Home > Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel #2)(14)

Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel #2)(14)
Author: India Kells

With his stuff spread over the kitchen counter, he was inputting new data into his electronic GPS, one he’d helped design with a friend. GPS was impossible to use underground, but with a few tricks and features, it could give an approximate location, enough to keep a sense of direction until the system could pick up and update the signal.

Now that everything was sorted, his thoughts went to Sloane and whether or not she could manage urban exploration. Luke knew first-hand that not everybody could do urbex, let alone be efficient while doing it. And this particular mission was all about that; constant danger lurked, and not only the underground criminals. The tunnels themselves weren’t always walkable, and they led to abandoned structures that could turn into death traps.

There were so many routes the traffickers could use, and he was certain that danger would be far from their minds, which made his task even more difficult.

A clatter came from the garage underneath him, letting him know his pink-haired sidekick was back. The knowledge of her arrival revved up his system. No surprise there, as there was a definite attraction between them, and not the sweet and angelic kind. Luke could still feel the sensation of her nails digging into his shoulders. A tingle made him rub the palm of his hands at the memory of her lithe body, both athletic and full of curves, hard and so soft at the same time. What struck him even more was how they’d come together, as if they were caught in a battle until he sensed her surrender in his arms. Beyond the pleasure, it had been a powerful moment. Until it ended and he could no longer feel the warmth of her skin under his fingers.

However, the fiery Ms. Friday was probably the wisest of the two of them by pulling away and making it clear that it had been a way to relieve the pressure. Since he’d embarked on his Ph.D. and began teaching and researching, it was fair to say that sex had been exactly that to him. He didn’t see why that couldn’t be the case again, especially with a playmate such as her. It wasn’t like he was dreaming of forever.

On that thought, a pink storm came through the door. “Hey, I left most of the stuff in the truck downstairs, and I hope I got everything. Your list was quite exhaustive.” She whistled when her eyes landed on the counter. “You’ve been busy yourself. I want to know everything about what it is you’ve been doing.”

Luke grabbed his device and went for his coat. “I think there’s nothing better than showing it to you. Right away.”



“Now you’ll have to explain why we’re in this nondescript underground parking lot that I know from studying your maps doesn’t have a tunnel underneath.”

Sloane’s impatient tone made him smile but that was far from surprising. “Already doubting my skills and knowledge?”

At least she had the good sense to look contrite, even if it was only for his benefit. “I need explanations. It’s the quickest way to shut me up.”

Luke went to the farthest spot, one he remembered from a few years ago. “There’s a reason we’re here. My first idea was to look at the most obvious entry points, but I’m guessing the Vigilante and his team have already done that. My second option was for us to verify less known entry points. We’re out from the actual tunnels, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t accessible. The advantage of this place is that it doesn’t have cameras and because of that, you can see how traffickers would have a blast using this one. It’s been a while since I’ve checked it, but I think it has potential.”

Turning off the engine, he didn’t wait for her answer and went to the back of the truck. What she’d brought was perfect, and undeniably high quality. It had been years since he’d indulged in new equipment. A professor’s salary wasn’t that much, he always put it off.

He gathered all he needed in record time. Experience had told him that a few select pieces were worth more than carrying the bulk of it around. After handing Sloane a bag holding part of the equipment, Luke slung the other over his shoulder before shutting the back door.

Sloane spun around. “Is it where we say Open Sesame and the wall magically opens?”

Not answering her, Luke walked to the drain cover in the corner and pulled it off. “Is your tetanus shot up to date?”

Ignoring her snarl, he switched on his flashlight and took a look at what was below. The access was narrow, but he didn’t see any water reflection, which was a real bonus. At this time of year, if snow accumulated, there was a risk of high water or ice blockages.

Turning, Luke extended his hand. “Ladies first.”

Sloane eyed the hole. “What? No ladder?”

“I’ll help you down, come on.”

He had to give it to her, despite the tiniest hesitation, she grabbed his wrists and almost jumped down.

“I won’t be able to lower you completely. You’ll have to fall the rest of the way.”

Her head jerked up with almost a comical look. “Fall? Fall? You’re kidding me!”

“Come on, Friday! It’s only a little jump. Anyway, at least I’m letting you know.”

The drop was a couple of feet, but with her scream, it was as if he’d let her fall down the Grand Canyon. A quick look around told him that the parking lot was still empty, so he climbed down. The trick was to replace the cover at the same time, which required a lot of strength and a bit of practice. The landing was all but smooth. At least there wasn’t any water. As he remembered, outside of the shaft the tunnel wasn’t high enough for him to stand upright, but that wouldn’t be a problem since they were close to the main connection, which was higher.

Sloane was already pointing her beam of light on both sides of the tunnel, everything forgotten but the mission. “Which way?”

That part, Luke was certain. “We need to head south for now or left if you prefer.” He didn’t wait for her to start walking and took the lead. The smell was rancid but not overpowering, which told him that the ventilation wasn’t that bad for now. After a while, he was relieved to reach the main tunnel and could finally straighten. “If we go to our right, the path leads outside to a busy street, so I guess it’s not a good option to explore.”

Sloane nodded, her light already on the left. “So we check out the other way.” As echoes reverberated around them, she lowered her voice. “Whoa, didn’t know sound carried so loudly down here.”

“And far, too. Try to keep your voice low and flat. Echoes can distract us from other sounds. Our ears are pretty much all we can count on for the moment.”

“Ever used night goggles during an exploration?”

“The trick is to carry as little equipment as possible, both for stealth and accessibility. Yes, night goggles would be nice, but they’re cumbersome, and they’d have to take the place of other more useful, or even vital, equipment.”

Sloane didn’t have a smart come back on that one, and Luke felt a shift in her. It wasn’t as if she was nervous, but rather alert. He only had a glimpse of her face as they continued walking, and it was enough to see that even if she was a rookie, she wasn’t skittish or scared, the total opposite of anybody doing urbex for the first time. Not only that, but it was how she walked and moved. Silent and careful, despite the uneven terrain and inconsistent lighting.

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