Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(120)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(120)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

"Before we utilize any more of those berries," Desmond said, "we should survey the room, to ensure we are quite alone this time."

He took Lorelei's hand in his. They did not make much progress before the door opened once more, displaying another couple looking for a place to be alone.

"Oh, apologies," the young man said. He backed out of the doorway and closed it.

"It seems tonight's musical performance has inspired everyone to new heights," Lorelei said.

"Unfortunately it seems that is the case." He gave her nose a quick kiss. "I hope that mistletoe can last a bit longer, for I am wary of trying to utilize it tonight."

"As am I. What do you suggest?"



Chapter Five



Lorelei fought off a yawn. She did her best to hide it but her sister saw it and chuckled.

"I cannot imagine why you could not sleep last night. You spent it alone, not with a handsome man—"

"Shh!" Lorelei said with a laugh, glancing towards Caroline and Henry. They were not listening, embroiled as they were with sorting paper strips that would be used soon, once Desmond arrived.

"Cannot a woman enjoy the anticipation of a new affair?" Lorelei continued. "There is no need to rush through it, especially when it merely makes the end arrive even sooner."

Beatrice rolled her eyes. Lorelei knew well her sister's disdain for Lorelei's philosophy about affairs. She wished she could believe the way Beatrice did, but her own experience made it difficult.

"Anticipation is not meant to be a long-term state," Beatrice said. "It is a part of the cycle of passion, which ends with both of you thoroughly sated, and then, if he is a good lover, it commences anew. Once more you anticipate, but with the knowledge of what awaits you." She grinned. "I know I am not divulging any secrets here."

Lorelei gave her sister a warning look, but a smile peeked out, ruining the effect. "You had best not tease me in this fashion when he arrives."

"I shall do my best to refrain. Though if he appears as drawn as you are, I may suggest the two of you hie off to an inn together. Merely as a medicinal remedy."

Lorelei did not have a chance to retort, for Desmond was being shown into the room. She could feel her stomach bouncing around with excitement, and her heart decided to add its own erratic rhythm. It was a wonder she could speak with any measure of calmness.

His eyes immediately sought her out, as soon as he entered, and his face lit up the moment he saw her. She must have responded in the same way, judging by her sister's chuckle.

They barely had a chance to make their greetings before the children ran to his side, ready to commandeer him for the decorating project.

He chuckled at their enthusiastic greeting. "I have come bearing gifts." Desmond handed her sister a bottle. "It is a medicinal brandy, though it appears you are quite hale and hearty now."

"We will keep it in reserve, in case you are in need of restoration after an hour spent with my boisterous children."

"It might be needed sooner," Lorelei said with a chuckle.

"What is boisterous?" Caroline demanded.

"I don't know. What is that?" her brother chimed in.

"It is exactly what both of you are in this moment," their mother answered. "And what you seem to be the majority of the hours of each day."

The children grinned at each other with pride. All of a sudden, Caroline remembered Desmond had mentioned gifts.

"Did you bring us something?"

Beatrice started to apologize for the impertinent question, but Desmond merely grinned. "I brought some cakes I commissioned for you."

"What does commissioned mean?" Caroline asked.

"There are so many words I don't know today," Henry said with a frown.

Lorelei helped Desmond remove the cloth from the basket he carried. "It means he had these created specifically for you, and nobody else."

They peeked inside and oohed and ahhed at the delicate cakes with the intricate icing and decoration. They began to giggle with delight. "Mama, can we have one?"

"Just one. With your tea. And then we will need to start working on these paper chains."

The children ran to the table to seat themselves, while their mother poured their tea. Lorelei set the basket on the tablecloth.

"Thank you for your kindness to Henry and Caroline," she said.

"It was pure selfishness on my part. I was glad to see the joy it brought them."

Lorelei fought off the temptation to kiss him. It would not do to scandalize her own family. Yet it was difficult to keep her emotion to herself. There was a great deal about Desmond that she liked, and each moment with him merely increased those feelings.

"If we were in a more private setting, I would be kissing you," she confessed.

"I have spent every hour since our last meeting with thoughts of your kisses. In truth, I have become rather adept at imaginary kissing."

"I have as well," she laughed. "I wonder if we were indulging in this imaginary kissing at the same time."

"I would not be surprised." His eyes took on a devilish cast. "Based on the path my thoughts took afterwards—"

Lorelei tried to give him a warning look but failed. Her thoughts were on the same trajectory, based on the heated response of her body just then. She was tempted to make some sort of excuse so they might sneak away for a brief moment…

"Tea is ready," Beatrice announced, her eyes twinkling as if aware of what she had just interrupted.

They seated themselves at the table with the children. Lorelei wondered if it would prove to be too humble for Desmond, but he seemed as comfortable as if he had been a member of their family for ages.

"My mama is already married," the little girl told Desmond. "But Auntie Lorelei is not."

Lorelei nearly choked on the sip of tea she had just taken. Her sister merely shrugged, a smile flitting about her lips.

"I shall tuck that information in my pocket for safekeeping." Desmond made the gesture, pulling his waistcoat pocket out and peeking inside, and then patting it closed. The little pantomime set the child off into peals of laughter. "I will also know where to go for such valuable information in the future."

Henry, not wanting to be outdone, piped up with, "Auntie Lorelei smiles a lot more when she sees you."

"Does she? She certainly makes me smile every time I set eyes on her." Desmond displayed an exaggerated smile that had the children cackling.

Lorelei joined in the laughter. "It is impossible to have any secrets with these two divulging everything."

Desmond said, "I believe they are keen observers, and are merely relating what they see." He gave Lorelei a quick wink. "Another bit of information I shall tuck away to be used at a later date."

Beatrice urged the children to finish their cakes. "Do not forget we have decorations to make."

Soon the table had been cleared of teacups and plates, replaced with brightly colored strips of paper and pots of glue.

"It has been a long while since I have done this," Desmond said. "I hope you do not keep the secret of how it is done to yourselves."

"We can help you," Henry said solemnly.

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