Home > Come What May(45)

Come What May(45)
Author: L.K. Farlow

I step into Dilly’s and instantly find Mamá, Desi, and Seraphine at a table toward the back. My daughter and my mother are seated facing me; they’re talking, laughing, and carrying on like they’ve known Seraphine forever.

The sight of it warms my heart.

Mamá sees me approaching; she nudges Desi but says nothing.

“Hopefully I didn’t keep y’all waiting,” I say, dropping my hands onto Seraphine’s shoulders.

She jumps and twists around in her seat. “Oh, my God! You snuck up on me.”

“I’m sorry,” I murmur. “What’s got y’all giggling like schoolgirls?”

Seraphine starts to reply, but Mamá speaks over her, eyes twinkling with mischief. “We were discussing wedding plans, mijo.”

Desi slaps a hand over her mouth to hold in her laughter while Seraphine looks distraught.

“Wha?” she twists back to face my mother so fast I think even I have whiplash.

Mamá shrugs innocently. “Wouldn’t a Christmas wedding be nice?”

“Oooh, yes!” Desi agrees. “We could do a cocoa bar!”

Seraphine slumps forward, covering her face with her hands. “Mateo,” she cries my name. “I swear, we we’re not talking about wedding plans!”

As an internal debate wages within be me, I pat my pocket and decide to go for broke. “Do not hide from me, Seraphine.”

“I’m not hiding,” she says—clearly hiding. “I’m just—”

“Turn around,” I tell her, sliding the velvet box from my pocket as I drop down to one knee. “Turn around so I can ask you to be my wife.”


From the corner of my eye, I notice Desi is filming the whole thing while Mamá texts furiously, no doubt texting my tía Sofia.

“Turn around so I can tell you that I want to start and end each day with you at my side.”

“Is this real?” Her voice quavers.

“Turn around, mariposita,” I urge her. “Turn around and find out.”

“Yeah, Spaz! Turn around already!”

In what feels like slow motion, Seraphine turns toward me. “Mateo,” she whispers.

“Marry me?”

Her mouth opens and closes a few times, but no words ever come out.

“Marry me and make me the happiest man on the planet.”

“Are you…are you serious right now?”

“Do I look serious?” I pop the lid on the ring box, revealing the blinding diamond nestled in a twisted halo rose gold setting. “I never thought I would get a second chance at the kind of happiness you’ve brought into my life—much less at love. Say yes—make us a family, take my name, you already have my heart.”

Random patrons yell for her to say yes, but Seraphine is frozen with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Finally, after what feels like eons, she nods.

“Yes? Is that a yes? I need to hear the words, mariposita.”

“Yes, of course. I love you, yes!”









Sucking in a sharp breath, I pause in the doorway, letting Desi and Magnolia trail ahead of me.

Lety’s backyard looks like a winter wonderland. Rows of string lights twinkle overhead, casting a magical glow. There’s garland, crimson ribbons, and twinkling lights wrapped around the deck rails and poinsettias line the steps leading down into the grass.

Prettier still is the huge wreath suspended between two shepherd’s hooks under the pergola in the yard.

But the most catching sight of all is Mateo standing under the wreath in a pitch-black suit with the most handsome lopsided grin on his face. Simon and Arrón stand with him.

Mateo stands up straighter the second he spots me. His eyes lock onto me, tracking my every movement.

My heart pitter-patters in a flurry of nerves and excitement as the first chords of Twenty-One Pilot’s rendition of “Can’t Help Falling in Love” trickles through the outdoor speakers.

I clutch my bouquet to my chest as the weight of the moment barrels into me like a freight train.

Like most little girls, I envisioned my father walking me down the aisle, but he isn’t here to do that. And while it took me a long time to come to terms with his death, I know he’s here in my heart and in spirit.

I also know he would undoubtedly bless this union, so when my groom beckons me to him with a crook of his finger, I don’t hesitate.

Not for one single second.

It takes every ounce of self-control I posses to not sprint down the aisle.

“Te ves hermosa esta noche, mariposita—you look beautiful tonight,” Mateo murmurs once I’m standing before him.

“You do too.” My chest heaves in anticipation.

Mateo strokes my cheek tenderly before stepping back so the officiant can begin.

The officiant clears his throat. “Family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the uniting of two hearts. Tonight, we will witness the joining of Mateo Reyes and Seraphine Reynolds in marriage. If there is anyone present who has just cause why this couple should not be united, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

He pauses. When no one speaks, he continues, leading us through the questions of consent and into our vows—which we opted to write ourselves.

“Seraphine, Dios me dio una segunda oportunidad contigo y no la voy a desaprovechar. Eres mi corazon, mi alma, mi luna y mi sol. Te voy a respetar y a cuidar y voy a crecer contigo en las buenas y en las malas, como tu amigo, amante y compañero. Si yo alguna vez pense que eras fragil como las alas de una mariposa, estaba equivocado. Eres fuerte y hermosa y agraciada y no puedo esperar a pasar el resto de mi vida contigo amándote.”

I sway toward him slightly as the rumble of his deep, accented voice rolls over me. “I don’t have a clue of what you just said, but whatever it was, I love you and I absolutely take you as my husband.”

Mateo fights a grin as the officiant leans down and whispers, “Not quite there yet, my dear.”

“Oh.” I duck my head. “Oops. Sorry.”

“Do not apologize, mariposita,” Mateo says, skimming a knuckle along my jaw.

More than anything, I want to plant my lips on his; but we’re definitely not to that part of the ceremony.

“What I said was, God has given me a second chance with you, and I will not waste it. You are my heart, my soul, my sun, and my moon. I will respect you, care for you, and grow with you, through good times and hard times, as your friend, lover, and partner. I once thought you were fragile, like the wings of a butterfly. I was wrong. You are strength and beauty and grace, and I am looking forward to a lifetime of loving you.”

His vows in Spanish had me swooning, but hearing him pledge himself to me in front of God, our friends, and family in English has me ready to get him alone so we can seal our vows with our bodies instead of words.

I tamp down the urge and instead recite vows of my own. “How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love for me and trust in me make me a better person daily. You’re everything I never knew I needed and fill a void in me I never knew existed. You were there for my darkest moments. You believed in me when I didn’t. When I was spiraling out of control, you grounded me. Because of you, I know I am enough. I know I am worthy, wanted, and loved—and I can’t wait to make sure you know the same, day in and day out, for the rest of our lives. I love you, Mateo, and I am proud to call you my husband.”

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