Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(71)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(71)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

Could he help her? Had she done the right thing by telling him?

Books sat one on top of the other on her nightstand. Diaries were beside them, and of course Herbertina, her doll, the only one she’d ever owned. It had been given to her by her brother. Seeing the torn left arm, she decided to give it to her aunt to fix.

A tap on her door had Ivy hurrying to answer it. Was Mr. Haddon here so soon?

“A note has been delivered for you, Miss Redfern.”

“Thank you, Parslip.”

Closing the door after the butler left, Ivy sat and looked at the missive.

Was it from Mr. Haddon? Had he decided against helping her? In all honesty, she wouldn’t be surprised. After all, with time and thought he may have decided she was a hysterical female after all.

At some point during those hours she stared at her ceiling, she’d had to acknowledge he intrigued her. Handsome, yes, but he was so much more than that. Jackson had talked about him often when he was home from Eton, and she’d come to like the man as much as her brother, even though they’d never met then.

Opening the note, she read the words.

I have your brother, Miss Redfern. If you wish to see him again, you will do exactly as I say. Gather money and jewelry and await my direction. Tell no one or he will die. Be aware that I am watching you.

Ivy crumpled the note in her hand.

Dear Lord, Jackson. She had to save him.

Rushing to her desk, she dashed off a note to Mr. Haddon. She could not involve him now, not when whoever wrote that note expressly asked her to speak to no one. There was also the fact that she could not live with herself if she put him in the path of danger when he was only helping her.

Walking back to the window, she saw the man was now gone. Be aware that I am watching you.

Grabbing the doll, as it would prove a distraction so her aunt didn’t see her worry, she hurried down the stairs.

“Parslip, please send this to the Earl of Ellsworth’s address.” She handed the missive to the butler. “Ensure it is placed into the hands of Mr. Haddon.”

“At once, Miss Redfern.”

“I will also need the carriage soon and for Timothy to accompany me.”

“I shall see to it at once.”

“I will leave the house within the hour.”

Ivy was certain that her brother was being held at Le Plaisir, a brothel and gambling establishment. Her deductions had all pointed there, so that was where she would start her investigations today. She did not have the time to sit and wait for the demands of the blackmailer. With limited funds, and very little jewelry, she could not offer much, so she had to find her brother and rescue him.

“Your aunt has asked that you attend her in the morning parlor, Miss Redfern.”

“Of course. I shall go there directly.” Hurrying to the small parlor, she entered to find Aunt Bea drinking her morning cup of tea.

“Good morning.” She managed a smile

Aunt Beatrice was her father’s sister. Lively, with many friends, she had lived with the Redfern siblings for many years.

“Hello, darling. Is Herbertina needing more repairs?”

“She is. Now I cannot stop, I must hurry before the lending library closes. Have you any requests?”

“But it doesn’t close for a few hours yet, surely?”

“I have a few other errands to run also. I will take my maid and Timothy with me.” She kissed a soft, pale cheek. Her aunt smelled as she always did, of lilacs. Her silver hair was pinned into the style it always was, and a spray of lilacs were pinned there. When she couldn’t access real ones, she wore silk flowers.

Aunt Bea said the flower reminded her of her late husband.

“Have you heard from Jackson, dear?”

“I have, and he says he will be home any day now. His business is nearly completed.”

“I still don’t understand why he felt he need to hare off to Scotland at such a time. The weather will be far worse than anything we get in London. I hope he packed plenty of warm clothes.”

“I’m sure he did, and I believe the business matter quite an urgent one.” Ivy hated lying, but she must until she could get Jackson home. Her aunt would not suffer because of her brother’s recklessness.

“Pass me that doll. I shall repair her arm before it falls off completely, but one day I fear she will simply disintegrate.”

“I will deal with that day when it arrives.”

“A Mr. Haddon has arrived,” Parslip said from the doorway.

“Didn’t we meet him last night?” Aunt Bea asked. “He was one of the handsome brothers, if memory serves.”

Why is he so early? Her note had clearly not reached him yet, so he must have left early to visit her. She would now have to find a way to tell him she no longer needed his help.

“Bring him in, Parslip. We have not had a man in the house for weeks. It’s most exciting.” Aunt Bea clapped her hands. “And have fresh tea and food brought in. Young men are always ravenous.”

“Perhaps I should see what he wants. He may have called to drop something off. I did ask about a book he had,” Ivy lied.

“We know what he wants, dear.” Aunt Bea winked at her.

Ivy’s stomach plunged to her toes. Her aunt thought Mr. Haddon was interested in her, which of course could not be further from the truth.

“Oh no, he’s not interested in me, I assure you.”

“Of course he is, and who would not be considering how beautiful and intelligent you are,” her aunt said, loyal as always.

“Mr. Haddon,” Parslip said, which caused Ivy’s tummy to flutter.

“Good morning.” He stepped through the door and bowed, appearing larger and even more vital than he had last night. Dressed in a midnight blue jacket and waistcoat, he looked calm and almost like he was just paying Ivy a call, as her aunt had hoped he was.

“Mr. Haddon, we had not expected you.” Ivy needed to play this game carefully to ensure her aunt was not alerted to what was really going on.

“You’ll forgive me for not sending word of my intention to call.” He smiled, which set her aunt tittering. Ivy was made of sterner stuff than that, even if the smile did something special to his chocolate-brown eyes and showed up the laughter lines around his mouth.

“No apology needed at all, Mr. Haddon.” Aunt Bea was beaming. “We welcome a visit from you at any time. Don’t we, Ivy?”

Dear Lord. Her aunt’s jaw would be stuck in that position if her smile grew any wider.

“Of course.”

What was she to do now? She couldn’t very well tell him she no longer needed his assistance in front of their aunt, but if not now, when? What if he brought the matter up in front of Aunt Bea? Panic gripped her.

“As an old school friend of Jackson’s I also insist you call me Aunt Bea.”

“Thank you I would be honored.” He sent her aunt tittering again with another smile before turning his eyes on Ivy. “Why are you holding a doll, Miss Redfern?”

Looking down, she found Herbertina in her hands, and mortification had her cheeks turning a fiery red.

“That’s Herbertina, Mr. Haddon. My niece has not been parted from that doll since my nephew gave it to her many years ago,” Aunt Bea said.

“That’s an interesting name.” He came to stand before her to inspect the doll. Was he close enough to whisper what she needed to say?

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