Home > Weathering The Storm (Born Bratva The Lost Years #3)(2)

Weathering The Storm (Born Bratva The Lost Years #3)(2)
Author: Suzanne Steele

Sip flipped her over and thrust into her from root to tip. There was no gentle touch now; only a taking of what belonged to him. He grabbed her hips forcing her to take every inch of him. Once again, an orgasm rolled through her as he climaxed filling her with his seed.

He waited until their heart rates were back to normal and he was holding her in his arms. “We have to go meet Glazov today, Tee.”

Tee could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She hated these meetings. It was an hour of feeling like the man was a human lie detector and she was the one under interrogation. Alexander Glazov didn’t trust anyone. She wondered if he would ever trust her. She had no hidden motives or agendas but in Glazov’s eyes, she was still an outsider who needed to be watched. She was certain the only reason she was permitted to stay was because of Novak and the soft spot he had for her. They were like brother and sister and the relationship between Novak and Tee was easygoing. She hoped Novak would be at the meeting. It was always easier when he was.

“I know this isn’t easy but if we’re going to be together the Pakhan is part of the deal. If it’s any consolation Glazov is a hard ass with everyone. The man has a lot to lose—he’s just protecting it. Let’s just do this and get it over with.”

Tee wondered if it would ever be over or if she’d always be an outsider. Maybe she needed to make friends with some of the Born Bratva women; it couldn’t hurt.

It’s been a long time, Sip. How much time before the man trusts me? How many meetings do I have to go to before he no longer feels the need for monthly interrogations? I swear if I didn’t know any better I’d swear he singled me out to pick on.”

“Being the new kid on the block is never an easy thing, Tee. I can’t answer that question. Born Bratva is Glazov’s game and we play by his rules. One day he’ll surprise you and put us on a job. That will be the time you know he’s beginning to let you into the Born Bratva fold. Until then we make the meetings.”

Tee made up her mind she’d be ready for that job—anything to be free of the feeling of being an outsider. What she didn’t realize was in Glazov’s mind it wasn’t just an issue of trust; he was building character in the newest addition to the Born Bratva family. By purposely putting Tee in awkward situations he was forcing her to do it afraid. Fear was a normal emotion but only the strong could make themselves do something they didn’t want to. By forcing Tee to walk through her fear and do it afraid he was birthing a Born Bratva woman who would have the tenacity to remain loyal when times got hard. There was always a method to Alexander Glazov’s madness. The fact he was investing time in her spoke volumes to the truth he saw something in Tee that would be beneficial to the organization for years to come. She was the stuff Born Bratva women were made of, but he wasn’t going to tell her that; better to let her stew so character and resolve would be established.



Chapter Two

Kathleen brushed Glazov’s hair and put it back in a ponytail for him. Though he was a hard man there was a soft side to him when it came to his wife. He’d forced her to marry him and it had been the best decision he’d ever made. She fit him as if she’d been hand formed by the Born Bratva gods for the Pakhan. Before Kathleen, his life had been a shroud of one-night stands with women who were overdone beauties seeking the power that came with being married to a gangster. Kathleen hadn’t cared about his power or prestige and her resistance and determination to avoid him had only caused his obsession for her to deepen. Now…he couldn’t imagine life before her, and he damn sure couldn’t imagine his life without her. Even though she wore his wedding band and had borne his children she still presented a challenge that kept him on his toes. She had captivated him from day one and his intrigue with her had only grown over time.

When she was finished, she walked around and stood in front of him; squeezing her body between his legs where he was seated in his office chair. She cupped his face in her hands forcing him to look her in the eye. She could see his eyes darken and his nostrils flare as if he could smell her pheromones. She of all people knew he was a man in touch with his primal side and it never failed to excite her.

“I love you, Glazov. I never thought I could when you forced me to marry you.”

Glazov took a strand of her hair and rubbed it between two fingers studying it. She had beautiful, natural, red hair. It was one of the things that had drawn him to her in the beginning. He’d never forget seeing her on surveillance tape when she came into his gambling house. It had been like he’d been gut-punched and the air was knocked out of him. No other woman had ever affected him like Kathleen. It was the moment he knew he’d do anything to make her his.

“I love you too, Kathleen, and I love the children you’ve given me. You’re the perfect wife and mother. Our children have gone from being babies to little people so quickly. I feel like I blinked, and it was over.” There was a sadness in his eyes that pulled at her heartstrings. The realization he was feeling the ups and downs of parenting pleased her. When it came to his family Glazov was always consistent with each action and emotion. So many men didn’t connect with their offspring but Glazov felt every high and low with an intensity only a man like him could feel. He was an oxymoron at times, either as cold as ice or as intense as a raging inferno that threatened to take out everything in its path. There was no mediocre when it came to Alexander Glazov. It was one of the things that caused his wife to remain so deeply in love with him.

“Coming from the Pakhan being a good mother is quite the compliment.” She smiled and then her face took on a serious expression. “This is what you wanted Glazov: children to grow up and take over what you’ve spent a lifetime building. Enjoy the little people years. It’s the years you get to watch their personalities develop and there’s nothing like it. Watch them; direct them in the natural bent of their personalities and they’ll assume the positions that fit them. A wise man allows his children to be themselves.”

Though Glazov smiled there was still a look of deep contemplation in his eyes. A chill ran through Kathleen as she wondered what awaited the Glazov children. More than once she’d felt the heavy burden of the realization her children were born royalty. Heavy is the head, she thought to herself.

“On another note how do you feel about Tee?” It wasn’t the first time he’d sought her opinion concerning business and it wouldn’t be the last. Unlike most Pakhans he considered her opinion to be important. Kathleen would pick up on things as a woman that he’d miss as a man. He would never let his pride get in the way of good counsel. His wife’s sixth sense was worth her weight in gold and more than once her insight had saved him from a world of trouble. One mistake in his line of work was all it took to take down a kingdom. Years of hard work could be undone by one bad decision. Yes…the responsibility that went with being the Pakhan was a heavy one indeed.

“Glazov, I know trust is an intricate part of the business. It took a hell of a lot of nerve for Tee to burn those tattoos off Benzo’s knees. I don’t think I could do something like that. I can’t imagine the smell of burning flesh. It’s the kind of memory that stays with you for life. I’ve heard stories where hardened soldiers couldn’t stand the smell of anything burning when they came back from war—even something as simple as a family BBQ would trigger them and send them into an anxiety attack. It was Sip who helped her. I think they love each other. She committed a crime and that puts her in a position of having to stay. I think she’ll be fine. Once someone has participated in a torture session it isn’t like you can walk away from the crime you committed. Simply put…Tee was in on that murder so it isn’t like she can go to the authorities. She’s in as much danger of going to prison as any of us.”

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