Home > I Love You, I Hate You, I Miss You(2)

I Love You, I Hate You, I Miss You(2)
Author: L.A. Michaels

   Lily Hamm walked over. She was the closest thing that he had to a friend. Noah knew that technically they were just friends, not close friends, but still. They really didn’t hang out after school. “Hey, Noah! Did you finish your college essay?” Lily asked.

   “Not yet. I mean, I don’t understand the point of writing a college essay for a school that doesn’t exist,” he explained.

   She looked confused as they continued to walk. “I don’t understand what you mean. We have to use it to send to Wichita State and KU.”

   “Yeah, and the essay topic is not on either of their sites. You also do know that you can apply to just about any school you want, right? I mean, you have a 4.0.” This was what Noah dreaded. The fact that he knew so many smart kids who never wanted to travel more than fifty miles away for school, only to move right back home after. It seemed so pointless, as half of them ended up working in factories.

   “I don’t know… I’d rather not risk paying out of state costs,” Lily explained. That was the standard answer given by any kid in this school and most in the state, at least in Noah’s mind. Before either could say another word, a boy came up to Lily and started to grab her ass. She turned around and started to kiss him. He had a letterman jacket on with the school colors, coral, and orange. The boy happened to be her boyfriend, Ned Ran. Ned was all right looking and was somewhat built, but he wasn’t really attractive in the face. At least Noah didn’t think so. Lily loved him, but Ned never said he loved her back. In his honest opinion, Lily and Ned were not a match made in heaven. Yet, they would probably end up married after high school.

   The bell for the first mod started. His first class was actually volunteering in the counseling office. He somehow got class credit for this. He wasn’t entirely sure why but he did. It was mostly just setting up appointments for kids, handing out pamphlets on abstinence, planned parenthood, and why God was always watching. There were no pamphlets on colleges or condoms found in this office though. You know, practical things that one would assume to find in such a place. There were six counselors at the school. His own counselor, Mrs. Barker, was pretty useless. When he had first come out during his freshman year, she had arranged a meeting. She explained that she had no issues with homosexuals but that God might have a different view, and he should worry that some of the other kids might not be as accepting. It essentially ended with her explaining that because he had chosen to come out in high school, it was a verbal contract that any bullying, harassment, or threats that came his way were his own problem. The school would not get involved or side with him. It was a lovely meeting that ended with him in tears in a bathroom stall. Cheryl had bitched the school out, but that didn’t really do much in a tone-deaf environment.

   Luckily, Noah was rather invisible in the school because of its size. Yet, inevitably, he was always the gay kid, or more eloquently put, the homosexual. He wasn’t Noah Peters; he wasn’t the blond boy; he wasn’t Brick’s younger brother; he was the gay kid.

   Noah sat down at his desk and took out his notebook. He would get some studying done for his math test in the next mod. Not many kids actually used the counseling office, especially not this early on in the fall semester.

   The door to Mrs. Barker’s office opened up, and the short, plump woman with frizzy brown but graying hair walked out. She was wearing a purple dress that highlighted her large cleavage. Whom was she trying to impress? Noah was still trying to figure that out three years later. A tall, brown-haired boy walked out after her. He had a smile on his face, and Noah couldn’t figure out why.

   “Noah… Where are Amy and Luna?” Mrs. Barker asked.

   He shrugged, “Late? I don’t know…” He hadn’t seen Amy or Luna since the first day of the semester over a month ago.

   The counselor sighed, “Very well… I guess you will have to do this.” She said ‘you’ as if he was the worst of the worst in terms of options. “I need someone to be Timothy’s study buddy for the week. I’ll line up your schedules as much as possible. I’ll have it done by the time you are done giving him the school tour.” She grabbed a hall pass and, with reluctance in her eyes, handed it to Noah “I’ll expect you back ten minutes before the end of the mod.”

   Noah wanted to ask if she would attempt to look into why Amy and Luna were not here. He didn’t, though. “All right,” he said as he looked at Timothy again. Having a name for the boy made him a little bit more attractive for some reason. He needed to snap out of it. He knew better than to look at a guy for a form of attraction. That wasn’t how it was done. Noah would get a note to meet a guy in his car at lunchtime where they would kiss, and he would be offered the chance to suck them off. Then he would practically be choked out after they came in his mouth without warning. The choking didn’t come from their cum. It came from them, grabbing him tightly and telling him that he couldn’t tell anyone. They also said they weren’t gay, just horny, and it didn’t count because they only kissed for like a second, and Noah sucked their cock, and they didn’t touch him.

   He shook Timothy’s hand and smiled, “Hey. I’m Noah,” he explained.

   Timothy shook his hand back. He had the strongest grip ever for a rather thin kid. “Nice to meet you! I’m Timothy Powel.” He had a deep and sexy voice. Noah once again personally told himself to fuck off. He wasn’t allowed to have feelings for guys around here.

   “Cool…” That was all the blond boy really could get out. His hand hurt a little bit. He looked at the clock. They had an hour and thirty minutes, and Mrs. Barker wanted them back ten minutes before the end of the mod. “I guess I’ll show you around,” Noah said.

   “Cool!” Timothy said back. It was weird to hear a guy with such a deep voice sound so chipper.

   Noah led him outside of the counseling office. He looked around for a minute and decided to go towards the cafeteria. “So, obviously, the cafeteria is in what is essentially the lobby, I guess. You already know where the main office and counseling rooms are. I guess I could show you the library. I’m sure you will want to know where the gym is,” Noah said.

   “Why do you assume I want to know where the gym is?” Timothy asked.

   He didn’t really know. It was just an assumption, but most guys did. Plus, Timothy was tall. Most tall guys, regardless of talent, wanted to play basketball. “Oh, I don’t know,” Noah mumbled.

   The brunet haired boy laughed, “Nah, I actually do want to see the gym. I played basketball at my old school.”

   So, stereotyping paid off for the first and only time ever, “We have four different gyms: the main one where we have pep rallies, and the basketball games. Then the one where they have gym class. We also have a workout style gym. Plus, a volleyball/indoor tennis court gym.” The school was currently trying to raise more money for a fifth gym. It was undecided what the gym would be designated for.

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