Home > Sedona Surrender (Sedona Pack #4)(34)

Sedona Surrender (Sedona Pack #4)(34)
Author: Lisa Kessler






I parked my truck on the street. It was a hike, but if we needed to leave in a hurry, I wouldn’t be blocked in. My adrenaline pumped through my bloodstream as we got closer to the house. I checked my phone again. No texts from Vance yet.

Maybe we’d get lucky and no one from the Timberwolves squad would be here.

Madison took my hand as we walked. “You’re awfully quiet.”

“Just punchy. I haven’t heard from Vance yet. I’m hoping no news is good news. I hate not knowing what we’re walking into.” I looked over at her. “How are you doing? Ready for this?”

She nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Maybe it was the full moon being so close, but the urge to keep myself in front of her like a human shield was almost unbearable. She could protect herself. That didn’t dampen my worry. “You have the pepper spray I gave you?”

She patted the pocket of her black slacks. “Right here.”

“I’d feel better if you had gun,” I muttered.

Her grip on my arm tightened. “Since I don’t know how to fire one, we’re all safer with pepper spray.”

“We’ll have to fix that soon.” I scanned the shadows as we walked together. If we were really going to have each other’s backs, I needed to get her training on the gun range and maybe Naomi would give her some self-defense training. Our world was too dangerous for her not to know how to protect herself.

“You’re making me nervous.” She bumped me with her hip. “Let’s get through tonight, then you can teach me to be badass like you.”

Somehow, she made me laugh. I fucking loved this woman. “I’m all for that plan. As soon as I find your sister, I’ll text you and Vance.”

“Until then, I dazzle them with investing bullshit.” She glanced my way. “And maybe see if I can find out why Deidra really hired me.”

“No.” I shook my head. “That’s a problem for another day. You stay as far from her tonight as you can, okay?”

“All right.”

Her glittery black halter complemented her slender neck and toned shoulders, tempting me to touch her soft skin. My wolf snarled at the thought of other males having that same urge. I struggled to contain the animal. I couldn’t wait to get her back home.

We stopped on the porch, and I glanced her way. “Ready?”

She nodded and pressed the doorbell. A woman with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail opened the door. She was dressed in an all-black tuxedo. “Welcome.” She stepped back. “The bar is to the right, and the buffet will be open at seven o’clock.”

“Thank you,” Madison replied as we passed by.

On the way to the bar, an older woman with short, silver hair caught Madison’s arm. “There you are.”

“Hi, Deidra.” Madison said.

I blinked. This was Deidra Harlow? This was the scientist who had been secretly using Wendy’s blood samples to produce a super soldier serum? I’d expected her to be taller with more makeup and red fingernails. Obviously, I’d seen too many Bond films.

She looked me up and down. “And you brought…?”

My fingers balled into a fist behind my back as I offered my other hand. “I’m Dr. Cole Vega.”

“Dr. Deidra Harlow.” She forced a tight smile. “Vega sounds familiar. Have we met?”

“Cole is the vet for the ranch.” Madison glanced my way and smiled before focusing on Deidra again. “I was lucky he was free tonight to stand in for Chandler.”

Deidra tried to hide her disappointment. “I’m glad you could make it Dr. Vega.”

Her eyes made it clear she wasn’t happy, but I couldn’t tell if she recognized me as one of the members of the Sedona Pack. I hoped not. Everything would be easier if I could fly under the radar tonight.

She cleared her throat. “Maybe your date can get you a drink. I have a few people I’d like you to meet.”

Madison followed her lead, and I wandered over to the line for the bar, all my attention on Madison’s progress across the crowded room. She and Deidra settled into a conversation with two other couples, and I clenched my jaw, readying myself for my exit. This was my chance.

I sauntered away from the bar, located the caterer stationed near the front door, and asked for directions to the restroom. She pointed down the hallway and mentioned there was a second one around the corner at the back of the kitchen. Perfect.

According to Madison the padlocked wine cellar was somewhere in the kitchen area.

My phone vibrated as I made my way down the hallway. I glanced at the text from Vance and picked up my pace.

Micah recognized two Timberwolves. Right now, they’re outside on the perimeter, but one is heading your way. Appears they have earpieces, too.

Deidra must’ve alerted them that I was there. She did recognize me. Shit.

I rounded the corner and peered through the back entrance of the kitchen. Between the caterers and the food, my senses were on overload. Sorting through all the different scents to find a woman I’d never met before would be next to impossible, but I did see a door on the far side with a padlock. I wouldn’t have any trouble ripping the lock out of the wall, but I couldn’t do it with all the staff watching. There had to be a key.

Just needed to find it. I growled under my breath and kept following the hallway until I reached a set of oversized double doors. I checked over my shoulder. All clear. I slipped into the room and closed the door behind me.

The spacious master bedroom had a California king bed made up with sand-toned throw pillows. It was something you’d see in a presidential suite at a five-star hotel. The sun-bleached pine headboard matched an enormous dresser on the other side of the room. I hurried over, pulling open drawers without knowing what I was searching for.

Then I noticed the photos on top of the dresser.

I picked up an eight-by-ten framed photo of Deidra Harlow with a younger woman with dark-auburn hair. I studied the girl’s face. Her eyes were light green, not blue like Madison’s, but the shape of her mouth and the curve of her eyebrows were the same. In fact, they looked like they could be…sisters.

This had to be who we were looking for.

But if she was a prisoner, why did Deidra have so many pictures of her on the dresser? I scanned the other photos of the red-haired woman, which ranged from infancy all the way up to adulthood. It didn’t make sense.

My phone vibrated, but this time it was a text from Madison.

I heard her again. Underground.

Shit. What did that mean? In the wine cellar. Had to be.

I focused on the drawers again searching for any keys that might open the door in the kitchen. In the bottom drawer, my fingertips skimmed something metal underneath all the folded clothes. I pulled out a small ring with two keys on it. Now we were getting somewhere.

I closed the drawer and crossed to the door. As I reached for the knob, it flew open, knocking me back a couple of steps. A man in black cargo pants with a black T-shirt was in my face with a gun before I regained my balance.

“Freeze, asshole.”

I sucked in a breath. He was human, but guessing by his attire and his weapon, this had to be one of the Timberwolves, which meant he had heightened senses and strength just like me.

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