak and needy.

“Tell your brother he’s a dead man,” Bass growls.

“Fuck you,” Captain rumbles, his presence growing closer. “Threaten my brother again, Bishop. You know what’ll happen.”

“Stop,” I whisper, pulling myself free.

I turn to Captain, and his eyes soften, instant understanding.

He nods. “I’ll get Valine home.”

My lip twitches, and I turn to her, but she throws her hands up and follows him off, not needing an explanation.

Captain steps in once more his voice a desperate whisper, “remember what we talked about at the zoo, Brielle.”

I drop my eyes to my feet and he walks away.

Nervously, I spin back to my brother, and he nods his head, so I follow him toward the edge of the gate, but he falls behind, saying hello to the people who spot him on his way through the crowd.

Once outside, he faces me.

“Look at you, B,” he rasps, running his tongue along his lips and looking away when his eyes gloss over. “Little but... not.”

I chuckle and he reaches out, so I slip my hand into his.

“You’re beautiful, B.”

A small smile finds my lips, and I look up. “You’re somehow taller than I remember.”

He leads us farther toward the car he must have drove up in.

It’s nice, nicer than anything I’d expect he could afford. A classic, like he’s always wanted.

A 1969 Mustang Fastback, the exact car he had taped to his bedroom wall for as long as I can remember. I don’t have to wonder if it’s his or something he borrowed to make the drive, the plate gives him away.


Something comes over me and the tears come rushing back.

“Yeah,” he rasps. “I’m must be fucked-up in the head to reuse anything those assholes did, but I couldn’t not, so I used it right. I know four Bishop was her way of giving a gift, but there have never been four of us.” His eyes slide to mine, my sweet, protecting brother. “There’s always only ever been two. Just me and you, B.”

More stupid tears slip free as a heavy silence falls over us, and it’s devastating how uncomfortable of a feeling it is. To fill it, we slide into his car and he starts down the road.

It takes several minutes for him to finally speak. “What the hell happened, Brielle? How did you end up here?”

I shrug and answer simply. “Royce came to town, like you said he would, and then he came back and took me home with him.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you left this place?” I counter in a whisper. “I came here thinking you’d be here with me.”

“And when you realized I wasn’t, you should have come to me.”

“Once I realized you were gone, I didn’t need to run to you, Bass.”

Worry tightens his eyes. “You sure? Look at you. Are you even okay?”

I swallow. “Yeah, I’m fine. It was an accident. I ... blacked out.”

He jerks and I tense. “What do you mean, it’s happening again?”

I look away, guilt I shouldn’t feel tearing at me.

“Fuck, it never stopped,” he rasps. “But it got worse here, didn’t it?” he guesses.

“I’m fine, Bass.”

“You don’t look fine, Brielle. I know what the destruction a Bray’s path left behind looks like,” Bass snaps. “Something happens and suddenly you mean shit, if you ever meant a damn fucking thing in the first place.”

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