Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(174)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(174)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

Her hips bucked off the bed the instant his tongue touched her sensitive nib. A hand was placed on her stomach, pushing her down. He was going to make her submit to his sexual torture.

“Oh, sweet lord. Rhys,” she finally managed.

With arms wrapped around the tops of her thighs, he drew her legs farther apart. Any sense of modesty was gone the second he delved his mouth and tongue into her liquid heat. It was all she could to lie back and take the pleasure that he gave. Every lick, suck, and deep kiss sent shivers of ecstasy racketing through her body.

Slowly, but surely, she began the climb toward the peak. When Rhys flicked his tongue back and forth across her clit, Wister cried out. “Rhys, please!”

“Ssh, I am not done with you. Not by a long shot,” he replied.

Every nerve in her whole being thrummed with desire. The aching need to reach her climax was constant. When his hands released their grip on her legs, Wister thought she would die.

Rhys got to his feet, and in a flurry rid himself of his boots and trousers. Wister swallowed deeply as he turned back to her and she caught her first glimpse of his hard, erect cock. He was long and large. And she craved to have him inside her.

“Move up on the bed,” he said.

She whimpered. “I think my legs are broken—they won’t move.”

He leaned over her and their mouths fused once more. She would never tire of his kisses. When he touched the inside of her thigh, she braced herself, ready for him to shift her over and climb onto the bed. Instead he slipped two fingers deep into her heat and began to stroke.

Her need for release, quickly rose again. She reached for him, her fingers clutching onto his arms as he held her at his mercy.

“That’s it, give in to me. Let your man command your body,” he murmured.

She wasn’t sure how much longer she could last, forcing herself to take a long calming breath when Rhys finally withdrew from her. This time, he did lift her along the bed, then climbed on and rose over her. This was what she craved. What she needed.

He filled her with one deep thrust, and Wister’s world exploded in a blinding orgasm. “Rhys!”

Kisses rained down on her face as he continued to work his cock into her throbbing sex. She lifted her legs and took him deeper, hooking her ankles together. Her efforts were immediately rewarded as Rhys let out an intense groan of pleasure and picked up the pace of their encounter.

He stroked hard into her with a strong rhythm that kept her climax rolling on and on. Every nerve in her body tingled with pleasure.

And just when Wister was beginning to wonder how much longer he could keep going, Rhys suddenly slammed into her with a series of short, frenzied thrusts which shook the bed. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and groaned, “I love you. I will never let you go.”

Wister wrapped her arms around him as Rhys collapsed on top of her in a sweaty, panting, and clearly sated heap.

He was hers. And she was going to hold on to him forever.






“Hurry up, woman. I want to be on the road before dark.”

Wister ignored Rhys’s protests. Her husband was one for wasting the time of other people, but he was not so patient when it came to his own.

“I am coming,” she replied.

Heavy footsteps pounded up the grand central staircase of the house, stopping just outside their bedroom door. She chuckled at the silence, knowing full well that Rhys would be nodding his approval of the new set of stairs before coming in to nag her to finish packing.

She closed up her travel bag as Rhys stepped into the room.

“I was just giving you time to admire the staircase once more,” she said.

He wagged his finger at her. “Don’t be impertinent. It was money well spent.”

Wister bit down on her bottom lip. If he kept trying to play lord of the manor with her, the only place they would be going before nightfall was bed.

“But you like me being impertinent, Baron Carno,” she purred.

Rhys leaned over and picked up the bag, stealing a kiss as he did. The wicked glint in his eyes betrayed him. She knew that stormy look only too well. It would take only a touch of her fingers on his cheek and he would have her on her back.

“We need to leave soon if we are going to make it to Newtown before dark.” He took hold of the edge of her cloak and pulled her to him, slipping his hand around her waist. She loved it when Rhys handled her firmly. It was usually the precursor to an hour or so of lovemaking.

Wister brushed a hand over Rhys’s freshly shaven face. His new valet was a man of many skills, but on occasion she had slipped him a coin and told him to make himself scarce so she could give her husband a close shave.

The work at Kington House had kept them busy for many months after their wedding—repairs and new crops the priority. With the money that flowed once more into the English estate, attention had now turned to Wales.

Wister was eager to visit Carno once more. To see the local inhabitants and admire the new village hall Rhys had commissioned. While Baron Carno was now based permanently at Kington, she was proud that he was still determined to fulfil his role of landlord and protector of his Welsh tenants.

“I can’t wait to see the castle again. To share in the Morgan family heritage.”

The castle would never be rebuilt. Instead its ruins and gatehouse were to be preserved for future generations.

Rhys’s hand moved over the swell of Wister’s belly and their gazes met. “My heart and soul will always be in the lush green valleys of Wales, in the ancient legends of my homeland. With this baby, the Morgan family, our family, continues.”

Tears pricked at her eyes. At times it seemed like Rhys had appeared from out of the mists of the ageless past and stepped into her life. Her very own Welsh warrior who had saved her.

“I love you,” she whispered.

There could be no greater gift in her life than to be wedded to the Welsh baron.

The End



About Sasha Cottman



USA Today bestseller Sasha Cottman was born in England but raised in Australia. Having her heart in two places has created a love for travel, which at last count was to over 55 countries. A travel guide is always on her pile of new books to read.

Sasha lives with her husband, daughter and a cat who demands a starring role in the next book. She is always seeking new hiding spots for her secret chocolate stash.

Sasha’s novels are set around the Regency period in England, Scotland, and Europe. Her books are centred on the themes of love, honour, and family.



You can find details of her work at




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~ Prequel to the Once Upon a Kiss Series ~









England 1801: MISS ANNE THATCHER ought to choose a husband. That, however, is easier said than done for no man manages to capture her attention, her interest, her heart. The only man she has ever loved is Tobias Hawke, her childhood friend who has always been like an older brother to her, troublesome but loyal.

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