Home > Innocent Target(9)

Innocent Target(9)
Author: India Kells

James turned instead of answering, put a finger to his lips, and continued pulling at her until she lay on the bed with him. Before she could react, he turned her over and pressed her back to his front, locking her in place with his arm around her waist.

Dumbfounded, she tried to turn, but James didn’t yield and instead pressed his mouth against her ear. “I need to rest and not worry about your well-being. Indulge me for an hour, Mercy. Please.”

It was the sincerity in his voice that finally made her relax. He may not know it, but she was willing to do a lot for him.

Silence surrounded them, and her body relaxed in the rhythm of his steady breathing and enveloping body heat. How many times had she imagined being in his arms?

Mercy only allowed herself to close her eyes when his breathing slowed and his arm rested heavy over her hip, indicating he’d fallen asleep again.

In the darkness, Mercy lowered her guard, confident James would protect her in this small cottage. She was floating on a cloud before cold rain whipped at her face.

Fear coursed through her veins as she gripped her gun and went inside the shipyard. Protected from the elements, Mercy removed her earpiece, dismissing her boss’s commands to focus on the noises she could detect inside. With the downpour on the metal sheeting, it was almost impossible to discern any sound, but there was no way she’d walk away without her partner. She was part of NOPD SWAT, a remarkable achievement in itself, but Ian Guthrie would always be her partner.

For her, loyalty was beyond a career choice, especially when true friendship was involved. Ian had been her rock from the moment she’d entered the force as a rookie. The experienced cop had considered her a valued member of the team, and not a fragile woman, as so many others saw her. He’d pushed her, encouraged her, and it was because of him that she achieved her greatest dream at such a young age.

So, when she learned that a cartel had taken Ian and were holding him in a warehouse near the river, she’d barely taken the time to tell the SWAT supervisor of her intention before heading to help her friend.

When she’d arrived, the rescue team was still debating the best entry point, but Mercy knew Ian was running out of time, and she wouldn’t wait while a bullet in the head killed him. Damn her job, damn her life, as long as Ian survived. He had a wife and kids and deserved to have a future.

As she rushed forward, her eyes saw shadows moving on one side. From what she’d learned, the group was armed but small. She could take them down. That was her mantra. Kill them all so Ian could survive.

Adrenaline sharpened her senses, steadying her hand. She had to move fast when one of the crew members headed in her direction. There was no hesitation when she brought him down, her eyes already on the next target. One by one, she advanced, taking down the bad guys, her only goal to save her friend.

When she saw him, bloody and tied up on the floor, every ounce of control unraveled inside her. The last three men never saw her coming as she ended their lives way faster than they deserved.

“Ian!” She dropped to her knees, untied him, and gently rolled him over. With trembling fingers, she called for backup, just as he opened his eyes.

Tears wet her cheeks as Ian smiled despite his swollen face. “Are you causing trouble again, kid?”

Mercy giggled and sobbed at the same time. “I learned from the best, old-timer. Don’t you dare die on me.”

The man’s eyes twinkled in amusement until he looked away, and his expression changed to fear and fury.

Time sped up, and Mercy could see one of the men she’d thought she’d killed aiming his gun at them with the cavalry coming in the distance. They would arrive too late, and Mercy reacted, throwing herself forward to protect Ian with her body. The sound of the shot reverberated through the space, immediately followed by a response from the incoming police force.

Mercy half expected the impact of the bullet to end its course in her body armor and wasn’t prepared for the sudden explosion of fiery agony that made her topple forward.

Stunned, all she could feel was pure fear as people surrounded her. When a paramedic arrived by her side and pressed a dressing to her stomach, she screamed at the pain until everything went black around her.

Blinded by light, Mercy blinked several times, holding her belly as the phantom pain faded away. Disoriented, tears streaming down her cheeks, she looked around, realizing where she was. She was alone in bed and the crib was empty. In the distance, she heard the sound of James’s voice as he spoke to Abbie.

Still in the throes of what she wished was only a nightmare, hearing everything she could never have in the kitchen, Mercy buried her head in the pillows to muffle the sound, and cried.



Chapter Seven



James studied her closely as she walked from the bedroom where he’d left her sleeping. Mercy looked exhausted, but the dark circles had gone, proving that she’d got some rest at least, but they had been replaced by redness and he knew she’d been crying and wanted to know why but didn’t want to push too hard. James had held her when he’d woken to find her head on his chest. It had been the most settling thing he could remember doing in a long time.

Even as she slept, something plagued her. A nightmare stalked her as she whimpered, her body tensing. It was another feeling of helplessness, and yet, her trust in him was a gift he treasured. Mercy never allowed anyone to see her weakness, or at least what she perceived as one.

Once she was sleeping soundly, he’d slid from beneath her body and taken Abbie into the central part of the house. He’d put in a call to Shane who’d updated him on everything they’d found so far.

It was a strange, almost surreal situation to be in. He was an uncle to a newborn, who was entirely in his inexperienced care. His sister was missing and in danger, and instead of being in the thick of the investigation, he was in hiding.

Not being part of the action didn’t sit well with him, but he couldn’t regret this time he got to spend with Mercy and Abbie. He’d seen a side to Mercy he knew few people had, and the fact she’d showed it to him said more than her words ever would.

“I’m making scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. Do you want some?”

A small grin lit her lips, making his heart jump at the sight. “Yeah, that’d be good.”

She walked around behind him and peered at Abbie, who was sleeping in her bassinet, which he’d brought from the bedroom and set up in the living room. It was cozy in here now, and he wanted her where he could see her.

“She looks so peaceful. I wonder if babies dream?”

James snorted. “Probably about milk and what a weird place they’re in now.”

Mercy walked back toward him, and he saw the dreamy expression leave her face to be replaced by her business one. “Any word from the team?”

James stared for a second before he turned to the hob, willing to let her hide this time. He wanted much more from her than a quick fuck, and he was a patient man when he needed to be. “I spoke to Shane and he gave me the update. He also said my family hasn’t heard from Beth, but they’re all safe. He and Nick have a buddy who’s ex-FBI and a profiler. They’re going to ask him if anyone springs to mind. They think they’ve narrowed it down between two field offices.”

“Which ones?”

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