Home > Bad Neighbor_ A Single Mom Enemies to Lovers Fake Fiance Romance(15)

Bad Neighbor_ A Single Mom Enemies to Lovers Fake Fiance Romance(15)
Author: Jamie Knight

“I still need to be able to work so I can save money to move out.” “You're not going anywhere,” Chase said firmly, taking me by the waist, “not for now anyway. When I get back, I will make it so you don't have to worry about your ex ever again.” “Are you going to have him whacked?” I asked, kidding. “Whack!” Katie repeated. “Wasn't planning on it. Though I am going to have him slapped with a heavy-duty restraining order. I really want you both to stay.”

He leaned down, giving me a kiss before Whitney reappeared, and they had to leave. I watched the door close with trepidation. Chase and I had just gotten on good terms. I wanted everything he had offered, but part of me still feared that he would never come back.



The bus rattled like an old paint mixer. Something Katie found fun. She gave out little calls to hear her voice shake, making her giggle, which also vibrated, making her giggle even more. It really was amazing what she could find joy in.

It hadn't been hard getting her back into daycare. Particularly with Chase backing us up. I really wasn't sure at first, wondering what he would want in return, my mom always telling me that no one gave something for nothing. Apparently, she had never met Chase, who, as far as I could tell, was acting in just such a philanthropic spirit. You just had to look at how he treated his little sister to see an example of it.

And he really seemed to have hit it off with Katie. If we were to form a serious relationship, I wouldn't really have to worry about her adjusting. Chase seemed like he would be a good influence. I might tell her one day what happened, but right then, I could just let her have a happy childhood with a lovely man as a father figure.

'Lovely', really wasn't the first word which had come to mind when I saw Chase that first night. Storming up the landlord with such menace, he actually took a couple steps back. He cut an intimidating figure that was for sure, but he had never really been anything but gentle with Katie and me. Sure, he was upset when we tried to sneak back in after nearly a week away, but I soon realized that it was because he was honestly worried about us. Which made sense with both my ex and maybe even the cops being after us. All he ever wanted to do was keep us safe. The fake family thing had clearly been an afterthought.

Even so, I wasn't sure about rushing into a relationship for real. There was a bit of upset when I dropped Katie off at the new daycare. We had only been there about a week, and she hadn't gotten used to it yet. I just reminded her that she would be seeing Chase and me at the end of the day. “Chase!” she said, with all the joy she could muster.

It made me feel really good to see her so happy. Though it also gave me an idea of how sad she would be if we did move out. The internal debate kept up at work. Each argument and question leading to an answer and counterargument. It went on and on in a circle, never quite coming to a conclusion, the more rational part of my mind arguing with my instinct. It wasn't until I got home that night, and Katie started bouncing in her backpack, chanting Chase's name like we were at a sporting event. I couldn't remember the last time she had been so happy.

Truth be told, I couldn't remember when I had been so happy either. There was really no point in denying it. I wanted Chase as much as he wanted me, and there was no way we were going anywhere.

“Hey,” Chase said, coming to the door to greet us. “How was your—” Before he could finish, I grabbed him and kissed him passionately, our tongues gently mingling as though dancing. “Wow,” he said, when I finally broke away. “I love you so much,” I whispered.







Traffic was hell, as it tended to be on Friday afternoons. For all that money could buy, a smooth trip home in rush hour wasn't one of them. Short of hiring a helicopter, there was really nothing I could do. There was nothing to do but sit in my soft, leather seat, listening to the radio and going over what I was going to say in my head. Using the time wisely, I practically skipped up the stairs to the third floor. Happier than I had been in a long time. I had just closed what might well have been the biggest case of my career. The one that would let me retire and live off my inheritance, like an old school man of leisure. An idea which was beginning to really appeal to me. I could hear Katie before I got through the door. She was nearly two and a half with a heck of a set of pipes, which she used to shout her newest learned phrase while running around on much sturdier legs, hardly falling at all anymore.

“Chase!” she shouted as I came through the door, before making her signature move of running up and wrapping herself around my leg. “Hey, sweet pea,” I said, stroking her hair, which had grown down to her shoulders. “Hey, handsome,” Ashlyn said from the couch, her feet up on the coffee table. “Hey, baby,” I said, picking Katie up. I put Katie down next to me on the couch. Ashlyn and I kissed passionately as I gently stroked her baby bump.

“Still working?” I asked. “Just a bit,” she said, stretching to put the file she was reading back on the coffee table. “You promised,” I said. “You should have thought of that before buying controlling interest in a cleaning company and appointing me CEO,” she said with a grin. “Fair point,” I conceded. “Did you have a good day?” she asked. “The best!” I said. “The best,” Katie repeated. “Won, did you?” Ashlyn asked. “With bells on,” I explained. “With bells on!” Katie parroted. “She learns fast,” Ashlyn said, with a laugh. “I'd noticed,” I said, kissing the top of Katie's head.

“Any big plans for tonight, Mr. Stanford?” Ashlyn asked. “Why yes, Ms. Tate, I do.” “May I ask?” Ashlyn inquired. “You may ask, but I will never say,” I teased. “Why is that?” she asked. “It would be telling.” Getting ourselves into our best clothes, we loaded Katie into her car seat and drove into the glimmering night. The excitement was palpable. I was bursting to tell Ashlyn something, anything, about what I had planned but resisted mightily, not wanting to spoil the surprise, refusing to directly answer any questions.

I could hardly believe this was really happening. Everything I never thought I would want was happening. Not one kid but two and a woman I loved with all my heart. There was just one thing I had to do to make things official.

I got as close to the restaurant as I could without Ashlyn seeing it. I didn't want her to have to walk too far, but the jig would be up too quickly if I parked right out front — the name famous throughout L.A. and possibly the country. “No way,” Ashlyn said, figuring out where we were going. “Yes way,” I said. “You got a reservation?” she asked. “Of course I did, do you know who I am?” Ashlyn laughed, leaning against me. I put an arm around her, holding Katie with the other and kissed Ashlyn on the forehead.

“Good evening, sir. Welcome to The Blue Room,” the host said from behind his podium. “Reservation for Stanford,” I said. “Chase Stanford?” the host asked, faltering slightly. “That's right,” I said, smiling. “Looks like word already got out,” Ashlyn said as we were briskly led to the best table in the restaurant.

“Curse the twenty-four-hour news cycle,” I replied. The waiter pulled out a chair for Ashlyn pushing it gently back in before dashing off to get a highchair for Katie. “I never knew they had highchairs,” Ashlyn said when we were seated, and the waiter had gone to get our drinks. “They don't usually. I asked for it specifically when I called to make the reservation,” I explained. “Clever,” she said. “Thank you,” I said with a humble bow. As though we had practiced it, because we had, the string quartet took their cue and came over to the table to play.

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