Home > Songs for Libby(61)

Songs for Libby(61)
Author: Annette K. Larsen

“I’m”—she thought for a moment—“sad about it. It breaks my heart to have that reminder that he’s not coming back.” She pressed her lips together, nodding thoughtfully, her emotions close to the surface. “It aches knowing that you won’t be in the home that you shared with him.” She gave a little shrug. “It makes me sad.”

I sniffed. “Me too.”



Even though he’d paid for the house, Sean still insisted on knocking on the back door before coming in. I just grinned and shook my head. “Come in!” I hollered as I pulled more plates out of the box.

Sean walked in and then rushed over. “No, no, no,” he said, removing the plates from my hand. “What’s the use of all this money if I can’t pay people to unpack for us?”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t throw your money in my face.”

“You’re not supposed to be lifting heavy stuff.”

“It’s a plate, Sean.”

“I mean the boxes.”

“I didn’t lift the box, and even if I had, I am fully capable of knowing my own limits.”

“Are you though?” he questioned quietly.

“I’m nesting, Sean!” I brandished another plate at him. “My brain thinks it is imperative that everything be put away and in its place as soon as possible, and it doesn’t want me to wait for someone else to do it. So deal with it!”

Instead of getting defensive or sulky, he calmly wrapped me in his arms and I reluctantly burrowed my head into his shoulder. “I’m sorry you had to move out of your already prepared and organized house,” he said quietly.

“If you weren’t so garishly successful, this wouldn’t have been necessary.”

He chuckled. “I’m the worst.”

“You really are. Don’t you know it’s selfish of you to hoard all that talent?”

“I’ll work on that.”

I smiled and we lapsed into silence.

“Has it at least been nice not having to worry about people waiting out on the street for us?” he asked.

I lifted my face so I could look him in the eye. “Yes. It’s been really wonderful, actually. I do love this house,” I assured him. “And I am very happy to be somewhere safer. I’m just pregnant and that means I have to fill a daily quota for complaints.”

He laughed. “Could have fooled me. You hardly ever complain.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to work on that.”

“You do that,” he said. “Now, is there any chance you would sit on a stool and pretend to be a queen directing her servants?”

“Are you the servant?”

“Yeeees,” he said with a lazy smile.

“I suppose I could get on board with that.”

Three days later, Sean had brought in enough help and I’d done enough bossing around to feel like I had my house put together. I had expected most of it to remain empty for quite some time since it was at least four times the size of my old house, but Sean had even hired a decorator to come in and fill the empty rooms, using my things as a style guide. I didn’t even know that was a thing you could do, but apparently it was. Half of me wanted to complain about it and insist that I could decorate myself and buy my own stuff since I was an independent woman, but I decided to just let it be okay, because there was a piece of me that was getting bigger and bigger by the day, and that piece of me was planning to marry my best friend. Not anytime soon. Our relationship, or at least our romance, was very new and I didn’t want to make snap decisions out of desperation or loneliness. Still, I couldn’t deny that looking ahead, I wanted Sean in my life for good. Friend, husband, lover, partner. All of it.






Sean was only going to be gone for two nights, then he would be back for…I wasn’t sure how long. But he didn’t have any more appearances scheduled. I tried to tell him that he should schedule more concerts, but he just smiled and shook his head.

“You asked me to go before and I went, because it was the right thing, but leaving you for more than a couple days at a time now or anytime in the near future would not be the right thing for me or for you.”

“You can’t pretend indefinitely that you don’t have obligations.”

He smirked. “Wanna bet?”


“I’m not going to quit, Libby. I’m not going to go looking for a nine-to-five job. But you better believe I’m going to cut back on my obligations and be much more selective about the places I go and for how long.”

I sighed and gave up the argument. For now.

We had worked it out so that Louisa flew in just before Sean flew out. She arrived with two giant suitcases filled with baby things and a single carry-on that held all of her personal items. I was equally horrified and impressed.

Just before Sean left, he gave me a thorough goodbye kiss on the doorstep, along with a kiss to the side of my belly. “For baby girl,” he said with a grin.

And then he turned to Louisa and wrapped her in a giant hug. “I’m so glad you’ll be here with her,” he said. I’d been having Braxton Hicks contractions the past couple days, and Sean had gotten progressively more nervous with each one even though I told him over and over that it was normal. Good, even. It didn’t seem to help.

Louisa chuckled. “You need to stop being such a worrier. All we’re going to do while you’re gone is sit around and watch sappy shows.”

“Speak for yourself,” I said. “I plan to assemble furniture and do some welding.”

“You always were handy with a torch,” he replied as he came back for one more peck on my lips. “I’ll be back in two days.” He waved and jumped into his car.

Louisa sighed beside me. “He’s a good one, isn’t he, Libby?” I was surprised by the note of uncertainty in her voice.

“Yeah, he is,” I assured her, once again amazed at how gracious she continued to be in regards to Sean.

She linked her arm through mine and we went into the house, where I happily gave her a tour and we laughed about the random luxuries that I never would have thought to ask for but apparently came standard in a house like this. Then I helped her unpack all of her baby offerings and we organized them into the nursery, which was almost as big as my master suite. I had it decorated with creams, lavenders and pale blues. I already had enough stuffed animals to last her a lifetime. I sat in the glider and enjoyed the calm mixed with anticipation as Louisa hummed and put things away. Even the sad smiles that passed between us regularly didn’t disturb my contentment. I’d come to accept the haze of sadness that came with the joy. And Louisa, by some miracle, had come to accept Sean.



We were watching a movie the following evening when Louisa eyed me sideways. “More Braxton Hicks?”

“Yup!” I assured her, even as my eyes widened in panic. These didn’t seem like the practice contractions I’d been having the past several days. They seemed more serious. But they couldn’t be more serious. Now was not the time for me to have a baby. I wasn’t ready yet. I was supposed to have two more weeks to prepare physically, emotionally and mentally.

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