Home > The Holiday Slay(18)

The Holiday Slay(18)
Author: J. A. Whiting

“You didn’t expect that?”

“No, Carol was here because of her husband and Culpepper House. She said the restaurant is not doing as well as everyone thinks. In fact, she said her husband is looking for a buyer, but Clive’s brother and sister want the restaurant to stay family-owned. The place has been in the family for generations. But there’s a partner who wants his investment returned. It’s rather sticky, if you know what I mean.”

“Then you think Clive and Carol are moving?” Hope asked.

“Carol was unclear about that. Certainly, if Culpepper sells, I would expect them to leave Castle Park. They both have made their share of enemies. Of course, that sort of behavior will travel with them. I suspect they’ll have difficulties wherever they go. People like to think they can change, but real change rarely happens.”

“Sort of like the Dagens of the world,” Hope suggested. “Well, I have to admit that I won’t be sorry to see Carol leave, but I will wish her good luck.”

“The faculty at school won’t miss her. But I like to think they hope she succeeds. Might I have another cup?”

“Loaded or unloaded?” Hope asked.

“Why, honey, I think one exactly like the last will do quite nicely.”

As Hope prepared the coffee, Wanda continued to speak.

“I have another reason for seeing you tonight,” Wanda said. “Something dear to both our hearts.”

“Another miracle?” Hope passed the coffee mug to her guest.

“No, not this time. It’s the journals. I’ve brought them with me.”

Hope’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, thank you so much. With the holiday and all, I didn’t think you’d have the time to deliver the journals until after Christmas.”

“My plans changed. I have a sister in Florida, who is having a health problem. She’d like all of us together for Christmas.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I hope her health improves,” Hope said.

“We all do. Sometimes there isn’t anything you can do but pray for a miracle.”

Hope reached across the table and took Wanda’s hand. “Make sure you do something this Christmas that you’ll all remember.”

“Oh, we will. I’ve taken up most of your evening, dear, and yet, I have one more request.”

“What can I help with?” Hope asked.

“When you read the journals, will you tell me if you find anything interesting? Anything that will help with whatever project you’re doing?”

“Of course. How could I keep it a secret?”

“Oh, there are many ways to keep a secret. The only sure way is to never tell anyone.”

Hope laughed, and Wanda smiled.

That night, Hope was tempted to start on the journals, but she resisted the urge. She placed the satchel in the family room. The writings of a century ago could wait a little longer.

“What did the principal want?” Cori asked at bedtime. “You still have a job, right?”

“I’m still a teacher in good standing,” Hope answered. “Principal Basset brought me some reading material. Old journals.”

“Why did she do that?”

“She knows I have an interest in history.”

“That stuff I looked up for you on the internet?”

“Yep, that’s it.”

“Are you going to write a book?”

“Not likely, but I might.”

“You should.” Cori smiled. “Do I get to sleep in tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Hope said. “But not all day.”

“And home alone?”

The corners of Hope’s mouth turned up. “Why doesn’t that question give me comfort?”

“I won’t do anything silly,” Cori said. “Can I go to Lottie’s?”

“Yes, but not all day. You don’t want her parents to get to know you. They might rescind their invitation.”

“Ha, ha, right,” Cori deadpanned. “But it’s too late … they already know me.”

“Which reminds me,” Hope said. “I need to read that email Lottie’s mom sent me. Go to sleep now.”

“Are you going to let me go to Hawaii with them?”

“I’m leaning that way. But you know that could change at any moment.”

Cori hugged her mom. “Thank you.”

“You’re not in Hawaii yet. Be good.”

“I will be.”

Hope kissed Cori good night and went to her attic office. There, she went through her email and read the message from Lottie’s mother. The itinerary for the Hawaiian vacation was simple. Fly from Raleigh to the big island, spend five days, fly home. Since they used credit card points for the tickets, there was no cost. The rooms were also on points, so flight and room and car cost them nothing. Hope wondered how they had managed to accumulate so many points, but it didn’t matter. Hope’s only outlay would be Cori’s spending money, and she had the money for that. The bonus from the bakery would do nicely. She would have to buy a nice gift for the family. No, she would host a pre-flight party. That would be a nice thing to do.

“Mrs. Herring.”

Hope turned to the ghost, who smiled.

“Max, is everything okay?”

“Yes, and I don’t suppose you have any news.”

“Not really.” Hope thought a moment. “But I have a task, if you’re up to it.”

“Say the word. I am at your service.”

“Wanda Basset, the school principal brought over a satchel of old journals that her family has owned for some time. They include, I believe, the year of your death. How would you like to read them?”

His face broke into a smile. “Nothing would please me more.”

“They’re downstairs in the family room, but I’ll bring them up here so you can read through them.”

“I’ll fetch them,” he said.

Hope suggested, “In the middle of the night, when no one can see.”

“Precisely. And I will be diligent. No one will see a book hanging in the air and turning its own pages.” Max grinned.

“That will work.”

“Do you think, perhaps, that they will contain useful information?”

“I doubt you will find a confession, but they might contain clues, pointers to the next step in the journey to solving your murder.”

“This is most exciting. I can hardly wait.”

“If you do find something, write it down for me, please?”

“I shall render a full accounting of anything I deem pertinent.”

“Perfect. The journals probably contain nothing useful, but you never know.”

“But reading them is something. I enjoy the days when there is something to do.”

Hope smiled at her ghost. “I hope we find something helpful in them.”

“Good night, Mrs. Herring. Thank you very much.”

“Good night, Max.” Hope watched the spirit disappear which always instilled a bit of fear ... what if she never saw him again?

She turned back to her computer and wrote a message to Lottie’s mother. The note gave permission for Cori to join the Hawaiian trip, and it invited them to Hope’s house for a bon voyage dinner. She didn’t think about being alone on New Year’s Eve. She would face that when it came.

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