Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(147)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(147)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

If his sisters were spying to report back to Mother, they were wasting their time. Their parents were aware he was considering a proposal, although he hadn’t revealed that Bess could be with child. Why should he? It was no longer a determining a factor. He’d fallen for her with a speed that left his head spinning and his heart pounding.

I realize it might seem rash after knowing her only a short time, he’d said in anticipation of an argument, but his mother dismissed his concern.

You’ve done everything fast your entire life, Julius. Why would falling in love be any different?

Why, indeed? He slanted another look toward the dining room. Ammie was talking again. Bess leaned toward her as if she couldn’t bear to miss a word. If his sister was talking about him, telling his secret…

The pillow smacked his face. He flinched. Hugh whooped and grabbed it from the floor. William tackled him. Julius left the boys to wrestle while he went to investigate.

“Her publisher released the collection last month,” Laurel was saying.

“I wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to writing a book,” Bess said to Ammie. “The thought of reading your stories to your own child soon must be thrilling.”

Ammie beamed. “Very.”

Tension drained from Julius’s shoulders. They were discussing the children’s stories Ammie had written about her dogs.

“The book sounds charming,” Bess said. “I would love to read it.”

Julius interrupted. “There is a copy in the library. Come with me, Lady Hadley, and I will show you.”

When Bess accepted a hand up, Calliope popped from her seat. “I’ll come, too.”

Ammie yelped and grabbed her belly. “The baby is kicking.”

Calliope’s high pitched squeal could shatter every window in the house. She hurried to Ammie’s side to touch her stomach. “Where? I want to feel.”

Ammie guided her hand to another spot and smiled at Julius. With his youngest sister distracted, he whisked Bess toward the library.

“I am impressed by your sister’s accomplishment,” she said as she proceeded him inside. A fire in the hearth was the only source of light.

“We are proud of Ammie. She pursued her dream.”

Wisps of Bess’s hair had slipped from the pins and created a golden halo around her head. Her face was in shadow.

“I overheard you and Major Rowland talking about a racing club. Is that your dream?”

His gut clenched. She’d judged him when they met, and he didn’t expect she approved of gambling any more than she did drinking. He crossed his arms. “I am considering building one.”

“For carriages?”

“Yes.” He moved past her to reach the hearth and chase away the sudden chill in the air. She turned to face him. Firelight flickered in her eyes and cast a warm glow over her skin.

“My brother returned from America a few months ago,” she said. “Carriage racing is very fashionable there. He said the stands are full for every heat. How brilliant and forward thinking to bring the sport to England. Bravo.”

He dropped his hands at his sides.

She chuckled. “What? Have I shocked you?”

“I didn’t expect a favorable reaction, to be honest. Gambling is a past time for rogues and wastrels.”

“It’s not about gambling for you, though. I have ears, remember?”

“If only every set of ears came with an understanding mind…” He smiled. “Would you like to sit?”

“May I look around instead?”

He retrieved a taper and stooped to light the wick in the fire. She was already wandering toward the bookshelves when he placed the candle in a holder. She trailed her fingertips over the book spines; he followed in her wake.

“Are you seeking investors?” she asked.

“I’ve considered taking on one or two more. I had hoped to keep it within the family.”

She reached for a book. “I want to be one.”

Family? Julius stopped in his tracks. The flame wavered.

He held his breath as she peered over her shoulder while reaching for a book. “A racing club is exciting. Is it a sound investment?”

“Yes.” He swallowed against the bitter disappointment rising at the back of his throat. “I believe it is.”

She left the book on the shelf and faced him with her arms behind her back. “Then allow me to invest.”

“That would make us partners.” There was a note of warning in his voice. “Are you certain you won’t be ready to be rid of me by Twelfth Night?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Perhaps by Easter?” She swayed back and forth, her grey wool skirts brushing the tops of her slippers. “Surely by grouse season.”

He grinned. “If we last until grouse season, maybe we should hold out until next Christmas to make it a full year.”

“Are we negotiating?”

“That is what partners do.”

She closed the distance between them, her arms still behind her back. “Is that what you want, to be partners?”

Hell, yes. In every way. Unfortunately, he was uncertain their wants were aligned. He cleared his throat, measuring his words. “What I want is not a factor. You are assuming the risk. You must make the decision.”

“Do you trust me to make my own decisions?”

“Of course.”

“Havers, Julius Everly.” She captured his wrist, her fingers cool against his feverish skin. She drew his arm with the candle toward her puckered lips. She blew. A single puff extinguished the flame. “Do you have any idea how irresistible you are right now?” she asked in that sultry voice that made him instantly hard.

The woman knew how to set him aflame. He took a deep breath to slow the searing blood flowing through his veins. “Bess, what is it you want? I will abide by your wishes.”

“I want us to be partners.” A flicker of a frown touched her lips. “But it is your decision, too.”

Damnation! Were they discussing business or love? She had him twisted up inside, tense and vibrating with anticipation. He slid the unlit candlestick into an empty nook between books and raked his fingers through his hair. “My answer is yes. Yes to everything.”

“My answer is yes to everything. Now that we’ve reached an agreement…” Her green eyes appeared black in the dim light. Creases appeared at the corners of her eyes when she smiled and raised a twig of mistletoe above his head. She’d been hiding it behind her back. “It appears I must kiss you, to be polite, of course.”

He cradled her face, a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest. At every opportunity, she caught him by surprise. Was it any wonder he was smitten with this beautiful, maddening woman? “Not if I kiss you first."

When their mouths met, it was like the lightening strike that had brought her into his life. It shook him to the bones. She clutched his shoulders, her soft body pressing against him. Their tongues greedily explored one another. The kiss was hot, sensual, and bold. When she cupped him through his trousers, he ripped his mouth free as a moan slipped past his lips. She tore at the buttons to release the front fall. Bess loved with every ounce of her being. No hesitation, no wavering confidence. She took and gave with enthusiasm equal to his own. She was his partner in every sense of the word.

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