Home > A Country Dilemma(9)

A Country Dilemma(9)
Author: Sasha Morgan

‘For you, anything.’ He kissed her cream shoulder, sprinkled with freckles. Finula ran her hands across his dark, broad chest and reached her lips to his, kissing him gently. He tugged her flimsy nightdress up over her head and flung it across the bed. ‘Come here,’ he whispered thickly and pulled her fully on top of him. Finula snuggled into his warm, lean body, enjoying the feel of his touch as he stroked her back and bottom. She loved the smell of him, drinking in that familiar citrus scent. Leaning up, her eyes met his and she smiled. Her breasts were grazing his chest and she felt the stirring of his erection against her thighs.

‘Just think, in two months’ time, we’ll be husband and wife,’ she said gently in between kisses.

‘We sure will, darlin’,’ he replied, slowly easing himself into her.




Daniel sighed as he waited for his breakfast in the dining room. Only one more day left at The Templar and he was due to go home. If that’s what his parents’ house was, he thought sadly. How had it come to this? He reflected over the happy times with Jenna, when she held him in high esteem and he enjoyed her carefree company. They’d always been opposites, but then wasn’t that the attraction in the first place? He had been a solid influence, with a promising career, whilst Jenna’s sense of fun had been a breath of fresh air. Together they had made a home, albeit at his expense, but it hadn’t mattered at the time; he was just happy to be with her. Then along came Emily, their beautiful daughter – it was all he’d ever wished for, a contented family life.

But as the years passed by, a growing unease had rooted. Jenna clearly hadn’t taken to motherhood, preferring the company of her friends to that of a small child she had to occupy. It bored her being at home all day with Emily. Jenna hadn’t been one for the mum and toddler groups. The thought of a bunch of cackling mothers, cooing over their children made her eyes roll. Basically, Daniel concluded, she was selfish. He’d seen the way Jenna always put herself first and he’d started to voice his concerns. Jenna wouldn’t listen, refusing to admit she was a bad mother.

Daniel recalled one Christmas morning when Emily had been three years old. Instead of making the most of the precious time with their excited daughter, she’d stayed in bed with a hangover from the night before, only rising to pick at the Christmas dinner he’d made for them. His parents had been there, quietly accepting Jenna’s inappropriate behaviour. Although they’d never said a word to Daniel, he knew they didn’t approve of her. Well, who could blame them? Forever taking them for granted with her constant requests to babysit at every opportunity and never actually thanking them. They saw first-hand how miserable she had gradually made their son and resented her for it, not to mention the blatant neglect of their granddaughter.

Daniel sighed again. Once more his mood was beginning to sink to a low. He honestly thought that finding a prospective home in an area such as the Cotswolds would be the fresh start he desperately needed – somewhere he could settle down nicely with Emily. The horror of his little girl moving to Liverpool gripped his stomach, just as his full English was placed down before him.

‘Thank you.’ He attempted a smile at the young girl waiting on the tables.

‘No problem.’ She flashed her most dazzling beam at him. He didn’t react. Instead he cast his eyes on the printed house details he’d brought down with him. He had just two more cottages to view. The four he’d looked at in the surrounding area hadn’t met his expectations, not that they were too high. Surely wanting at least two bedrooms with two reception rooms, a decent-sized kitchen and a biggish garden wasn’t asking too much? Apparently so, on his budget anyway.

His intention was to work from home more, enabling him more time with Emily, therefore he had to have a room to designate as an office, or some kind of outbuilding he could renovate to a studio. But it just wasn’t happening. They were either too small, not quite in the right location or were listed, thereby restricting any renovations he might want. His parents had even offered to sell and relocate with him, joining funds to get somewhere together, but Daniel had gratefully declined. He wanted it to be just his and Emily’s home.

Looking at the two houses left, his hopes weren’t particularly high. They looked to be of similar ilk to the other properties he’d viewed, essentially charming on the outside with honey-coloured stone, covered in wisteria and roses blooming round the door, but poky and dark on the inside. He felt his future dream slipping through his fingers and gulped back his steaming tea. It burnt his lips, making him wince. Deciding he couldn’t face eating after all, he collected his paperwork and made his way through to the reception area. Christie was displaying leaflets on the shelves by the desk and smiled at him as he passed.

‘Morning!’ she called cheerily.

Daniel stopped. ‘Hi, Christie.’ Then looked at what she was holding.

‘They’re local walks – fancy one?’ He hesitated, badly wanting to get out there, deep into the countryside to clear his head, yet debating whether he’d have enough time. He was due to meet the estate agents that morning, but hopefully he’d be free in the afternoon.

‘Yeah, why not?’ He smiled and took a leaflet from her.

She, in turn, looked at what he had in his hand.

‘House specs,’ he informed her, ‘I’m looking to buy a property in the area.’

‘Really?’ This surprised Christie.

‘Hmm, if I can find the right one.’ He showed her the brochures for two cottages.

‘They look pretty.’ But fairly small, she thought. Was this to be just for him, or a family home?

‘They do, but not sure how practical they’re going to be for me and my little girl.’

‘Oh, right. How old is your little girl?’ She smiled, genuinely interested. Daniel’s face immediately softened.

‘Emily’s four. She’s due to start school this September, which is why I want to get somewhere quite quickly.’

‘I see.’ Christie nodded her head and sensed his dilemma. He was due to check out tomorrow.

‘Anyway, thanks for this.’ He waved the leaflet in the air and went up the stairs to his room, leaving Christie deep in thought, and with an idea hovering on the surface.


The morning proved to be just as he suspected. Whilst both properties did have good points, they sadly didn’t tick all of Daniel’s boxes. The local schools also hadn’t rated as highly as he’d liked. He drove back to The Templar in low spirits, so decided to take that walk after all to lift his mood a little.

After surveying the map, he made his way over the small, humped-back bridge, past the church and the village green and took the public footpath to the side of Treweham Hall, which led partly through the woods. Breathing in the spring, country air he could feel himself unwind. Just listening to the stream gently trickle through the woodland and smelling the earthy, wild garlic made his shoulders relax and his heart beat rhythmically, instead of pounding through his chest. He had a real affinity with this place.

He heard voices in the distance and peered through the leafy branches. Narrowing his eyes, he saw a group of people outside some kind of tall building. They appeared to be in costume. Then he realised, they must be the actors, “The Folly Players” as advertised on the posters dotted about the village and in the reception area at The Templar. He smiled, thinking how quaint it was to have something like that on your doorstep. Following further along the footpath, he found it veered right onto a slight opening, where trees had evidently been felled to make a clearing for the stone house that was standing rather neglected by the side of the woods.

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