Home > Age of Deception (The Firebird Chronicles #2)(100)

Age of Deception (The Firebird Chronicles #2)(100)
Author: T.A. White

Kira stopped. "And who decides the criteria needed to pass."

His look was significant. "The Mea'Ave."

Kira's frown was troubled as she took in the room and its doors. She didn't like the thought of trusting the fate of an entire people to an entity she understood so little of.

"Come on. We should continue," Wren said.

Kira hesitated, glancing around one last time. She had a feeling these doors were only the beginning. What kind of power would they bestow on a person?

A dozen worlds existed here; a dozen chances to conquer.

Or to escape into.

They drew to an abrupt stop as they sensed another's presence at the same time.

Kira frowned as a figure stepped out of the shadows. "Joule, what are you doing here?"

He didn't answer, stepping further into view, his hands held up, palms facing them.

"Behind him," Jin warned.

Wren crouched, his hand sliding to the pommel of his en-blade as Aeron moved into view, a Tuann zuipi aimed at Joule's back.

"Surprised?" Aeron asked.

Kira shrugged. "Not really. Having someone pose as an initiate is the most logical choice if the Tsavitee planned to infiltrate Roake."

The initiates were essentially strangers to Roake. Any idiosyncrasies would be easy to overlook.

"Lothos did say you were clever." Aeron's smile lacked its normal cheeriness.

Kira struggled not to look at Joule. His terror would only slow her reflexes and make her job harder.

"I had a feeling you would find your way here.” Aeron nudged Joule. “It’s why I brought insurance. The others were clear that you had an overdeveloped need to protect people. Threaten someone you care about, and you're powerless."

This time Kira held quiet as the lizard slowly slipped from around her neck, making his way under her jacket and onto her back as he headed for the ground.

Kira hoped Aeron didn't notice.

It was possible. The room was dim, and he was far away.

"No response?" he asked. "Not even a sarcastic quip or a meaningless attempt at convincing me he doesn't matter to you?"

"Why waste my breath? It's obvious you've got me. Let him go and then finish the job."

Scorn filled his expression as he abruptly pointed the zuipi at her. "Do you think I'm here for you?"

Kira blinked. Was that a trick question?

"I take it you're not?" Her tone rose, making the statement a question.

Rather than answer, Aeron fired the zuipi, a bolt heading straight for Kira. Wren appeared in front of her like a ghost, his blade deflecting it.

"Joule, run," Kira shouted.

Joule wasted no time, darting behind one of the doorways.

Aeron cursed, letting him go. Joule was the least of his problem right now.

Wren launched toward Aeron, appearing in front of him in the next second. His en-blade whistled as it sliced through the air. Aeron whipped out of the way, his weapon rising.

It was no use. Wren was already gone again, his attack shifting.

"Are you all right?" Kira shouted at Joule.

His head popped out of his hiding place, and he nodded.

Kira breathed a sigh of relief. Good.

She glanced from him to where the other two fought, wanting to join the battle but also needing Joule safe.

"Go, I'm fine," he said, reading the struggle on her face.

Kira hesitated. It went against the grain to leave someone she cared for unprotected.

"I won't make a very good Overlord if I constantly rely on others to protect me." Joule's gaze was steady. A confidence there that was new. He brought his hands together, creating the pattern for a shield. "Besides, I have this."

Kira's smile was slow in coming. He did indeed. Not so defenseless after all.

She nodded at him. His face was serious as he returned the gesture.

"All right then." She raced into the fray.

Aeron saw her coming, one hand sweeping up in a gesture that had become familiar over the last few weeks. Kira sidestepped the strike, barely pausing as she barreled toward them.

Wren took advantage of Aeron's distraction, planting his foot and shifting the direction of his slice.

It was the first time Kira had seen Wren in action. He didn't disappoint. Every movement was efficient. Nothing wasted. He moved with power and decisiveness; his defense nearly impenetrable even as he attacked.

Kira had a brief second to be grateful he wasn't her enemy. That was all she had time for as she launched an attack of her own, hoping to capitalize on Wren's distraction.

Aeron was surprisingly nimble as he evaded the two of them. Quicker than anything he'd shown in training.

Wren and Kira worked together, reading each other's movements as they coordinated their attacks. Kira was at a slight disadvantage since she had no blade to wield, but she didn't let that stop her, hitting Aeron as soon as Wren regrouped.

The tactic kept the Tsavitee mole off-balance, not allowing him to think beyond the next second. Soon he was fielding their assaults more than he was attacking.

Wren and Kira pressed harder, there when the other withdrew. Timing and precision were key. If either one misjudged even a little, it would result in friendly fire or death by Aeron's hands.

Gradually, Aeron was forced back, step-by-step. He was tiring. It wouldn't be long now.

Aeron faltered. Kira was there in the next second, her fist already cocked as she hammered a blow into his side. He grunted, stumbling.

Kira tasted victory.

Power crackled through the air. A primal part of her screamed danger. She broke off her attack. Too late.

She reached for her ki, desperate as it flickered and sputtered in her grip.

Out of the corner of her eye, fire and pain raced for her, impossible to evade.

"Kira!" Joule screamed.

Wren barreled into her. Kira stumbled, falling to the ground. Power sizzled at her back, white-hot heat scorching her senses.

A grunt of pain came from Wren as he hit his knees seconds later.

She scrambled upright, his stunned eyes meeting hers as he toppled to his side.

"No," she moaned.

Get on your feet. Grieve later. Survive now. The fight isn't done yet, the logical side of her said.

Loudon stepped into view; his eyes sad as he gazed at his former friend. The air around him was still saturated with the ki he'd channeled.

"Why would you do that?" Kira asked.

Aeron moved toward his side. "Because he's a traitor; that's what traitors do."

They strike from behind when you least expect it.

The serenity and sense of purpose Kira normally associated with Loudon was absent today, leaving behind a cruelness she hadn't seen before now.

"This is your fault," he told her. "If you hadn't come here, I wouldn't have had to do this."

Kira laugh was mocking. "This should be good."

"You forced my hand," Loudon said. "Just like your father and mother did."

The world around her faded, the swoosh of her blood drowning out the sound of everything else as Kira fought to stay where she was.

This was the man responsible for everything. Whatever fucked up reason he'd used to convince himself of his righteousness, Kira didn't care.

He was going to die today.

It looked like her uncle was going to have to wait his turn for revenge. This was one wrong Kira looked forward to correcting.

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