Home > It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(37)

It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(37)
Author: Erika Kelly

They clung to each other, the only sound their ragged breaths.


“Where’d they go?” someone said.

She stiffened. “Shit,” she whispered.

His forehead touched hers, and he let out a sigh of disappointment. Gently, he set her down, kissing the corner of her mouth. “I’ll go.” His movements dragged as he pulled up his boxers and buttoned his jeans.

“I’ll be right behind you.” She stood on shaky legs, watching him go. Her spirit was still in his arms, still kissing him. She could feel the fullness of his cock inside her.

Slipping into the bathroom, she faced herself in the mirror, taking in her swollen lips, disheveled hair, and pink cheeks.

Slowly, reality settled in. She’d had sex with Cassian.

With everyone on the other side of the door.

It felt naughty and wild. Before her mind could start processing, before she could start retreating…she shook it off. She had the rest of the night to stare at her ceiling and wonder what she’d done.

Though, she had a feeling she’d be smiling.

Because that was hot.

By the time she stepped out of his bedroom, the group had gathered at the door. “Well, I’ve made a big enough fool of myself for one night,” Grant said before heading out.

“See y’all in the morning,” the baseball player said.

Macy wrapped the cord around the karaoke machine and brought it to Cassian. “You want me to take this downstairs?”

“Nah. The manager told me to leave it in the room.”

“Okay, great.” She set it on the kitchen counter. “I’ll see you both at breakfast.”

The moment the door closed, Cassian came right up to her. “You regret it?”

“Regret? No, that’s…I’m just a little overwhelmed.”

“Gigi, I don’t…” His eyes flickered closed in frustration. “I don’t want it to end.”

“The tour?”

“Us.” He reached for her hand. “Come to Calamity. I’ve missed a week of my camp, so I have to go there. Otherwise, I’d go to LA with you.”

“I can’t do that.” But even as she said the words her mind screamed, Why not? Her career was on hold. Either for another three weeks while Jess was in rehab or longer, if Dale dropped them. “I have to write songs, and you’re going to be busy every day. Besides, I mean, we got our closure. We’re good. It’s not like we can be together. Our lives are so different.” She was surprised how strongly she wanted him to convince her otherwise.

“I don’t need closure. I want to bust the door wide open. You think I care how busy we are? That we live on opposite ends of the country? I want you, and if you think I can walk away after I finally got you back, you’re out of your mind. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But you are going somewhere. After camp, you start training. And then you’re either playing football in Boston or on the road.” It wouldn’t work…right? “And if Dale doesn’t tear up our contract, I’ll be on a world tour in a couple of months. There’s no chance for more.”

Grabbing her shoulders, he turned her to face him. “I don’t care if you’re on the moon. That isn’t going to change the way I feel about you. I’ve never wanted anyone else, and I never will. We have a chance here, and we’d be crazy not to take it. Let’s do this Gigi. Let’s do it right this time.”

“I don’t know.” Of course she wanted to. She longed to. But… “This isn’t high school, and we don’t have the kinds of jobs that would keep us in the same town. I don’t see how we can work.” She had this crazy feeling, like she was pushing him to find the right words to keep them together.

“No one can see into the future. All we can do is try. I’m never going to be with anyone else. I knew that when I was fourteen, and I know it now. Give us a chance.” He pulled her close.

The urgency in his grip, the perfection of his words…it was everything she wanted and yet… “I don’t know. Just…let me think. I’ll talk to you in the morning.” She snagged her keycard and wallet off the counter and hurried out the door.

He followed her into the hallway. “I’m not giving up on us, Gigi. I did that once before, and I’ll never make that mistake again.”



Cassian stared into the darkness. Every time he’d start to drift off, he’d remember.

The tour had ended. In a few hours, they’d ride the van to the airport together but then take different flights. She’d go to LA, and he’d go to Calamity on the Cavanaugh Foundation’s jet.

He wouldn’t give up, of course. It’d just be damn hard with them so far apart and so busy.

And, of course, there’d be photos published. The press would make shit up, like they always did. Gigi would see them, and he’d have no way of convincing her of what really happened.

That’s it. He was too wired to sleep. “Dammit.” He threw off the covers and headed into the bathroom. Might as well pack. Turning on the shower, he waited for it to heat up before stepping inside. Lowering his head, he let the water saturate his scalp.

He thought of the studio in her parent’s house. State of the art, because…Joss. She made sure her girls had everything they needed to realize their potential. Gigi’s mom was a force of nature.

So, Gigi could work on her songs in Calamity.

Hope, that relentless bitch, came back swinging.

It’s not even five. He still had time to convince her. He’d go to her room and try again.

He’d fucking never stop trying.


Twenty minutes later, packed and ready to check out, his body thrumming with energy, he knocked on her door. He didn’t hear a blow dryer or shower or anything. With one hand he knocked again, and with the other he pulled his phone out of his jeans.

Cassian: I’m here.



That could mean anything. She might think he was in the lobby or in the restaurant getting breakfast.

Cassian: Outside your door.



Nothing. “Gigi?” He pounded. When he realized he was getting worked up, he took a step back. If she didn’t want to talk to him, he couldn’t force her.

She needed to do this at her own pace. It’s only going to work if we both want the same thing. He had to cool his jets.

He just knew, though, in his gut, if he didn’t get more time with her—in person—they’d drift apart.

And that was unacceptable.

He tried a different angle.

Cassian: If you can’t come to Calamity, I’ll visit you in between sessions.



His thumb tapped the screen as he waited for a response. Nothing. Not a single sound inside the room.

Cassian: Are you on your way to the airport?



Back off. Give her some space.

Fuck. Leaving her left him panicked.

But he had to do it.

He turned and headed for the elevator.


The van idled, ready to go.

Cassian stood outside, waiting. The early morning air had a chill to it.

“Everything okay?” Kevin asked.

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