Home > Always Yours (Roommate Duet #6)(51)

Always Yours (Roommate Duet #6)(51)
Author: Kennedy Fox

Maddie narrows her eyes. “Honestly, I barely noticed you were there.”

“Damn! I’m pretty sure you just got burned,” I tease, and Tyler scoffs.

“I would’ve killed for you, Maddie. Just know that,” he tells her seriously.

I don’t doubt him for a second, especially after everything he’s risked. Tyler would do anything for us.

Maddie shrugs, but there’s a smile playing on her lips. “Meh. I think I’ve had better.”

“Really?” Tyler asks, grinning. “Who?”

“Liam,” Maddie tells him matter-of-factly. “You know how much cock he’s blocked over the years? Tons!”

“Baby, I live to guard your body,” I say.

The teapot is squealing, and she runs off but not before giving me attitude. “Hardy har har har.”

“I’ll make sure she’s okay. Won’t let her out of my sight,” Tyler tells me. “Wouldn’t let you down, especially now that you’ll be a better fighter than me.”

I smile. “Thanks, man. I appreciate all you’ve done for us.”

“Over the years, I’ve learned that we may not be able to choose our family, but we can choose our friends who become our family. I don’t have a brother, but I’ve found a brother in you,” he admits.

“Means a lot, Tyler. Really I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you for all that you’ve done.”

Maddie comes back in the room, blowing on her tea, and sits on my lap. “What are we talking about now?”

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I kiss her neck, and she nearly spills the tea. “Stop!” She giggles.

“Just discussing how we’re going to repay Tyler,” I say.

“Oh, I’ve thought of something. When we have our first kid, if it’s a boy…”

My eyes go wide at the mention of having a baby, and the moment she sees my reaction, she starts laughing.

“That’ll work,” Tyler says, adding to my mini heart attack. “Firstborn gets my namesake. Love it.”



Chapter Seventeen






It’s been eighteen days since Liam and I have had sex, and I’m moodier than ever.

Tyler’s ridiculous no-sex rule is making me insane.

I might be going crazy because it’s all I think about. I knew once I lost my virginity and really learned what I was missing, I’d be one of those sex-crazed women who’d want it all the time. And I wasn’t wrong. Another reason I was determined for Liam to be my first and hopefully—only.

It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t look hot as sin all the damn time. Maybe if he’d pull back his witty comments and snarky charm, and I don’t know, wear a freaking garbage bag over his perfect face, then I’d be immune. But the asshole likes to torture me—something he’s probably enjoyed for the past four years—and wears cutoff T-shirts that show off his biceps and tattoos.

Then there’s his fuck me smile he flaunts around that makes me squeeze my thighs together. Every time he looks at me that way, I have to stifle a moan that threatens to release.

Good lord, who have I become?

My sisters, that’s who.

Those horny bitches teased me during my teenage years, and I was front and center of their white-hot relationships with their now husbands.

It’s totally unfair.

“Are you alright?” Sophie asks as I grind my teeth and pout on the couch.

“I’m fine,” I snap, then clear my throat. “Why?”

“Because you look like you’re ready for a fight.”

I growl at the word fight and narrow my eyes at her. “I’m done with finals, and I’m bored as hell. Liam’s training every day, then works in the afternoons and is keeping me at arm’s length. Last night in bed, he wedged a pillow between us so our bodies wouldn’t touch! A FUCKING PILLOW!”

Sophie chuckles as she grabs the remote and sits down next to me. “Sounds like you need some trashy reality TV to get your mind off getting laid.”

“There’s nothing that powerful,” I retort.

“Not even Love After Lockup?” she taunts, waving the controller in her hand.

I scowl, not giving in to temptation. Though it doesn’t work. Five minutes into the show, and I’m hooked. Dammit.

After two episodes, Liam and Tyler walk in, dripping with sweat.

Lord have mercy. Why?

He always looks sexy after a workout, but since he’s been training, his arms and chest are bulkier.

“Hey, baby.” Liam peeks behind me and smacks a quick kiss to my cheek. “Whatcha girls doin’?”

I inhale sharply, his sweaty smell surrounding me, which I love. Knowing what he’s doing, what he has to do, makes me sick. Feeling this way is selfish, but I miss him.

I miss us.

I miss the connection we fought for so hard, and now it seems like we’re breaking all over again. Liam was mine in secret and was ripped away before I could comprehend what was happening. Now everyone can know we’re together and in love, but sometimes it doesn’t feel that way.

Perhaps this is part of the relationship stuff I wasn’t prepared for. I’m supporting him the best I can, though I hate what he has to do with a passion. I want to handcuff him to me and run away, take him from all this pain and drama he doesn’t deserve. But even I know leaving wouldn’t help anything. It’d only make it worse, just like before. He has to face this head-on, but I don’t trust JJ or his word. What if this isn’t the last of it, and he’ll want something else after? If Liam wins him a lot of money, will he want him to keep fighting and winning? Will I always be what they use against him?

I can barely deal with what’s going on as it is. JJ’s nearly killed us with that car explosion, and I don’t doubt he would go even further if Liam doesn’t follow his orders.

But I hope this doesn’t kill us and our relationship in the process.

“Watching TV, waiting for our men to come home and entertain us,” Sophie teases.

“Feelin’ like the fifth wheel over here, so off I go to take a shower,” Tyler quips.

“Liam’s not putting out, so trust me, you aren’t wheelin’ nothing.”

“You poor girl…” Liam mocks. “You waited twenty-one years, I think you can wait a couple more weeks.” He presses a kiss to my forehead, then walks to the kitchen.

“Perhaps Tyler can take your place until then?” I shout, knowing both of them are within yelling distance.

Liam stomps back into the living room, his eyes narrowed as he scowls at me.

“God, leave me out of this before Liam breaks my jaw.” I look over my shoulder at Tyler who’s shaking his head and chuckling. “Trust me, he would.” Then he walks upstairs, and Liam stares at me.

“What?” I fake innocence. “I was kidding.”

“Mm-hmm.” Liam studies me. “Can you put on some clothes? You wearing that isn’t helping.”

I look down at my tank top and sweat shorts. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Sophie stands and groans. “Quit torturing the man.” She takes my hand, then pulls me up. “Go put on a parka, so he’s not tempted to break the rules.”

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