Home > It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(63)

It Was Always You (Calamity Falls #5)(63)
Author: Erika Kelly

“I understand. I haven’t violated it, and I don’t plan to.” She held her ground on that point, because there was nothing immoral in Cassian carrying her.

And, really, all she wanted was for this album to give her legitimacy in the music industry. It was the only way she’d ever have the chance to approach a man like Irwin Ledger.

“Okay. Let me talk it over with the team.” When Dale stood up, that big grin was back in place. “I can’t guarantee they’re going to buy the Bad Boy Quarterback suddenly settling down. Maybe, if no more photos of him show up in the press, it’ll prove your point.”

“With the changes he’s making in his life, there won’t be.” She stood up, too. “I’m really excited about this.”

“Me, too. We can’t use the duet with Grant, though. With his three divorces and rehab stint, that’s a no-go. In fact, while you’re under contract with us, you won’t be able to release it. But you’ve got plenty of material here, and there’s no question about your ability to write hits.”

What the hell? “Grant’s a really good guy. He spent the better part of ten years on the road. That’s hard for anyone. But he’s cleaned up his life. He’s in a really good place. He’s a success story, because he’s healed.”

“There’s no discussion on this point, hon. If you’re going to fight for that duet, then there’s no deal here. Give it some thought and let me know. I won’t pitch the demo until I know you’re okay leaving off the duet.”

She wanted to say, Fuck you, and fuck your contract. Grant was a good man, and she wouldn’t let anyone condemn him because of his mistakes.

But, then, she reminded herself what he’d said. That their duet was timeless. After this contract ended, she’d put together a new demo for Irwin, and she’d include it. “No, it’s fine. I don’t even have his permission to put it on a solo album.”

“Great. Then, we’re on the same page. I’ll get back to you soon, but I have a really good feeling about this.”

Gigi wished she did, too.


As she pulled in front of her cottage, Gigi knew she couldn’t spend one more night apart from him. Talking to Dale had crystallized everything.

She loved Cassian, and if they had a chance in hell of working, they needed to be in the same town together.

He was sincerely making changes to clean up his life for her.

Parking in her driveway, she hurried across the lawn and up her porch steps. Before unlocking the door, she pulled out her phone to text him.

Gigi: Guess what? I’m coming home early!



Her finger hovered over the Send button. Wait a second. Where was he right now? What was he doing?

Right. Camp had ended, and they’d started their vacation. Which meant the guys would be out on their adventures.

If she texted him, he’d insist on picking her up from the airport. He’d spend the night with her—not his teammates. And, since he was already letting them down by staying in Calamity, she didn’t want to make it worse by taking him away from them.

Maybe she should stick to her travel plans?

No. If she got in tonight, she could see him in the morning, before he left for…actually, she wasn’t sure what their plans were for tomorrow.

Which meant…ugh. She had to ask Amie about the schedule.

She canceled her text and started a new one.

Gigi: Hey, girl. You figure out you’re not getting in my man’s pants yet?



She chuckled, as she hit delete and then tried again.

Gigi: How’s it going? Can you keep a secret?



Amie: Of course! This better be good!



Gigi: I’m coming back to Calamity tonight, and I want to see Cassian, but I don’t want to interrupt his time with the guys. What’s the plan tomorrow?



Wait, did she need to continue the ruse? Her family, his teammates, now Dale knew…did she still need to hide her relationship?

Nope. She was done with that. No more hiding from anybody.

Amie: Knew you two were a thing! Awesome! And white water rafting starts at ten.



Gigi: Ah. So that’s all day.



Amie: Yes, but you can come early. I’ve got a breakfast buffet scheduled in the suite for nine. Do you want to come by around eight?



Gigi: That sounds great.



Amie: Don’t worry about waking the guys up. I promise, after tonight’s party, they’re going to be zombies in the morning. I’ll have a key for you at the front desk. Just come on up. He’ll be thrilled to see you!



She wanted to ask if Cassian was partying that hard. He never seemed wasted when she talked to him. But she would never give Amie that kind of power.

Gigi: Awesome, thanks!



Amie: Welcome!



As she entered her cottage, an uncomfortable sensation tripped down her spine. With the guys partying like that, women would be involved.

They hadn’t found the photographer yet, so he could find his way into the hotel.

Stop it. Don’t borrow trouble.

Everything will be just fine.



Chapter Eighteen



A rap on the door startled Cassian out of a deep sleep. “Yeah?” Hitching up on an elbow, he checked his phone, a little disappointed he hadn’t heard from Gigi last night.

The door opened, and Amie walked in.

Ah, hell. “What’re you doing here?”

“Tito texted me last night.” Her eyes were puffy and red. “They wanted cigars, so I brought them by. I wound up crashing on the couch. It was too late to go to my place.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, and she held her phone against her stomach. “Steve dumped me. He’s done.” She stood in the doorway, fragile and overwrought.

He threw the covers off. “Let me get dressed. I’ll meet you in the living room.”

“Everyone’s sleeping. Never mind.” Her features crumpled in distress. “It’s fine. I’ll just go back to the condo.” But her head lowered, her shoulders shook, and she swiped under her eyes with the back of her hand.

He didn’t know if she was manipulating him, but he knew nobody could fake tears like that. “What happened? I thought you guys were good.”

“So did I.” She sat down on the edge of his bed. Wracked with sobs, she hid her face in her hands.

Shit. Still groggy, Cassian set his feet on the floor. “Okay, what…what happened? You said moving into the condo was a good thing for your relationship, that you two had never been closer.”

“Some of the guys posted pictures of the party last night. I wasn’t doing anything. I was dancing with Andre and a few other guys, but there was nothing bad about it. I was dressed…I wasn’t… I mean, I was wasted, but I wasn’t gross.” For a moment, she got too choked up to talk.

“He…he says he’s a simple guy who wants a simple life, and I’m anything but simple.”

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