Home > Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1)(22)

Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1)(22)
Author: Isla Olsen

“How d’you think it’s going?” I ask my lawyers.

“I’d say very well,” Mariana says, tossing her long brown curls back and offering a satisfied smile. “Anna was clearly blindsided by the texts. And I know her—she hates pro-bono. She’ll want to get this wrapped up as quickly as possible now that she knows it’s a loser.”

I’m about to respond but stop myself as Amelia and her lawyer re-enter the room and resume their seats opposite us.

“What do you want?” Amelia’s lawyer asks with the definite air of someone who just wants to be done with this whole thing.

“A public retraction,” Mariana says. “And an apology to all the real victims or harassment Miss Lawson has harmed with these false allegations.”

“And a donation to a survivors’ organization,” Charlie adds. “She doesn’t need to disclose that it’s a condition of a settlement.”

“That’s all?” the other lawyer asks.

Mariana nods. “That’s all.”

They agree to the terms and I feel like a hundred-pound weight has been lifted from my shoulders. It’s finally fucking over.









* * *


“You alright, mate?” Jamie asks, studying me curiously.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

He shrugs, resting his head back against the subway car window. “I don’t know. You just look all…chilled out and relaxed. You’re usually wound up like a bloody spring. This is weirding me out a bit, to tell the truth.”

“Well, I’m fine. I’ve just been taking Sunny up on her yoga suggestions.”

He leans forward again, arching a skeptical brow at me. “Yoga?”

“Yup. Yoga.”

“Damn. I thought you were going to tell me you’ve been having some regular sex for a change. Nothing like a good shag to get you really good and relaxed.”

I spare a brief glance for the middle-aged man sitting next to Jamie, who lets out a little “hmff” of disapproval—I’m assuming at our conversation topic—before straightening his newspaper and continuing to read.

“Seriously? Who would I be having regular sex with?” I ask, unable to stop a little awkward laugh from escaping my lips.

Jamie shrugs. “I don’t know. What happened to the guy from the club?”

I almost trip over my own feet as the subway car lurches, just barely managing to right myself before falling flat on my face. “I don’t know. We never exchanged numbers.”

I feel bad, lying to Jamie like this, but there’s more than just my professional reputation at stake here; Spencer’s closeted and I’m not going to be the one to out him. Even if Jamie weren’t involved with Spencer’s self-proclaimed arch-nemesis, it still wouldn’t be appropriate.

Besides, it’s not as though Jamie was entirely forthcoming with the details when he and Shay first got together last year.

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and pull it out, smiling when I see it’s a text from Spencer. My smile falters, however, when I see his words.

Spencer Cox: I have to go visit a vineyard upstate tomorrow. We’re looking at acquiring the property and Em was supposed to go view it but she’s feeling under the weather

Me: Is it just a day thing or will you be gone all weekend?

I cringe at the neediness of those words but, seriously, between working late, Spencer’s rugby practice, and the legal debacle—which was thankfully sorted earlier this week—we haven’t been together since last weekend. Tonight’s off the table as well; it’ll be my first night out with Jamie and Mac for over a month, and although I guess I could stop by Spencer’s later, we’re getting a little beyond the point where a quick booty call is enough to satisfy us. Besides, tonight is about catching up with my friends.

Tomorrow I was planning to surprise Spence by staying over at his place. My mom’s doing so much better now since attending her regular support group, and that thermo-thingy Spence bought her has helped so much; I feel like I can finally trust her not to do something silly if I’m not there to help her. But obviously staying the night won’t be an option if Spencer’s away for the whole weekend.

Spencer Cox: It’s a bit of a drive so it makes sense to stay over

Spencer Cox: But I was thinking…maybe you could come with me? If you’re worried about Claire I can organize for her to stay in a nice hotel for the night? I’m sure she’d like a break?

And that brings back my smile…

Me: Actually, I was going to surprise you but I think Mom will be okay if I stayed over

Me: Having said that, I think she’d enjoy a night in a fancy hotel more *smile emoji*

Spencer Cox: I’ll set it up *wink emoji*

Me: So…this is a business trip, right? Am I coming with you as your PA or your boyfriend?

Spencer Cox: I think this is what we would call a “gray area”

Me: So I should bring some restraints with me?

Spencer Cox: Yes, definitely

“Oi! Will,” Jamie calls out, waving a hand in front of my eyes. “The next one’s us.”

I shove my phone back in my pocket and follow Jamie to the doors of the car.

“Jeez, was there a knob on that screen or something?” he asks. “You seemed bloody glued to it.”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. I was just reading through some texts from my boss. I have to go away on a work trip tomorrow.”

The train comes to a stop and the doors open. We spill out onto the platform along with a stream of other passengers.

Jamie lets out a little groan. “Great, so I guess that means you need to be in good shape tomorrow. We’ll be getting boring Will tonight, then.”

“Boring Will?” I give a shake of my head, leading the way through the crowd toward the steps that lead onto the street. Glancing back at Jamie, I ask, “Why am I friends with you again?”

Jamie offers a sweet smile and places a hand over his heart. “Because you’re secretly in love with me and like to torture yourself by staying close.”

I just roll my eyes and keep walking, leading us in the direction of Mac’s apartment.

It’s clear the moment we step inside that Mac’s either lost track of time or just completely forgotten we had plans tonight. I don’t bother knocking, because it’s Mac and neither of us have ever bothered to knock at each other’s door before, simply letting ourselves in with our spare keys. I’m now beginning to think that routine should be amended, though…

Because writhing against each other on the sofa, in full view the second you walk in the door, is Mac…and Maya. They are at least clothed. Or…mostly clothed. Maya’s dress is hiked up to her thighs and Mac’s shirt has been ripped open. But it could be way worse.


At Jamie’s non-word, the women spring apart, both looking completely startled and breathing heavily.

“Will!” Maya exclaims, her eyes wide, cheeks flaming.

I offer a warm smile. “Hey Maya. I didn’t realize you guys knew each other…”

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