Home > Powerful (The Driven World)(15)

Powerful (The Driven World)(15)
Author: Kathleen Kelly

“Dinner reservations are at six.”

“See you then, girlfriend,” replies Todd with more pizazz than usual.

Laughing at him, I jog up the stairs to my home. Seeing him and Kris facing off against each other was kind of funny. The last time I saw that look on Kris Livingston’s face, I was fifteen. But I’m not fifteen anymore, nor am I so easily won over.



Chapter Eleven





Dad is sitting in the truck next to me. The doctor said at least six weeks off his foot, and thankfully, it’s not broken only badly bruised, and he has to keep it elevated.

“You okay, son?” Glancing at him, I nod. “You’re quiet.”

“Sorry, Dad. Just a lot on my mind. How are you feeling?”

“Old. I’m sorry I wrecked our time together.”

With eyebrows raised, I glance at him again. His eyes are downcast, and he’s twiddling his thumbs.

“Dad, you didn’t do it on purpose, and you didn’t wreck our time together. I’m still here.”

Pulling into his driveway, I turn off the truck and swivel in the seat to look at him. His lips are in a hard line and turned down on one side. Dad lets out a puff of air and turns his head to look out the window.

“Yeah, but I can’t do anything with you now. I can’t even help Petey on the docks. I’m useless.” Dad’s voice cracks. Shaking his head, he goes to get out of the truck.

Placing my hand on his shoulder stops his movement. “Dad, I know we haven’t been close these past few years, but I’m here. We’re both trying. I’ll be here until next Monday, but I’ll be back. We’re filming some shots at the speedway on Sunday morning, and then filming doesn’t start properly for another month. I can stay for that long, and then you could come with me to LA?”

“Wiscasset?” replies Dad, still not looking at me.

“Yeah, Wiscasset Speedway. Andy Westin found it, and it’s only a half-hour away, so I can come home every night.”

Dad looks over his shoulder at me. “You’d stay here with me?”

“Of course.”

His face goes a deep shade of red and turns away again, nodding. “You can have your old room.” Dad’s voice is thick with emotion.

I chuckle. “I think I’m going to have to replace the bed.” Dad nods and opens the truck’s door and swivels to get out. “Wait! Let me get your crutches.”


Dad slides out onto the ground as I scramble out of the truck, grabbing the crutches out of the back as I hurry around to his side.

“Jesus, Dad,” I say as I thrust the crutches at him.

Dad looks up at me. “You really going to stay?”

I nod. “If that’s okay with you?”

“What about your girlfriend?”

Looking him in the eye, I shake my head. “Just you and me.”

Dad nods and puts the crutches under his arms and slowly makes his way to his front door.

“Where are your keys?”

“What for, son, it’s not locked.”

That’s the difference between living in LA, and here. In LA, everything is locked up tight as a drum, but here, there’s no need. Everyone here looks out for each other, but in LA, it’s a select few who have your back. I’m lucky to have Andy and Dottie Westin in my life, they’ve been a grounding influence. For them, family always comes first. And family is the one thing I’ve been neglecting.

Following Dad through the house, I get him propped up in bed with a pillow under his foot when I hear someone knocking on the front door.

“Who could that be?” asks Dad.

“I’ll go find out. Wait here.”

“As if I can go anywhere.”

Shaking my head, I leave the room. Standing on the other side of the front door is Betty Boswell.

“Hello, Kris. Ashlea phoned. Is your dad okay?”

“Ahh, yeah, Mrs. Boswell, he’s in his room. Do you want to see him?”

Mrs. Boswell smiles and pats me on the arm. “Of course, dear. Why don’t you make a cup of coffee for all of us, and I’ll go sit with him?”

She makes it sound like a question, but it’s more of an order. Mrs. Boswell goes to Dad’s room while I make coffee. As I walk back down the hallway, coffee cups in my hands, I hear them talking, so I stop to listen.

“You know he never really got over her.”

“I know, Leonard. But he made such a mess of it.”

“Yes, he did. I think he’s like me, though, only one true love for him.”

Mrs. Boswell laughs. “I did hear a rumor that you were spending time with Elizabeth Monroe.”

“It’s different. There will only be one Olivia.”

“She was a beauty.”

“Inside and out. Just like Athena. Do you think she’s happy?”

“I think she’s made the best of it. Do you remember how she used to be? Then when she was… well, she’s never been the same. But she seems to love writing. I just thought she’d leave here with Kris, and they’d conquer the world together. Funny how things work out.”

Feeling like a peeping Tom, I make a noise and walk into Dad’s room.

“Ahh, one sugar each, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, son.”

“Thank you, honey.”

I put Dad’s on his bedside table and then give Mrs. Boswell hers.

“Do you think you could watch him while I go get changed?”

Mrs. Boswell wrinkles up her nose. “To be honest, the pair of you could use a shower.” She looks around the room. “Leonard, where do you keep your sheets?”


“Kris is going to help you into the shower, I’m going to change the bed linens, and then you are going to rest.”

“All due respect, Betty, I don’t need you to change my sheets or my son to help me in the shower.”

“Smelling as you do, you’d best do as you’re told.” Mrs. Boswell looks up at me. “Be a good lad and help him into the bathroom.”

Being ordered about isn’t something I’m used to, but no one messes with Betty Boswell.

“Come on, Dad. Mrs. Boswell is right. We stink.”

“Now, Kris, I didn’t say that.”

Dad puts his good foot on the floor and slowly lowers his injured foot down. “You might as well have, Betty,” growls Dad.

Mrs. Boswell smiles at me and shakes her head.

Dad places his arm around my shoulders, and we awkwardly make our way down to the family bathroom. When we enter, I’m surprised to see it’s been completely remodeled.

“Dad, when did you do this?”

The bathtub which had the shower over it has been removed, all the walls are covered in white subway tiles. There are grab handles on the walls and there’s no step into the shower. It makes it easy for anyone with a disability to be self-sufficient.

Dad sighs. “Hurt myself last year, and Athena got the people in to do this.” He waves his hand around the room. “She figured I’d have a hard time getting in and out of the bathtub.”

“She did a good job.”

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