Home > Zorro (Reapers MC #16)(2)

Zorro (Reapers MC #16)(2)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“What, dude? She’s dressed up as a sexy little devil. Her fuckin’ ass is practically out anyway.” The guy comes up with the most idiotic excuse I’ve ever heard of.

Ian takes a step forward, ready to lunge at this guy for putting his hand on me, but I go frozen. “Please, just leave him alone . . . just don’t let him touch me again, please,” I mutter, not even sure if Ian can hear me.

“If you touch her again, I will fuck you up. You got me?”

“Damn, dude, sorry. Didn’t realize she was your girl.”

I burrow my face against Ian’s chest and close my eyes, breathing deeply. God, I just want to get out of here. Before I even realize what I’m doing, I tear myself away from Ian and run through the front door of the frat house. I run as fast as I can until I turn down a side street and head into the park.

Moving onward I keep my eyes focused on the stone path before me, needing to get as far away from the party as possible. Even now, knowing I’m a few streets away from the party I still feel unnerved. Nausea courses through my stomach, making me feel like I’m about to go on the scariest roller coaster of my life. But that isn’t all. My head pounds, still hearing my pulse beat. It feels like I’m in one of those thriller movies with the dramatic music. Then again, I suppose it isn’t the greatest idea to be strolling through the park in the dark.

Stonewall University is a nice place and all, but it isn’t the place I want to be. Nestled on the western side of Albany, New York, it’s closer to the forest than the city. Come to think of it, I think we’re barely in city limits.

God. What was that dude’s problem? I mean seriously. He’s in college. He should know about something called consent.

Bringing my hand up I cover my face, not even realizing a few tears have slipped by. I head over to where there’s a light and a bench, sit down and breathe in and out slowly. Continually reminding myself everything is going to be okay; I try my best to relax.

This isn’t something that I could’ve controlled. It was just some man who . . .

I lose track of what I’m thinking as anger rushes through me in a blazing inferno. I know this wasn’t my fault, but the way I feel violated is horrific. God dammit. I should’ve stayed back in the dorm room, snuggled under my covers with my snacks, watching The Office. Dwight Schrute has always been the man after my heart and he’s never once disappointed me.

Wiping the wetness away from my cheeks, I take a glance at my hands and see a soot like residue covering my fingertips. Fuck, this only means one thing. My mascara is running. Of fucking course it is. What else could go wrong after today? Huh? What fucking else?

The crack of a branch being snapped causes me to look to the left and I don’t see anything at first. The light beside me is only enough to illuminate the first five or ten feet around me, but I know something’s there. Carefully scanning my eyes around me, they step out of the shadows like a cultist group. Dressed in all black wearing Ghostface’s mask from the Scream movies, they circle in around me.

“What’s a sweet lady like you doing out here all alone?” one asks in a thick southern voice. He walks ahead of the others, growing gravely close.

“I’m getting a breather,” I tell him, trying to not let my uneasiness be visible. Though, I’m sure it is. I’ve always been horrible at hiding how I’m feeling. My own brothers picked on me about it so much growing up.

“Well, what do ya know? Us too.” He snickers, coming right up to me he wraps a hand around my throat and tightens his grip. I can’t see his eyes through the black mesh, but I’m certain he’s staring down at me.

“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?!” One of his friends makes it clear he didn’t sign up for this.

“Back off, Leo. It’s Halloween and I’m having a bit of fun. If you’re going to be a sourpuss you can get the fuck out and kiss getting into the fraternity goodbye.” The man before me loosens his grip on my neck, enough for me to scoot over and start running.

It all happens so fast as I pick up my legs and move with the speed of a cheetah, but in heels it isn’t so easy. I run, and I run, and I run until I think I’m making some headway. But pressure wraps around the back of my hips and I go tumbling to the ground with a thud.

“You’re going to regret that, bitch. Just you wait.” He pushes his hand against the back of my head and forces my mouth into the dirt to muffle my cries.

This can’t be real.

I keep telling myself that in my mind, but it is real, and it’s happening to me right now.



Chapter One



“And here you are living despite it all.”

~ Rupi Kuar




Mid-November . . .



“You bleach your hair or somethin’?” Grim asks as he comes up to me.

Inhaling sharply, I immediately answer him and close the book in my hand. “Yeah. I needed a change. What’s it to you?”

He shrugs. “Just noticed a change and wanted to tell you it looks real nice. I did wanna have a chat with you. Mind if we head somewhere private?” The second he asks me the question my heart drops into the pit of my stomach. He knows something is wrong and I can’t keep hiding it anymore.

Stiffening my back a bit, I try to remain strong and act like everything is perfectly fine. Opening my book, I glance back down at it and speak. “If you’re trying to give me some sort of life lecture or something, I’ll pass. I’m not in the mood.” Hell, I pull out my phone and plop it between the pages in the book, scrolling endlessly so my dear brother might take the hint and leave me alone.

But Grim, oh Grim, he can’t stand it. He rips the book and phone from my hand and cocks a brow. “If you want your precious communication device back, you’ll follow me,” he speaks clearly while he walks over to the TV room. It’s the next room over to the one where they hold all their club business meetings.

Figuring I have no choice, I rise from where I sit on the couch and follow Grim. Walking in behind him, he shuts the door firmly behind us and makes it a point to walk around and make sure the room is clear. This has got to be good.

It’s the first time I’ve been in here, but it reminds me so much of the college rooms. “This must be the place the guys come to romp around with the ladies,” I mutter and as my eyes wander, I find myself worrying about when the last time this room was cleaned.

“Take a seat, sis. You and I need to have a chat.” The seriousness in his tone is deafening. Grim and I haven’t been speaking lately, but I know he knows. He has to. There isn’t any other way around it.

“Why, Grim? What is it you need to discuss with me so badly?”

He mutters off how I can obviously see he’s fine after his motorcycle accident, how I could’ve gone back to Albany to get back into my classes, but how I haven’t. All in all, he’s calling me out on my shit.

As I debate what to tell him, I comb a hand through my long now-blonde hair. “School is school, Grim. It’s not this amazing, super fun thing you think it is.”

“Yeah and while I get that, I’m gonna call you out on your bullshit. You used to love school, but all of a sudden, you’re not a fan? I’m not buying what you’re selling, kid. You’re so damn close to graduating. You should be all smiles, getting high on all that success, and enjoying your senior year. So, what am I missin’ here?”

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