Home > The Werewolf Alpha’s Solstice Miracle : Howls Romance(21)

The Werewolf Alpha’s Solstice Miracle : Howls Romance(21)
Author: Bianca D'Arc

“I release you, Joe. Don’t let me down,” she said, turning back toward the tree, and Enid, who waited there.

“The moment our hands met in the middle of the wreckage, I knew,” Tess told Enid, surprising her down to her toes. “I knew I was going to leave this realm. You were supposed to come too, but I petitioned the Mother of All to let you stay. I wanted you to know the love and happiness I had known, and I wanted Joe to feel that again, too. The world around you will need you both in the coming days. I did not give you an easy task by asking Her to save your life, Enid. I hope you will forgive me.”

Tess’s smile was full of Light and love as her form began to slowly shimmer.

“I only regret I cannot fight at your side when evil comes.” Tess turned to face Joe and the rest of her former Pack. “I want you all to be strong and accept the miracle the Mother of All has granted you this night. The miracle of new life. The miracle of renewed joy. The miracle of new love.” She looked from Joe to Enid and back again. “Only together do you have a chance of protecting this Pack and building it into what it still needs to become. Don’t waste the miracle in regrets or questions. Accept it. Enjoy it. It’s my gift to you both and the Goddess’s miracle to bestow.”

Tess faded a bit more as she stepped back, toward the dark tree.

“Between your magic, Enid, and Joe’s might, you will have the best chance of saving this Pack. Be good to each other.”

Tess took another step back, her gaze sliding over the faces of her children and her former mate, and then, she was gone.

Compounding the miracle, the Christmas tree lit up all on its own, but the light wasn’t coming from the little LED’s strung all over it. No, these were fairy lights of pure magic that sparkled among the decorated boughs for a stunning moment while everyone watched. They started at the bottom and rose upward, ending at the five-pointed star that graced the top of the tree. It shone like a real star for a moment before fading away, leaving its imprint on everyone’s retinas. A miraculous after-image that made them all gasp at what they’d just witnessed.

After a moment of silence as the light faded and only the candlelight remained, Enid shook herself and finished the final chant of the ceremony. It was a chant of thanks to the Mother of All for her blessings, and it had never felt more real to Enid than at this moment.


Joe felt the weight of loss lift from his heart as the lights in the tree boughs faded to the merest twinkles. By the time the magic faded, Joe felt…different. Lighter, somehow. As if the heavy burden of sorrow had lifted off his shoulders and he was floating free.

He knew he would always miss Tess, but the Goddess had blessed them all by allowing him to see her one last time and hear from her own lips what she wanted. The debilitating pain of loss was gone as if it had never been, and suddenly, everything was clear.

His heart was whole again, and he was now free to give part of it to the special woman who had done so much for Tess, and for Joe. The woman who gave freely of herself to help others and who seemed to expect nothing in return.

The woman Tess had petitioned the Goddess to save, just for him. That thought hit him like a blow. If both Tess and Enid had died in the crash, he would never have been given this second chance to experience the miracle of having a mate. That the Mother of All had intervened to give this to him… It was a humbling thought and something that he would never, ever forget.

Joe watched Enid in the flickering light of the candles as she finished her prayers of thanks and the elders led the rest of the Pack in the proper responses. He could feel the strong emotion in the room and knew that his people had been deeply affected by everything that had transpired. What, then, would they think of what he wanted to do next?

He wasn’t sure. But, by golly, he was about to find out.

Enid finished her chant, and Joe moved to her side. By the candlelight, he took her hands in his and sank to one knee before her. He heard her gasp as their eyes met, and there were tears sparkling in her eyes that he prayed were tears of expectant joy. The same joy he felt leaping to life in his renewed heart.

“I know why Tess did this,” Joe said quietly, knowing everyone was listening and not really caring. They should realize the depth of his feeling, and that it wasn’t second best or mere leftovers. His heart was whole through a miracle of Tess’s making, and he wasn’t going to waste her gift.

“I’m glad you do because I’m at a loss,” Enid whispered back nervously when the silence dragged on a bit too long.

Joe smiled at her. “Tess and I were childhood friends long before we became mates. She was always giving me things, even as a little girl. She was always looking after me. After every member of the Pack, actually. That was her special talent. She was the most maternal of females. Strong and sure of purpose and always seeing to everyone’s welfare and happiness. It was a need she had deep within. She was never happier than when she was helping others. She’s doing it again. One final gift of kindness to two lonely souls who need to help forge a future where good triumphs over evil and love conquers all.”

Joe cleared his throat, ready to lay his heart on the line.

“I do love you, Enid,” he said clearly, lest there be any doubt. “I knew you were special from the first time I saw you. I just didn’t think…” He shook his head.

“Shifters only get one mate,” Enid said softly, her head also moving from side to side in denial.

Joe squeezed her hands gently. “Normally, I would agree with you, but don’t you see? These are not normal circumstances. We’ve been granted a miracle and given a blessing.” He stood and tugged her closer. “You are my mate, Enid.” Some in the crowd gasped, but he ignored them. “I love you. I want to wed you in the human way so that you’ll be my wife.”

“But I’m not a shifter,” she protested weakly, and Joe felt a ray of hope break through.

“That’s okay. You’re not replacing Tess. Nobody could ever do that. But you’re not second best, either. Our relationship is…different. Just as deep and just as strong, but a little different than what came before, and that’s as it should be. You’re perfect, just the way you are.”

He leaned down then, unable to stop himself from kissing her. She leaned into him, returning the kiss with no resistance, and he knew he had her. His future unfolded in his mind. A bright shining path of joy with this remarkable woman at his side, helping lead the Pack into a stronger, more secure position from which to defend all that was right and good in this realm. Oh, his little fighter pilot mate would be hell on wheels when push came to shove and evil tried its ugly tricks. Enid was a fighter, and that’s what he—and the Pack—needed for the future.

The Mother of All certainly knew what She was doing when She’d sent Enid into his life.

The only thing he needed now, was for Enid to agree. She wasn’t a shifter. Maybe she didn’t feel as strongly as fast? If not, Joe vowed he’d fight for her heart and give her time to fall in love with him. It wouldn’t be easy, but he’d find a way.

The whoops and hollers from his Pack finally reminded him that they weren’t alone, and he let the kiss end. Reluctantly, of course. What would she say? Had he made a colossal miscalculation? He didn’t relish being embarrassed in front of his entire Pack, but he’d brave anything for Enid. If the worst happened and she rejected him, he’d deal with it. Somehow.

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