Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(31)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(31)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

Hector tugged down his waistcoat. “Meet him and hope he doesn’t plant me a facer.”

Ruby frowned. “Why would he do that?”

“I kissed his sister.”

“I thought you owed him money.” Ruby rolled her eyes. “So you are a scoundrel.”

“Well, she kissed me back,” he exclaimed. “There was mistletoe!”

“Does that excuse all your indiscretions?”

“Especially those committed during the holidays.” Hector grinned and held out his arm to Ruby. “Shall we introduce ourselves to Lord Vyne’s important guest together, m’dear?”

Ruby considered taking it, but if there were punches to be thrown, she’d rather not be attached to Hector’s side. However, if a lady were present, perhaps cooler heads would prevail. She pulled her shawl tighter about her shoulders. “I think we have no choice but to meet him together.”

Hector leaned closer. “I never would have thought Vyne acquainted with the likes of Blackwood. He’s hardly the sort to frequent country houses in the dead of winter unless there was something in it for him.”

“I wonder what it could be?”

“No earthly idea, but I wonder if Lord Vyne owes the man, and Blackwood is here to collect an overdue payment.”

“I suppose that might be it.”

Hector drew close. “I guess our lovely afternoons upstairs, snug together, will have to wait until Blackwood departs.”

Ruby frowned. Had he really enjoyed their company so much? “You’ve become a great favorite with Pip. He’ll be disappointed.”

“He’s a clever boy, and his mother, too, has been a delightful companion.” Hector teased his fingers up her arm. “I am glad we had a chance to meet again, Ruby. If not for Blackwood’s arrival, you and I could have had a great deal more fun together this holiday.”


“Indeed.” He smiled down at her as they walked along. “Don’t deny you’re not still thinking about our kiss, and my offer of a second.”

A second kiss probably should never happen. She was starting to like Hector a bit too much as it was.

They reached the door side by side, and Ruby immediately saw her uncle and a dark-haired stranger seated before the fire. Mr. Blackwood’s face, when he turned in her direction, appeared hard. Ruby glanced at her uncle for guidance, and he smiled warmly at her.

Ruby edged a little closer to Hector.



Chapter Eleven



Samuel Blackwood was a man of similar age to Hector, but taller and broader in the chest, and with fists that had bruised any number of scoundrel’s faces. He owned a notorious gambling hell in London, which is where Hector had first encountered the man.

Meeting and kissing the man’s sister had been a grave mistake on Hector’s part. He’d had no idea who she was when they’d tangled tongues in Drury Lane Theatre. The last fellow who’d pursued the fetching Molly Blackwood with amorous intent was still taking all his meals in liquid form.

The only thing to Hector’s advantage was that it had been only one kiss—well, two, since she’d kissed him back—and after learning her identity, Hector had never sought out Molly Blackwood again. He’d also given up gambling at Blackwood’s establishment to avoid antagonizing the man.

But there was a chance that Molly Blackwood might have told her big brother all about him.

Well, he’d better get it over with and face his punishment like a man.

He strolled into the library with Ruby close by his side, hoping for the best. “Good morning,” he called to both occupants of the room.

Ruby curtsied and murmured the same.

He noted that Lord Vyne did not rise to greet them, which seemed rude. “Ah, I was just about to send for you, Niece,” Lord Vyne said to her. “Lord Stockwick.”

“My lord.” He bowed and then looked at Blackwood. “Sir. It’s good to see you again.”

Blackwood frowned. “I don’t believe we are acquainted.”

Hector was taken aback. “Lord Hector Stockwick.”

Blackwood’s face showed no recognition whatsoever. “A pleasure to meet you, my lord,” he said.

Hector nodded. Could it be true that Blackwood did not recognize him? Was it also possible that Molly had not shared their encounter as well? “So, what brings you to Derbyshire?”

Blackwood smiled quickly and glanced at Ruby, a question in his eyes.

Lord Vyne smiled, too. “Ah, yes. Mrs. Roper, this is a very good friend of mine, Mr. Samuel Blackwood. Ruby is my brother’s eldest daughter, and a widow. She has recently come to stay at The Vynes.”

Hector noted Vyne did not mention Ruby had a son upstairs.

“A pleasure to meet you, sir,” Ruby murmured, dipping the man a curtsy.

“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you,” Blackwood promised.

“Do join us,” Lord Vyne said. “You too, Stockwick. Sit yourself down over there.”

Ruby perched at her uncle’s side by the fire, and Hector was relegated to a seat slightly farther away. Lord Vyne spared him just one glance and then directed all of his attention upon Blackwood and Ruby.

Hector didn’t mind the cold shoulder. It gave him time to observe the excruciating politeness on display in front of him. Vyne was intent on ingratiating himself with Blackwood. It could only mean the earl owed Blackwood money, and it probably wasn’t a trifling amount, either.

Vyne turned to Ruby. “Blackwood has been telling me he’s taken possession of an estate not far from here,” he told Ruby.

“Longlean,” Blackwood murmured.

“A thousand acres of fertile soil and a grand manor to live in,” Vyne claimed in tones of wonder and not a little envy.

Blackwood’s lips twitched. “Not as grand as The Vynes yet, perhaps, but I do hope that one day people will think so. I intend to restore the estate and make my home there with my family.”

“Yes, you have a sister, I believe.” Hector sat forward, keen to end the suspense. Blackwood’s expression didn’t even flicker. “Restoring an estate in decline is a time-consuming and costly enterprise.”

“Life has been good to me,” Blackwood promised Hector but soon looked back at Ruby.

“What does your sister think of the place?” Ruby asked him.

Blackwood’s jaw clenched momentarily. “My family are excited about the move, and my sister will particularly benefit from experiencing the slower pace of country life.”

Hector quickly read between the lines. Blackwood would brook no opposition from his sister about the move, not if the woman wanted to enjoy his support in the coming years. Everyone whispered Molly Blackwood was well on her way to becoming as notorious as her brother. Blackwood was likely removing her from London to protect what remained of her reputation.

Hector wished the man all the luck in the world. He had tried to wrangle his sister Meg, for a different reason, in the same high-handed fashion when he’d brought Meg to The Vynes last year. A change of scenery had done Meg’s glum mood the world of good.

“I’m sure they will love living there once they see the place,” Ruby promised.

“Yes, an ambitious but achievable project for a man willing to exert himself for the good of the family,” Vyne said in praise of Blackwood, then he turned to Hector, and his expression soured. “Something I understand you were not willing to do, since you sold your wreck of an estate to my son last year,” Lord Vyne accused.

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