Home > Christmasly Obedient (Obedient #4)(5)

Christmasly Obedient (Obedient #4)(5)
Author: Julia Kent





The orgasm was right there, deep inside her, his cock touching the perfect spot she rode against as he thrust up, again and again, his ass muscles a marvelous pleasure machine that made her blood pump faster, throat tighten, and her skin flush in a delicious tingling warmth.

Bending down, Lydia kissed Mike with the fevered lust of a woman on the edge, his fingers digging into her lush ass, his thighs riding against hers as she anchored her palms on his pecs and leaned back.

“Ahhhhhh,” she gasped, the slight change in angle so perfect she forgot what she was doing, Mike picking up the rhythm for her, thumb circling on her clit in that just-so way until she tipped over, holding her breath and squeezing into eternity.

“Lydia,” he groaned, his pelvis freezing as he went so deep that she felt as if she might split in two.

And might also die loving every second of sensation.

For as much as hot sex with two guys at once was extraordinary, sometimes she wanted the connection that came from making love with Mike and Jeremy separately. This was one of those times.

Another orgasm washed over her, sending her to a place where her mind fled, body moving with atavistic need, the friction of pleasure too great to hold back. Mike's teeth encircled her nipple, biting down hard at the exact perfect moment, making her clench down hard around him.

His groan mingled with her scream until it all blended together, her senses no longer separate.

She was nothing but pulse.

Mike's mouth didn't stop at her nipple, the teeth scraping down her breast, leaving little love bites along her rib cage, hard enough to leave marks. He liked it that way, she knew.

Liked leaving his mark.

Tomorrow, Jeremy would notice. He'd frown, kiss her hard, then bang her until the bite marks weren't the only parts of her that were sore.

And the piece of her that coiled in her belly, wanting more, even with one man in her, still wasn’t satisfied.

What was wrong with her? Why was she so fickle?

One was certainly better than none, but when she'd had two, and for so long, just being with one felt... different.

“You there?” Mike said in a low, deep voice, teeth encircling her nipple, the words more a vibration she felt than heard.


“You seem a million miles away.” He bit down hard enough for her to cry out.

And for her clit to jump, too.

“When you're with me, I want all of you, Lydia. I won't settle for less.”

“Since when have you ever settled for anything, Mike?”

“Exactly. Not about to start now. So come here. Come to me. And if you won't do it on your own, I'll make you.”

“You'll make me come?” she teased.


Before she knew it, she was pinned on her back, Mike's fingers in her, thumb on her clit, then tongue. It was sensitive, too sensitive, the pain and pleasure mixing to make a sound deep in her she didn't know she could generate.

Flinging her head side to side, she pushed him away, the effort feeble, and then, oh -

And then she pulled him to her.

Guess Mike could literally make her come.

Mind shattered, legs weak and tingly, she flung her arm across the cool flesh of her chilled breasts as Mike crawled up her body, lips on hers, the taste of what he'd just done to her like a trophy he won in a competition that crowned him king.

King of Orgasms.

“That was – ” she gasped.



“That was me, Lydia. And when we're together, I want you to only think of me.”

“I wasn't thinking about – ”

He kissed her again, harder, more demanding, the pressure a threat that thrilled her.

“Don't lie to me,” he growled in her ear. “If you lie, you get punished.”

Flames burst across her chest, up her neck, then down in a blazing trail between her legs.

“Punished?” she squeaked.


“Ignore it,” he ordered, glaring at the phone.

“I can't! It could be Mom. Could be an emergency.”

“An emergency at a campground in Maine in late November? What would the emergency be? A moose got its antlers caught on a string of Christmas lights?” he deadpanned.

“Don't you laugh. That actually happened back in 2005.”


Flailing with her right hand, Lydia stretched up above her head, searching for her phone on the nightstand. A palm of steel grabbed her wrist, rendering her immobile.

“I said, ignore it.”


Words escaped her as Mike began to administer his punishment, indeed.

One stroke at a time.

“You're so hard,” she murmured against his ear.

“Why wouldn't I be?”

“We've been screwing for nearly two hours, Mike.”

“And your point is?” With a hard thrust upward, he hit a spot deep inside her, the kind that made two souls from one as she lived on multiple levels inside a body so aroused, she couldn't think.

Their tempo quickened, deepened, bodies moving against each other with an urgency that made her shiver, then shudder, gripped by an insatiable need to be owned like this.



All thought of anyone but Mike, his perfect body, his even more perfect will, disintegrated as heat radiated up from where their bodies joined and she vibrated from their motion, exploding in a frenzy of kisses and bites, bruised lips and clawed biceps, scratch marks on Mike's pecs made by a piece of Lydia that needed more of him than mere physics allowed.

And then, as he pulled out, he made a different kind of grunt.

“Oh, no.”

“What's wrong?”

He muttered a string of curses that made Lydia jump up on her knees.

And then look down at herself.

“Why am I so wet?”

He gave her a very piqued look.

“No, no, I'm wet from you! I know why I'm wet! I mean why am I so...” Her voice dropped as she watched him pull off the condom.

In shreds.

“It broke,” he said flatly, staring at the limp rubber in his fingers as if it had torn just to personally offend him.

“The condom?”

“No, my penis. Yes, the condom.” Rubbing a hand through his thick hair, which he'd grown longer since moving from Boston to Maine, Mike's stone face stopped at his eyes, which were wildly emotional.

Calculating, too.

As emotion made her stop thinking, she felt a rush of shock, hand going to her belly.

They always used condoms, ever since she stopped using hormonal birth control a year ago. The doctor said it was the cause of some strange hormone shifts, changes that could cause vascular problems for Lydia, so they stuck to barrier methods. She'd meant to get an IUD but never found the time.

Why didn't she ever find the time?

Hold on. She could use Plan B!

Oh. Wait. That was a hormone, too. It was off the table.

She was at nature's mercy now. Nature's mercy and a defective manufacturing process at the condom plant.

“I'm sure it's unlikely,” Mike said slowly, beginning to pace, the torn condom still oddly in his hand. For some reason, she found his movements mesmerizing, a piece of her panicking self needing to watch his gorgeous, naked body.

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