Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(235)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(235)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

She dug her feet into the mattress, lifting her hips to demand, nay beg for what she was not sure.

All her body recognized was that she wanted him in her.

As if reading her mind she felt his cock, like a brand of heat and incredibly hard, probe her entrance where his fingers had suddenly left her.

Please God, let him take me now. And she almost cried out in frustration when he kept kissing her but did not enter her.

She sent her hands flowing down his back, savoring the solid steel of muscles bunching beneath her palms, to grip his buttocks, trying to drag him closer.

“Patience, my beautiful mermaid.” But he grasped his hard shaft and slowly, teasingly moved the swollen head between her slick folds, swiping it several times over her sensitized nub until she thought she’d faint with need. At the same time he sucked one nipple deep within his mouth and as he bit down lightly her world exploded behind her eyelids. She cried out, and as her body was swamped with delicious, exquisite ripples of pleasure, he thrust deep inside her.

She bucked and drew in a deep breath as pain sliced through her pleasure.

He held himself still and showered her face and chest and breasts in kisses.

The pain subsided and it was only when her eyes flew wide open that she realized she was gripping his hair, almost pulling it from his scalp. She quickly loosened her grip.

“Tell me I still have hair,” he joked.

“That did not hurt that much, the pleasure you gave me helped. When can we do it again?”

A chuckle rose from deep in his chest. “We haven’t finished, my sweet.” With that, he pulled himself out and then slowly pushed back in.

He was still as hard as rock and her body welcomed him into its heat.

“Raise your hips to meet me,” he whispered harshly.

She obeyed gladly, and a cry of discovery broke in her throat. The sensation of him moving in and out of her made her body soften, made her seek his hardness, and the pleasure rose deep within her once more.

Her body knew what to do in this dance that was as old as time. Each thrust and counter thrust drew a tightening response from her body. Soon her eyes had to close as sensations bombarded her once more.

Blade played her body as if a maestro. Each thrust and counterthrust in perfect accord. His thrusts grew deeper, more powerful, and her body was at fever pitch. She greedily reached for some point in the tunnel ahead, beckoning, urging, and promising more magic.

Her eyes flew open when he grasped her leg, hooking her knee above his hip. She needed no further encouragement as her other leg rose and gripped his flanks as he increased the depth and tempo of his possession. She turned her head to stop herself from screaming out his name. His muscles bulged in his arms, the veins prominent, and his skin flushed with exertion.

Sparks formed before her eyes, sensations, glorious sensations spiraled around her, until she was giddy with the joy of unbridled pleasure. A pleasure almost too intense. He surrounded her. Was in her. Was part of her… Was with her…

This is what she assumed love felt like.

The giving of oneself, giving everything down to her soul.

Waves of sensations coiled tighter and tighter, and she wanted to look into his eyes. To see herself as he saw her in this moment.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured as he once more found her nipple and suckled.

She could not take any more and she let go, let her body become one with his. Sparks flew and pleasure rolled like thunder through every inch of her body. Wave upon wave consumed her, streaming molten satisfaction and filling her heart until she could barely breathe.

She screamed his name. “Blade!”

Through her haze of pleasure she heard his cries, her name on his lips and it was the most wonderful sound and another ripple of pleasure hit.

He planted his hands on either side of her and rose above her like a powerful god of war. Dark, dangerous, but so intoxicating that she almost wept. He drove himself fully into her, his seed shooting deep within her as his shout of release echoed in the dimly lit bedchamber.

He slumped to the side of her and reached for her hand. The room echoed with their heavy breathing. She closed her eyes and savored the joy flooding her body. “That was wonderful. I can barely find the words. Is it always like that?”

He rolled to face her. “I used to think so, but now I understand that when it is with someone you love, it’s so much more.”

“I think I’ll have you tell me you love me every day.” She hesitated, but then asked the question curiosity would not let her forget. “Why did you make a list to find a wife?”

“What is it with you and lists? I like lists as my life is so busy I often forget things. But I swear on my father’s grave I did not make a list to find a wife. I always knew I would propose only to you.”

“I found a list that fell out of your greatcoat. The Duke must have—”

“Ah, that explains a lot.” And he started laughing. He laughed so hard he almost fell off the bed.

“What is so funny about finding a list of attributes you require in a wife, because I’ll tell you now, obedience is unlikely.”

Her impassioned words only made him laugh harder. Through his laughter he managed to say, “All will be revealed later today when we join the others to open our gifts. Trust me.”

When he looked at her with those eyes filled with love and desire, she knew she could. She would trust this man with her heart. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. “How about you show me just how much you love me one more time before I sneak back to my room?”

His smile lightened the darkened room. “See, I knew you were the perfect woman for me.” And he set about proving, once again, just exactly how perfect they were for each other.



Chapter Ten



Christmas Day


Harriet looked around the room and had to pinch herself. Never in her wildest dreams, well perhaps she had always had this dream, did she imagine she’d be this happy and content—and loved.

She fondled the large ruby ring gracing her finger. Ariane had already started planning their joint wedding. She hadn’t the heart to tell her that Blade and she were heading to Gretna Green as soon as the weather cleared. Blade didn’t wish to take the chance of her already being with child. Nothing caused a scandal more than a baby born within 6 months of a wedding. He didn’t want anyone to assume Harriet had to marry him. Then he confessed he didn’t want to sleep without her for too much longer either.

She looked around the cozy drawing room. The roaring fire protected them from the cold outside, the brandy and wine were flowing freely, their stomachs were full, and the large Christmas tree with the presents underneath filled the room with a fresh outdoor fragrance. She’d made use of each sprig of mistletoe Diane had spread around the house as an excuse to kiss Blade without her father and brothers causing a stir.

Life was perfect. She had her family here, Diane, Thomas and Trello. Her father slept in the large chair by the fire, his snores reverberating around the warm drawing room. Ariane and Kingsley were also here, and last, but most definitely not least, was Blade. He stood leaning against the doorway. From the look on his face, it appeared he was up to something. He’d disappeared for several minutes.

“The meal was magnificent, I could sleep for a year,” Thomas uttered.

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