Home > Mistletoe and Mayhem(80)

Mistletoe and Mayhem(80)
Author: Cheryl Bolen

He’d saved Jackson, faced down a pistol-toting brothel owner, and kissed Ivy—and lord, what a kiss. Surprising how it was the kiss that had affected him the most.

“Do you know the location of my eldest brother, Gilbert?” Rory said to the butler upon entering the townhouse.

“Your brothers are in the earl’s study, Mr. Haddon.”

“Excellent. Have food brought there, please.”

He walked through the house he knew intimately. Every painting and step, every rug and room, he’d entered thousands of times.

“Where have you been?” Joseph asked as he walked into this study.

“It is a long story, and I need a brandy to tell it.” Rory fell into the chair next to Charles. Joseph sat behind his desk across from them.

“Did you order food?”

“I did, and enough for you also,” he told Charles.

“Wonderful, now speak.” Joseph rose to pour the brandy.

After the first mouthful, he told them everything.

“You went into that building with only a footman!” Joseph roared. “You should have taken us with you!”

“I have pointed out that I went to call upon Miss Redfern as promised, but she had received the note. There was no time to send word to either of you.”

“You should have bloody well made time! Even now you could be lying in a pool of blood or worse!” His eldest brother was now pacing.

“What is worse than lying in a pool of blood?”

“You,” Joseph jabbed a finger at Charles, “shut up.”

“Sit, Joseph. We need to discuss this,” Rory said. “I am here safe, as are the Redfern family.”

“Again I must ask why you feel the need to help Miss Redfern?” Joseph fell back into his seat. “And I’m not finished yelling at you; I am merely taking a break.”

“She was desperate and clearly has no one else to turn to.”

Joseph looked at him. “So you have already said, but it’s my belief that you like her a great deal.”

“What? No… well, yes, she’s a nice lady, but nothing more than that.” Suddenly his necktie was strangling him. “You’re always waxing on about us being kind. This is me doing that.”

“I agree.” Charles stared at him too. “He likes her. Who would have thought that mousy Miss Redfern would capture the handsome Rory Haddon’s interest?”

“She’s not mousy.” And those worlds should have stayed inside his head.

“And he’s defending her. Interesting.” Joseph was relaxed now and looked smug.

“There is nothing interesting about it.” Strangely, even his boots felt tight now. “The point is, we need to help them, as I fear retribution. If as that vile woman at Le Plaisir says, vengeance will be hers—”

“Very dramatic. What is she like? I’ve heard stories, but of course have never been there.”

“I should hope not.” Joseph now glared at Charles.

“She’s beautiful. Stunning, actually, and cold as ice.”

“Ah, one of those.” Charles nodded. “There are rumors she has control of some powerful men.”

“She alluded to that, actually. Said it would not be wise to take her on, as we’d never win. She then threatened us, our family, and the Redferns if I persisted in causing trouble for her.”

Joseph whistled.

“And this is my concern,” Rory added. “We can leave at once for Greystone and be safe there while we press charges and she is finally held accountable for what she has done. The Redferns have nowhere to run.”

“Invite them to Greystone,” Joseph said.

“I had hoped you would say that.” Rory felt relief. “I just may need your help in getting them there.”



Chapter Twelve



Ivy sat in the chair in her brother’s room the following day. It was cold out, and a fire crackled in the grate. She felt at peace sitting here, knowing that the two people she loved were safe and with her. Perhaps peace wasn’t the right word, as there was that kiss and the danger that hung over them, but she felt better than she had in many days. Lord, was it only yesterday they’d rescued Jackson and she’d been kissed?

“We will need to take a place in Bath,” Aunt Bea said. Seated beside Jackson, she was feeding him broth.

He’d been bathed again when he woke this morning, and now lay in his bed looking rested. He was still pale, and they’d found sores on his ankles and other places, but for all that, he appeared in better spirits.

“I’m sorry that my actions have hurt you both,” Jackson said.

“We will discuss that when you are stronger,” Ivy said. “For now, regain your strength.”

“Lord Ellsworth and Mr. Haddon have called, Miss Redfern,” Parslip said from the doorway.

“How wonderful.” Aunt Bea looked excited. “Tell them we shall be down shortly.”

“We took the liberty of coming to you,” Rory said, entering the bedroom followed by his brother. His eyes settled on her briefly before turning to Jackson and Aunt Bea.

“Oh now, this is nice,” her aunt said. “So many handsome men all in one room.”

Mortified at her aunt’s words, Ivy stood rooted to the spot. Seeing Rory again so soon after that kiss was unsettling. She had touched her lips at least fifty times since that moment. How was it possible they seemed more sensitive? Her first kiss, and Ivy knew she’d never forget it.

“We should go downstairs.” She found her voice. “I’m sure the earl has no wish to stand about in here.”

“Here is fine, I assure you, Miss Redfern. With such beauty on display, any room would do.” The earl went to her aunt and bowed over her hand. His smile had Aunt Bea in a flutter. “You’ll excuse us for calling at such an hour without sending word first.”

“Of course.” Aunt Bea blushed.

“Is everything all right?” Rory moved to Ivy’s side.

“Yes. Jackson is much improved, thank you. The doctor you sent said he will regain full health soon.”


“Why have you brought your brother here? Has something else happened, Mr. Haddon?”


“I think it best if we are formal once again,” Ivy said softly so no one else could overhear.

“I disagree, and I will call you Ivy, so you may as well call me Rory.” His smile did wonderful things to his face. She squashed down the flutter in her belly as he touched her hand briefly before going to see Jackson.

“I can never thank you enough for what you did, Rory,” her brother said.

Ivy watched as the two old friends clasped hands.

“No thanks necessary. I shall call upon you when I need something, and we shall be even.”

Jackson snorted. “It will take more than one thing.”

“Do you feel up to telling us what happened?” Rory asked.

Her brother looked at Aunt Bea and then her.

“We are involved in this, Jackson, and will hear what is said,” Aunt Bea said.

“Very well.” Jackson didn’t look happy but nodded. “Madam Layla is extremely beautiful, and she paid me particular attention. I fear I became enamored with her. She would ply me with drinks, and sometimes I would end up in a bed without even realizing how I’d got there.”

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