Home > Bastards and Scapegoats(5)

Bastards and Scapegoats(5)
Author: CoraLee June

I didn’t know Joseph. Not really. He wasn’t worried about getting to know me either. At least not more than what was politely required of him. I just had hope that tolerance for one another would at the very least grow over time.

I was determined to accept all the change thrown at me. I understood that the ability to adapt wasn’t a gift most people had—hell, some people weren’t even given the opportunity. There were entire populations that lived, breathed, and died in accordance to a routine given to them by society. Joseph might be an unexpected variable, but he was like every challenge I faced:


As if summoned by my uneasy thoughts, Joseph came marching out of the house through the sliding back door with a scowl on his face. He looked like he wanted to punch someone. “My brother is such an asshole. Hamilton can’t show up for the ceremony, but he can make it for the free booze at our reception? Dick. I mean seriously, to have a threesome in the dining room is just ridiculous. I just found both his whores wrapped up in blankets on the floor and smelling of booze. I wanted our wedding’s press release to go flawlessly, but now I have to make sure none of those women will sell his debauchery to the tabloids and overshadow us.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to warn him about Colleen, but I stopped myself. A threesome? Fuck. I only saw what happened in my guest room. I guess he had a really, really good night.

Joseph stopped shouting when he noticed me. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Vera. I didn’t realize you were out here.” I bit my tongue and forced myself not to remind Joseph that my mother and I had been enjoying Sunday morning coffee every week for the last eighteen years of my life before he came along. He knew this. He had to know this. He inserted his life into ours and made interrupting us a sport.

“I didn’t realize you had a brother,” I said, trying to ignore the annoyance I felt in my gut at the sight of my new stepfather.

Conquer, Vera. Adapt.

There was just something off about him. He had never been blatantly rude to me, nor had he given me any reason to distrust him, aside from a few careless moments where he forgot I existed. I just instinctively felt off about Joseph. I wished I could figure out why. It made me feel like a petulant child afraid to share her mother. For fuck’s sake, I wasn’t a baby.

“That’s by design, dear. Hamilton doesn’t usually come to family events, and my father works overtime to keep his depravity out of the papers.”

I stared at my stepfather for a moment. Was that what he would do to me if I jeopardized the Beauregard reputation? Would I stop being invited to family events? Would I be allowed to know my sibling? The doubts were difficult to digest. I’d always been quiet and studious. I wasn’t one to party or make waves. I’d been conditioned from a young age to be mindful of my behavior. I was a direct reflection of my mother’s parenting, and the critics were harsher when you were a young mom. This wouldn’t be any different, but I wondered when I wouldn’t have to worry about my actions directly affecting someone else.

My stepfather was picture-perfect. I never saw a hair out of place. He always had a smile on his face. Joseph was a handsome man. He had dirty blond hair slicked back in a preppy style and bright green eyes. Fashionable and rigid, he held the air of someone superior. He was tall and spent most of his free time looking down his nose at me.

“Darling, you really shouldn’t be drinking coffee in your condition,” he said to my mother before slowly sliding his eyes over to me in a moderately calculative move. He then paused and grinned sheepishly. “Oops. I just meant she was probably dehydrated,” he quickly added.

“I already know about the baby. Congratulations, Joseph.” I smiled at him, though the joy didn’t quite reach its full potential. I should have been happy about a new baby, right?

He smiled, like he was thoroughly pleased with himself. “You’ll have to come visit our new house and see the nursery when we get back from Paris!”

My mother started waving her arms, as if he wasn’t supposed to say something. I laughed nervously. “Well, of course I’ll come visit. I’m staying with you and commuting to school,” I replied. “I thought that was the plan since your new house is so close to campus.” Where the fuck else was I going to stay?

Joseph tilted his head to the side and gave me a sympathetic look. Oh no. What did this mean?

“I thought your mother told you?”

“Told me what?” I asked while turning to look at Mom. She looked like there were crickets in her coffee mug. I watched her lips pucker in annoyance. More secrets. Was this the new norm?

“Jack and Joseph found you an apartment. We figured you would want your own space, you know. It’s only thirty minutes from our new house and is right on campus. You can still visit for dinner and attend events. Jack was going to surprise you with it. Your new grandfather thought an apartment would be a fun graduation gift. He’s so excited that you’re attending Greenwich.”

I turned to my stepfather. “Wow. He really didn’t have to do that,” I said.

Joseph walked over to my mother and bent down to kiss her on the cheek. “We just assumed that you wouldn’t want to live with a couple of newlyweds. You’re eighteen now. You can get a head start on the college experience. My father even mentioned an internship at his office if you’re interested.”

I wasn’t going to school for politics, but the way Joseph suggested this new opportunity, I got the feeling it wasn’t optional. I guess in some ways, politics and social work went hand in hand. The Beauregards were all about their image.

“I’ll think about talking to him about it,” I replied noncommittally. “Thank you, Joseph. I really appreciate it. But are you sure you don’t want me to stay at home, Mom? With a new baby and all, I really don’t mind helping.” What I meant to say was that I didn’t want to miss out, but the words wouldn’t form. Maybe most people would be happy to leave their parents and start their journey of independence, but she was all I’d ever known. I wasn’t ready.

“She will have more than enough help with me and the nannies I’ve hired,” Joseph replied, ending the conversation.

“I lost my virginity to our nanny,” said a smooth voice. I hadn’t even noticed Hamilton walking back up the steps toward us. My spine straightened as I glanced his way. Hamilton stalked up the steps with a grimace. Shit. His entire demeanor had changed. He was calm with me, but now I sensed a hardened edge to his presence that bled through his expression.

“Hamilton,” Joseph said. “You’re such a crude fucker. Be polite while meeting my new family.”

Hamilton arched a brow and walked over to shake his brother’s hand. “Congrats on the wedding,” he said, though it didn’t sound at all congratulatory. Hamilton had seemed sweet when it was just us. Something changed, and I wanted to know what.

I eyed both Beauregard brothers, trying to find traces of similarities in their expressions. Hamilton was all shadows and mystery. Cocky mischievousness wrapped up in a sinfully sexy package. Joseph was like polished fine china or bars of gold.

Hamilton sauntered over to us, and I crossed my arms over my chest. “This is my new stepdaughter, Vera,” Joseph said while nodding in my direction. Hamilton grinned like a Cheshire cat. I was about to admit that we’d already met, but Hamilton cut me off.

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