Home > Songs for Libby(14)

Songs for Libby(14)
Author: Annette K. Larsen

“It is what it is, Libby. If this is how he chooses to act, that’s not on you.” He rested his hand on my shoulder for just a second and then walked away.

I stood there, my face numb and heavy as I processed what Randy had just told me. If I had been there—if they had called me—Sean wouldn’t be in the hospital right now.

Randy said it wasn’t my fault, but…

I found a bathroom so I could splash water on my face and pull up my hair. I leaned my hands on the sides of the sink, staring at my reflection, struck by how worn and faded I appeared.

I went back to the waiting room, and twenty minutes later, a different nurse came to get me.

“He should be waking up soon,” she said as I stepped up beside his bed, taking hold of his uninjured right hand. “But he’s on heavy pain meds, so he’ll be a little loopy.”

I nodded.

“Press the call button if he needs anything.”

“Thank you.”

I heard the door shut but hardly noticed. It was strange to be on the other side of this situation. I remembered so vividly lying in a hospital bed while Sean sat beside me, crying because his sister was gone.

At least no one had died this time.

My eyes went to his bandaged hand. I’d forgotten to ask the nurse about it. Hopefully the doctor would come in soon. How bad had it been really? Would his hand heal completely?

I dropped my head into my hands, trying not to think about what would happen if he couldn’t play anymore. Yes, he was a singer first, but he always had a guitar in his hands when he was on stage. I didn’t want to know how he would cope if he lost that ability.


My head snapped up. Sean was looking over at me with hazy eyes. “Hey.” I stood at his bedside so that he could see me easily. “How are you feeling?”

He looked around him, at the monitor and the bandages. “I don’t know,” he slurred. “But it looks like I should feel pretty bad.” He turned his wide eyes to me then sloppily put his hand on my cheek. “You’re pretty.”

I smiled just a little. “Okay.”

“Why is my hand in a cocoon?”

“You’ve had a pretty tough night. You threw a tantrum and cut your hand open. So you’re in the hospital and they just finished operating on it.”

He blinked slowly at his hand. “That’s not good.”

“No, it’s not.”

“I need my hand.”

“I know.” I was relieved that he sounded more confused than angry, though that would likely last only as long as the pain meds.

“I can’t lose my hand.”

“You’re not losing your hand, Sean. It’s just hurt and it will take a while to heal.”

“That doesn’t sound fun,” he said casually.

“You’re right.”

He turned back to me, squinting a little. “Being me is hard,” he said, fighting to keep his focus on me as his head swayed from side to side. “Like, there’s no training course. No one was like, ‘Hey Sean, you should do this when people chase you with cameras. You should do this when people throw themselves on your car.’ No one told me that. No one gave me the run-down on how to be famous without going crazy.”

I was glad he wasn’t in pain, but his unfiltered thoughts were a little hard to hear.

“They just shoved me into it and expected me to enjoy it all,” he continued with a wild wave of his hand. “And, you want to know a secret? Sometimes I do enjoy it. But other times, it’s like I’m suffocating, or like my body is floating, like my body doesn’t belong to me anymore.” He drifted into silence, his eyes blinking slowly for several seconds before they went wide and he sat up straight. “That’s probably because it doesn’t!” He put a hand over his mouth like he’d come to a shocking revelation. “I don’t own me anymore. Everyone else does. Wow…that sucks…” He sank back against the pillows. “I should be my own owner, you know?” He sounded so spacey that it would have been funny if his words hadn’t gutted me.

“I know,” I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

His eyes drifted shut. “You could be my owner,” he mumbled. “I’d trust you.”

His statement was sweet but also a little horrifying. I didn’t want any more responsibility than I already had.



After I knew that Sean was okay, comfortable, and resting, I went home. I needed out of that hospital. I needed to sleep. I needed to shower.

I got home around nine in the morning and fell into bed. I woke up after noon, ate, and then climbed in the shower. When I got out around one thirty, I found a text from Jonas.



Jonas: Hey Libby, I had a lot of fun last night. What are you up to this evening?



Last night? Had it only been last night that we’d gone out? And could I really go galavanting off with Jonas when Sean was in the hospital?



Me: I’m kind of in the middle of something right now. My friend is in the hospital.

Jonas: Whoa. I’m really sorry to hear that.

Me: Yeah, me too.

Jonas: Is he okay?

Me: It will take some time, but he should be fine.

Jonas: And what about you? Are you okay?



Tears immediately welled in my eyes.

I didn’t understand this guy. I had bailed on him on our first date for Sean and here he was, asking if he was okay. If I was okay.



Me: I don’t know.



A bubble of dots showed up and disappeared as he started and discarded several texts before one finally came through.



Jonas: You don’t know if you’re okay?

Me: Correct.

Jonas: Can I do anything to help?

Me: Just having you text me is helping. When things aren’t so crazy, can I call you?

Jonas: Of course.

Me: Thank you.



I didn’t go back to the hospital that evening. I’d been planning on it, but I decided to call and check with the nurses. They said he’d likely sleep until normal visiting hours were over. So I decided to stay home and sleep in my own bed.






Don’t wait for me

Don’t wait, darling girl

I’m useless, angry, broken down

I’m so much less when you’re not around



But don’t wait on me

Don’t wait on me, darling

Don’t take the scars of bitter hate

You’re so much more without my weight



So don’t wait on me

Fly away, don’t wait

—Sean Amity






Visiting Sean the next morning, I couldn’t help but notice that Randy was nowhere to be found. I wasn’t sure why I expected him to be there. He wasn’t Sean’s family. He wasn’t his babysitter. He had other clients. He had a wife. He had a life.

Sean had none of those things. He had his music, his fans, and me.

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