Home > A Country Dilemma(14)

A Country Dilemma(14)
Author: Sasha Morgan




‘Daddy!’ Daniel opened the front gate to his parents’ house and watched Emily run down the pathway to greet him. He crouched down, arms open wide as she bolted into him.

‘Emily.’ He hugged her hard and breathed her in, then kissed the top of her blonde head.

‘Daddy, Grandma says we’re going on holiday?’ She beamed up at him excitedly.

‘We certainly are, Sweet Pea.’ He lifted her up and walked down the path. His mum was standing by the open door smiling and waving. His dad was behind her. Once inside he asked, ‘Everything all right?’ That was code for “Did Jenna drop her off without any hassle?”

‘Yes, love, everything’s fine,’ his mum reassured him. Daniel looked to his dad for confirmation, knowing how his mum had a tendency to smooth over situations, without letting on the whole truth sometimes. The firm nod of his head told Daniel that all was well.

‘Good. Right then, Emily, do you know where we’re going on holiday?’

‘The Codswallops,’ she replied, making everyone laugh.

‘The Cotswolds,’ corrected Daniel with a grin. How he loved this child of his, with her big, blue eyes, cute button nose and blonde waves. His mum had tied them into a ponytail with a lemon satin ribbon. Jenna would never have done that; she’d think it too twee. ‘And tonight, we are going to a see a play in the woods.’

‘What’s a play?’

‘It’s when people act out a story, like the pantomime we went to at Christmas, remember?’

Emily’s face lit up. ‘Yes!’ She started to jump on the spot. ‘Will there be a horse?’ She was referring to the panto horse, which she’d howled with laughter at.

‘Hmm, kind of. A man grows donkey’s ears, which is like a horse.’

‘Oh.’ She gave a puzzled look. ‘What’s he called?’

‘Bottom,’ Daniel replied, knowing full well what was coming next.

Emily started to giggle. ‘Don’t be silly, Daddy!’

‘He is,’ insisted Daniel with a grin. His mum and dad looked on, obviously loving the interaction.

‘Emily, why don’t you show Daddy your new dress? It’s upstairs on your bed, sweetheart.’ His mum obviously had something to tell him and his stomach contracted slightly. As soon as Emily had disappeared, he looked at his parents.

‘You’ve a letter, son.’ His dad handed him the white envelope. Judging by their serious expressions, they’d guessed it was an official correspondence. Daniel placed it in his back pocket. Not wanting to spoil the day, he chose to read it another time when he was alone.

There was a moment’s silence. Then he told them about Keeper’s Cottage and how he’d contacted the Treweham estate.

‘It sounds ideal, love. Do you think Lord Cavendish-Blake will let you have it?’ asked his mum.

‘Possibly, at the right price,’ he replied.

‘Everything has a price,’ his dad added, whilst Emily came into the room proudly wearing her new dress.

‘Look, Daddy!’

‘Emily, you look beautiful,’ he gushed, picking her up to sit on his knee. After spending time with his parents, he and Emily set off back to Treweham. He loved having her in the car, chatting away and looking out of the window. He didn’t want moments like this to end. His heart was breaking at the possibility.


Back in The Templar, Christie was at pains to make sure everything was just right in the new family room. Instead of putting in a sofa bed, she had opted for a day bed. The room was plenty big enough and the white, iron, open bed with pretty patchwork bedding looked more suitable for a little girl than a sofa bed that would have to be set up every night. Who wanted that fuss on holiday? Christie had thought about bunk beds for the future, but was undecided. Looking round the room, she gave it one last inspection. Had she more time to prepare, Christie had thought about buying a trunk to put toys in, but she was clueless as to what toys to buy. A nasty voice entered her head, “Stephen will soon know,” it whispered with malevolence. A dull pain throbbed in her chest.

Stop it, she told herself, concentrate on what’s going on in your life. Then, as a welcome distraction, she looked out through the window and saw Daniel pull onto the car park. She smiled and watched him open the door for his daughter. What a cutie! Out popped a blonde tiny tot in a pink dress and matching pink, glittered pumps, carrying a teddy bear. She was skipping, obviously excited to be here with her dad. Christie’s heart melted. Again her mind cast back to Stephen. Would he have a son or daughter? Gulping back the tears, she made her way down to reception to greet them.

Dermot had beat her to it. By the time she had got down the stairs, he was chatting away to them. He glanced over at her as she approached them.

‘Ah, here she is. Emily, meet Christie. This lady has been getting your room ready.’ Christie bent down to the little girl’s level.

‘Hello there, Emily.’ She smiled.

‘Hello, can I see my room please?’

‘Of course, come on, I’ll show you.’ Expecting Daniel to follow them, Christie was surprised when Emily automatically took her hand.

Daniel grinned. ‘You go on ahead, I’ll bring in the cases.’

Entering the room, Christie looked anxiously at Emily for her reaction and was filled with relief when her face lit up.

‘Is this my bed?’ She ran and sat on it.

‘Yes, do you like it?’

‘Yes! And so does Snuggles.’ The teddy bear she’d been carrying had been plonked on the pillow.

‘Good. I’m glad.’ Christie laughed.

Daniel entered the room. ‘Everything to madam’s liking?’

‘Look, Daddy, this is my bed.’

‘So I see,’ he replied, then turned to Christie. ‘Thanks. That’s a lovely touch, better than a sofa bed on second thoughts, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, saves on messing about—’

‘We’re going to a play in the woods tonight,’ interrupted Emily.

‘Are you?’ Christie smiled.

‘Will you come with us?’ asked Emily, staring up expectantly.

‘Oh, I…’

‘If you’re not too busy, we’d love you to join us,’ said Daniel softly, looking into her eyes.

Christie swallowed. How handsome he was with those mesmerising eyes. ‘Err… well yes then, thank you, that would be lovely.’

‘Yes, but there’s a bottom in it, with donkey ears,’ warned Emily, folding her arms, making Christie laugh out loud once more.




A tense, nervous thrill hung in the air, as was always the case for an opening night. But for Sebastian, this wasn’t just any opening night, it was his first production. Tonight’s performance would make or break The Folly Players. A lot was hinging on the next few hours. He knew full well the critics would be out there, ready to analyse and appraise, not just the acting, but the performance as a whole – its venue, scenery, costumes and direction – all of which Sebastian was responsible for.

A fine layer of perspiration covered him. He dropped the programme he’d been clutching. It fell to the floor, open with the central pages showing the cast and the team who had made this happen. His eyes homed in on Jamie’s photograph and for a moment all the anxiety evaporated. There he was, his closest ally and confidant. Where would he be without him? His eyes then cast over his own portrait, making him chuckle. With pointy ears and horns, and a mischievous grin, Sebastian made the perfect Puck. Originally he’d wanted a minor role, but couldn’t resist playing the clever, impish jester of a fairy. Well, who better? the rest of the cast had joked.

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