Home > Buried in Secrets (Carly Moore #4)(36)

Buried in Secrets (Carly Moore #4)(36)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

“So you’re doin’ this to bring in more business to the tavern?” she asked in a firm tone. “I hear you aren’t charging.”

“I love helping kids, and three-thirty to five is our slow time. So it gives me something to do, and it’s a way to give back to the community. Win/win.”

“But you don’t have a degree,” she said. “You don’t understand the state standards.”

I took another sip of my drink, stalling. I did know the state standards. I’d looked them up, but a retail clerk likely wouldn’t know. “I can assure you that I’m not harming their education in any way. I’m only bolstering them.”

“I know you aren’t harming them,” she said, her tone still direct. “The mother of one of your students showed me what her child had been working on. It’s obvious you know what you’re doing.”

“I only want to help.”

“The elementary school is full of tenured teachers who don’t give a crap about those kids. They want to finish out their thirty years and collect their pension.”

“I don’t know anything about that, ma’am.” I said. “I only know that several children needed help, and it all just grew from there. I’m grateful that Max has agreed to host it.”

Her gaze pinned mine long enough that I started to feel uncomfortable. She definitely had the teacher look down. I needed to change the topic.

“You knew Seth,” I said. “Did you have him as a student?”

“For two years,” she said. “That boy was smart as a whip. I had high hopes for him.”

“I know he was a talented artist.”

She nodded. “Once he set his mind to something, his determination helped see him through.” Tilting her head, she said, “I hear you’re living with his grandfather.”

“I am.”

“And how do you find that situation?”

I wasn’t sure what to make of her question. “I find it just fine,” I said with a tight smile. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I want to talk about Ashlynn.”

She sat back in her seat and took a sip of her tea. “It had occurred to me.”

“Like I said, I know Pam Crimshaw from the tavern. She and her three friends used to come to lunch every other week or so, so I was beyond shocked when I heard what she did. I took the kids a chicken and rice casserole this morning, and Ashlynn said she needed a ride to Ewing for work.”

She studied me for a moment. “That was certainly thoughtful of you.”

“Ashlynn told me that her mother had stepped in to help after Chuck walked out on her a few weeks ago. When I told her that I was worried about her being alone, she mentioned her Aunt Selena would be there for her.”

Her eyes narrowed. “And you thought you’d stop by and…?”

“Miss Selena,” I said, scooting forward on the sofa and setting my glass on a coaster on the coffee table in front of me. “Ashlynn asked me to drop her off at the county jail so she could see her mother. She said her father had forbidden them all from visiting Pam, but Ashlynn wanted to go anyway. Since I was already headed to Ewing, I took her. I dropped her off at the jail, and she told me to be back in forty-five minutes. Only she didn’t come out when she said she would. I waited nearly a half hour longer, and when I went in to check on her, they said she’d never signed in to visit Pam.”

“Maybe she changed her mind and went to work.”

“I was worried enough about her that I went by the pharmacy, and she didn’t show up there either.”

She frowned. “While I love Ashlynn, she’s not always the most responsible person in the world.”

“But why would she ask me to take her to the jail, then not go in?”

She shrugged. “Maybe she changed her mind. Her boyfriend was arrested for possession several months back. I’m fairly certain she went to see him while he was in jail. Maybe she remembered what it was like and changed her mind.” She shrugged. “She’s a flighty girl.”

“So you’re saying I have nothing to worry about? Because I would feel responsible if something happened to her.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “She’s fine. She probably called a friend to give her a ride.”

I nearly told her that I’d only brought Ashlynn because she’d struggled to find a ride, but I suspected she’d downplay that as well.

“Well, if you hear from her, tell her I’m worried,” I said.

“You hardly know her. Why would you be worried?”

“Because, like I told you, I feel responsible for her after dropping her off. I worry that I should have stuck around to make sure she got in safely.” Then I added in frustration, “She is pregnant, you know.”

“Of course I know,” she said, sounding irritated. “I was the one who took her to the doctor for her first prenatal checkup. I was also the one who took her to get birth control, fat lot of good that did her since she didn’t take the pills.” She released a sigh and some of her anger faded. “While I do question why you’re so concerned, believe me when I say it’s unfounded. This is typical for Ashlynn’s behavior. Her parents were at wit’s end with her, and I worry that her father will kick her out on her keister. Then again, maybe that’s what she needs.”

“She’s counting on you for help.”

“I’m sure she is, and while I plan on giving her plenty of tough love, I won’t let her and her baby sleep out on the street.” She grimaced. “Only don’t tell her I said that.”

While I was still worried, Selena knew her better than I did. “She won’t hear it from me.”

“Good.” She took a sip of her tea. “I’m not surprised Ashlynn wanted to see her mother, but I am surprised she defied her father. No one does that. Maybe that’s why she didn’t go inside. She realized it wasn’t worth risking his wrath.”

“Maybe.” The more I thought about it, the more likely that seemed. Her father might not be a good man, but she was probably dependent on him. Even more so now that she’d lost her job. Maybe she was flighty, like Selena had said, but I also suspected she was trying to protect her baby. Her mother was a lost cause. Her baby needed her more. “Ashlynn said her mother has a public defender, but I’m worried that he’ll consider her case cut and dry and not try to get the best possible sentencing for her.”

She shook her head. “I love Pam with my heart and soul. She’s like the daughter I never had, but she killed that man in cold blood. All her apologies and excuses won’t bring him back.”

“Has she apologized?” Then a new thought hit me. “Have you seen her?”

“I went to see her yesterday, but it was like she was in a catatonic state. When I asked her why she did it, she got a glazed look in her eyes and started mumbling, ‘I’m sorry.’” Selena shot me a look of disapproval. “Why are you insertin’ yourself into this family’s lives? Why are you so concerned about the children in Drum? Why are you livin’ with the grandfather of the boy you saw murdered?” She leaned closer. “What are you up to?”

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