Home > How To Rope A Rich Cowboy(36)

How To Rope A Rich Cowboy(36)
Author: Anya Summers

She wrote her grandma Gertie back, detailing the work she was doing, and where she was heading next. And then she typed the line, “I’m in love, Grandma.” She stared at it for a few minutes, debating what to tell her and what not to, or whether to delete the line entirely. But she needed to tell someone about Colt. And she ended up pouring her heart out to her grandma. She had always been Avery’s confidant, anyway.

By the time she had finished and sent Gertie the reply email, Avery felt a little weepy. It was only natural to feel this way, overwhelmed as she was by the sheer magnitude of her feelings for Colt. Not even her ex-fiancé Matt had moved her the way Colt did.

At the knock on the door, she startled and shut her computer lid, thinking it might be Colt. But then again, he wouldn’t knock; he would just waltz right in.

The knock came again. “Ms. Morgan, I’m here with a delivery for you from Las Vegas.”

Avery sighed. It was just the courier. She rose from the table and went to the front door, opening it with a smile. “Hi, I’m Avery Morgan.”

The gentleman on the other side had to be pushing maybe twenty-two, with black hair and eyes, and he was her height. He had a genuine smile on his face. “Hi, Ms. Morgan, I’m Luis Alverez, and this is the package I was to deliver to you. I just need you to sign this stating that you received the delivery.”

It was a full box. She wondered what else Lorne Dane might have packed in the box with the cash, credit card and ID, and gala invite. “Thank you. You have no idea how important this stuff is. I know you’ve come a long way. Do you need something to drink or eat?” she asked as she signed where he had indicated on the clipboard in his hands.

He shook his head in the negative. “No, I’m good on that end. The pilots were having lunch delivered, and it should be there when I return to the airport. Plus, the jet was loaded with snacks.”

“Okay, if you could give me just a minute, I have something for you. Just wait here on the porch, all right?” she said, taking the box from him.

“Sure thing, Ms. Morgan. I’ll be right here.” He nodded.

She closed the door and took the package into the kitchen for a knife to open the box. Inside, she found her ID, the envelope with her new credit card, an envelope with the cash she had asked for, and the envelope with the invitation to the gala in Vegas. She had written Lorne the email before Colt had committed to anything, and wanted to be prepared. She moved the tissue paper out of the way and, lo and behold, there was a new Kate Spade leather wallet that was white with red stripes. Lorne knew her tastes well. She would take a better look at the new wallet after she’d sent the courier on his way. She took some cash out of the envelope for a tip, figuring three hundred would suffice for a trip like this.

She headed back to the door with the tip, and joined the courier on the porch.

“This place is beautiful. I’ve never been to Colorado before,” Luis said, shifting from one foot to another.

“Yes, it is. This is a little something extra for your trouble.” She handed him the tip. “Have a safe drive back to the airport. And I’m glad you enjoyed my jet.”

“It’s super dope. I can’t wait to tell my buddies about it, they’re not going to believe me. And wait, you own the jet?” Luis’s eyes widened.

“Yep, I do.” She nodded. “It’s a family jet.”

“That’s cool. This is the best delivery I’ve ever made. I’ll get out of your hair, Ms. Morgan.” He gave her a small smile. “Thanks for the tip, too.”

She waved him off before heading back inside. She transferred the cash and her ID into the new wallet. There was also a note from Lorne that said: try not to lose this one, with the word try underlined three times.

She wasn’t making any promises. With her phone, she activated the new credit card, and then went and looked at the map of the property that was on the wall by the door. She figured out the directions to get to the registration desk. Now she could finally pay for her stay in the cabin.

With her wallet, keys, and sunglasses in hand, she headed out to her SUV, remembering to grab the key to the cabin, and lock the door behind her. Colt would be so proud. Maybe he was rubbing off on her.

The drive through the ranch was picturesque, just like the hikes she had taken. She could see why Colt loved it here: the grandeur of the mountains, the green valleys, and hills. As she neared the main part of the ranch, she smiled at the picture it made. The white fences with pastures full of cattle. The main hotel that stood a few stories tall, made of wood and stone, with windows that glimmered in the sunlight. Then there was the big red stable building where horses were being led out.

Avery thought that after she had paid for the cabin, she might take a peek inside, maybe get a glimpse of Colt in his element. She parked in front of the main building and went in through the front entrance. Glossy hardwood floors, large stone fireplaces, and comfy couches dominated the area. There was artwork on the walls, a combination of Western, and Native American art on display.

To the left of the entryway was a long mahogany desk that gleamed. She approached the two women standing behind the desk. One wore what looked like a uniform, and was a nod to all the Western films in her cowboy get-up. The blonde woman beamed at her.

“Welcome to Silver Springs Ranch, miss. Are you checking in?” the blonde asked. Avery glanced at the name tag before she replied.

“Hi Cindy, actually, it’s kind of an interesting story. I’ve already been checked in, but I need to pay.”

Cindy studied her with a confused expression. “Well, we should have your credit card on file, so that shouldn’t be an issue.”

“No, you don’t. Okay, here’s the thing: I lost my wallet the first day I arrived, when I was scouting the cabin for the one I wanted to stay in that would be best to conduct my research. I’m an astronomer, and needed a clearing where I could set up my equipment. The thing is, one of the employees has been covering for me. I don’t want to get them in trouble because they really helped me out after I lost my wallet in one of the streams on the property, and made it so that I didn’t have to sleep in my vehicle.”

The second woman, who looked a bit younger, with hair darker than Avery’s, was dressed sharply in a navy pantsuit. She approached and stood beside Cindy. She had an air of authority, and took over when Cindy looked at her, apparently confused as to what to do.

“I’m Amber Anderson and am in charge of registration. Let’s see if we can get this figured out. I’m sorry, but what is your name, hon?”

Anderson, like Colt. He’d mentioned a sister, and Avery wondered whether this was her. “Oh, that would help, wouldn’t it? I’m Avery Morgan. Here’s my replacement ID and a credit card that you should be able to charge for my full stay. I’m checking out early Friday morning.”

“Okay, Avery.” Amber took the identification and credit card, her fingers flying over the computer keyboard. “And what day did you arrive?”

Avery smiled, rattling off the day and the cabin number. “I got here on that Wednesday, a week and a half ago now, and am in cabin B42. It’s a beautiful place. I just love that cabin.”

“Did you say B42?” Amber asked her quizzically, again with a dark raised brow.

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