Home > Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior(5)

Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior(5)
Author: Juno Wells

“No. The rules do not change,” he replied. “Males and females have engaged in combat in the arena since it was formed.”

Wexxon then paused for a moment, his eyes clearly taking me in as they moved up and down my naked frame. “But…there is a code of combat that might interest you, if you truly do not wish to earn your glory tomorrow in battle.”

“What? What is it?” I impatiently asked, my heart racing with excitement at the possibility of not being murdered by Wexxon tomorrow in a fight.

“Married couples can not challenge each other in the arena.” His words came out quiet, his eyes still glued on my skin. “It is not allowed, for the fear that such a battle will leave their children orphaned. A fate some see as worse than death on Xelxar.”

“I…what?” My brain could hardly handle what Wexxon was saying to me right now. “Are you…are you saying that we have to get married? That’s the only way you won’t murder me for fucking sport?”


“Couldn’t we just skip over that part? And have you not murder me for sport anyway?” I begged. “Wexxon the Great, please just listen to logic—”

“You no longer need to address me by my full name,” he cut me off with a smile on his face. “That is not customary for married couples. Wexxon will do just fine.”

“We’re not married!” I argued, everything in my world seeming like it was falling into pieces right in front of me. “We’re not—Just take me home!”

“Enough.” Wexxon’s response came out like a warning as he moved closer to me, soon bending down until we were standing eye-to-eye. “You will marry me tonight or I will kill you here. You decide, little warrior. But you will not continue to waste my time.”

“I…” I hesitated to reply, but even through my reluctance to speak I saw the way one of Wexxon’s hands was gripping into a fist, flexing open and flexing closed, like he was getting ready for battle even as we spoke.

And as visions of him casually grabbing me by the neck and choking me until all the life left my body now danced in the back of my mind, I murmured out my answer, “…Yes. I’ll…I’ll marry you, Wexxon.”

“Then tonight will be a celebration and not a funeral.” He smiled, his hand finally relaxing, as he fully turned away from me, once again walking across the sand. “We’ll return to the city at once.”



Chapter Three






I’d never been taken with a female before.

It was supposed to be one of the greatest pleasures of a Xelxar male, to feel such an affinity for a female, and so quickly, too. And while I’d sampled various female lovers during my time at the arena, I’d never had any desire to claim them as my own, to let them sleep in my bed and bear my children.

But there was something so different about Rachel Waters. From the moment I watched her slay the mighty warrior Radpor, the way she wept at the sight of him dead, the way she challenged even a fighter as great as me on the ways of my own people afterward, I knew that she was different, and admired her strange ways. But soon after she revealed to me that she was indeed a female, my admiration turned into a burning lust. I wanted to claim her, to make her writhe underneath me and beg for my seed. Because even though Rachel didn’t see herself as a warrior, it was clear to me that she was, that she had a fighter’s spirit even if she cried over the deaths of her foes.

And I would’ve slain anyone who dared tried to claim her as their own, to try and take away the prize given to me by the seas of Xelxar, by the sands of green.

Even now, as Rachel and I stood outside the church’s doorsteps, waiting for Grindeem to come outside and properly greet us, my mouth watered at the idea of sampling my future bride. And if it wasn’t so clear to me that she was terrified of her surroundings, looking around at everything like she was worried there was something amiss, I would’ve taken the gift of this time between us to spread her legs and taste her.

But instead, I found myself annoyed at her utter lack of faith in my abilities. “Stop.”

“Stop what?” Rachel asked, still glancing around at the building. “Where are we? What is this?”

“I told you that we were going to be married, did I not?” I failed to hide the frustration in my tone. “And did I not also tell you that you are to be wed to the greatest warrior on the planet?”

“You did, but—”

“So, why do you look around as if there’s someone greater that could ever take me on?” I scowled. “Do you not believe me? Do you think I tell you lies?”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, her voice going low. “I don’t…I don’t know…I don’t know anything, Wexxon.”

Rachel’s eyes then welled with tears again as she looked over at me. “I’m scared. I’m so scared.”

“Do not be scared, little warrior,” I instructed. “No harm will ever come to you. Do you understand? Once you are mine, I will not let anyone lay a hand on you.”

“I don’t…” Rachel started to speak again, although this time she was interrupted by her own sniffling. “Fuck.”

“What does that word mean?”

“What word?” Rachel asked. “Fuck?”

“Yes. That one.” I smiled. “It seems to be fully embedded into your vocabulary, and my translator isn’t providing any definition.”

“You’re…using a translator?”

“Always,” I answered before pointing toward the side of my neck. “All citizens of Xelxar are implanted with translators when we are first born.”

“…Wait. Translator. Oh God. Oh my God!” Rachel’s face suddenly brightened. “Why didn’t I realize it sooner? If we’ve been communicating this whole time, that means you have to know what English is, right? Does that mean you know what Earth is, too?”

“Afraid not, little warrior,” I replied. “The translator works by sorting out the vibrations in your tone and doing its best to estimate your full language and replicate it back in my own. I’d argue that we have the most advanced translators in the galaxy, but sometimes, it does fail, such as with your word fuck.”

I then pressed her again as I kept my gaze trained on her own. “So, what does it mean?”

“I don’t really know if I can summarize…” She paused for a moment, her expression turning somber before she went on. “Um, it can mean a lot of different things. Sometimes it can be a good thing. Sometimes it’s a bad thing.”

“Interesting.” I let out a thoughtful noise. “I wonder how many other eccentricities you’re hiding away from me, little warrior.”

“I wouldn’t say that I’m hiding anything from you,” she murmured, pulling her arms tighter across her naked chest.

And I warmly smiled at her joke, even as a moment of pure rage flashed through my veins. I’d been careful to take the backroads to the church, not wanting anyone else to see my future wife like this, naked and slightly shivering. And I knew that if we did happen to come across anyone, even if it was an old friend, I would’ve had to kill them in the street for glancing at what was mine, even if they’d never intended to.

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