Home > Tina (Clans of Europa)(25)

Tina (Clans of Europa)(25)
Author: Tracy St. John

“You’re serious? Even though you’re—even with that?” She glanced at his obvious erection.

His concerned patience never wavered. “I want you. More than that, I want you to want me too. It’s no good if you don’t.”

He wasn’t lying. Tina would have bet her life on it.

“I do want you.” She warmed at the admission.

“Are you sure, my Matara?” He spoke with a mix of yearning and worry.

He needed her to be firm with him. Tukui had to be reassured she welcomed what he’d kidnapped her for. Tina would have laughed at the irony if she hadn’t been so eager for him to do those exciting, immoral acts with her.

“I want sex with you. Give me sex, the same as you did before.”

“That sounds like an order,” Yorso said.

He was right. She’d demanded they make love to her. For a moment, she was sure she’d screwed up. Then grins erupted on the three faces hovering over her. Even Osopa beamed at her.

Mine. Forever. No matter what. Tina felt like that princess she’d envisioned herself as in the gown Yorso had shown her—the gown she’d insist on having in blue, instead of green.

“Yes. I command you to give me sex and make me feel good.”

They filled her ears with elated laughter. Tukui stood long enough to bow. “We’re delighted to fulfill your wishes, my Matara.”

“Ecstatic,” Yorso affirmed before returning his attention to her breasts.

Osopa said nothing, but returned to enthusiastically pumping his fingers in her pussy while Tukui spread her folds. His tongue darted over her clit, playing with it. Within moments, she was writhing again.

It was incredible how they explored her, finding all the spots that lit her like a Christmas tree. She loved the sensation of their heated skin against hers—they ran hotter than she did. Especially when their weight pinned her down.

It reminded her of when they’d held her helpless in her cell, her wrists pinned to her pillow, her thighs captured and held apart by muscular arms. That delicious excitement of being vulnerable, of being theirs to enjoy, of being the woman they hungered to possess.

What had been terrifying in theory, when the words ‘sex slave’ had offered visions of being an object to use then pass along to others, was different now that she belonged. For good.

What the three men did now was enthralling, but it lacked that edge from before. It wasn’t taking her out of her head, keeping her from thinking too hard. As much as she enjoyed reaching out and touching them, the idea of being bound or held down an added extra thrill. Was that normal?

“Um, excuse me?”

Three dark heads came up. Three sets of questioning features. “Yes, my Matara?” Tukui responded.

“I was just wondering. The way we did it before? In the cell? Did you like that?”

Confusion. “What way would that be?” Yorso asked.

“Restraining me. Was it fun for you too?”

Tukui glanced at the other two, a shadow of guilt passing over him. “Well, I suppose it wasn’t nice, being pinned down. I’m sorry if it upset you, but we were afraid of you flailing around and getting hurt.”

They appeared unhappy at the memory. Maybe they hadn’t found it as exciting as she had. Disappointment filled her. Yet Tukui was talking about his concept of how she’d felt about it. There’d already been big misunderstandings over them failing to grasp each other’s expectations.

They won’t get rid of me. She gathered her courage.

“I wasn’t upset. Well, I was when the stuff from your bite wore off, but otherwise—so you weren’t excited to hold me down? I was. Is that wrong?”

A perceptive grin pulled on one side of Osopa’s lips. It was a sexy, dangerous leer that made Tina’s stomach flip-flop. It was a fun menace, far better than the cold, distant version.

“Oh. Oh!” Yorso blinked, and a cautious smile lit his adorable features. “You want that again?”

“Wait a moment.” Tukui was the sole holdout. “Is this a bid to please us?”

“No. I realize we have to be on the same page with this, so if you don’t choose to, it’s okay. I can’t explain why it was good.” The words tumbled out on top of each other as she tried to explain. “I just—now that we have this situation, and I’m feeling better about it, and I was thinking about the first time, and I thought I’d like to do that again. The helpless part, I mean. Is it weird I enjoyed that?”

“Only if it’s weird that I enjoy it too,” Yorso said when Tukui failed to respond. Osopa still wore that delicious menacing half-grin that insisted he was fine with her wish to be restrained.

“You’re sure?” Tukui went from suspicious to concerned again.

Tina’s heart warmed at his uncertainty, because desire flickered at its edges. He was putting her needs ahead of his.

He cares. I haven’t done anything special to deserve it, but he’s concerned about me.

She offered him a hopeful smile. “Can we try it? If any of us decides it’s no fun, speak up. I will too. Promise.”

Tukui glanced at his clanmates. Osopa snorted at his hesitation. “I’ve never known you to not take such an opportunity and run with it.”

Yorso laughed at that, then sobered a touch. “We’ll keep an eye on her. The slightest sign of trouble—”

“Fine, all right.” His gaze on Tina was affectionate. “Your preferences aren’t weird, my Matara. As long as you feel safe and it brings you pleasure, I’m more than happy to give you what you wish.”

“But you like it too?” She needed to be sure.

Yorso laughed again. “He’d win awards in domination if they gave them out. I’m surprised you’re having to convince him.”

“It’s no fun if she doesn’t enjoy it,” Tukui insisted.

Just the thought of it had her heart racing and her stomach squirming. “I think I would.”

“My Nobek? We have no rope since you shredded the last bit I used—”

Osopa’s chuckle was dark and made Tina’s pussy clench. In a moment, he produced silvery rings, four in total. “This is why the other two breeds keep mine around.”

“Not at all. But the hovercuffs are a plus.” Tukui’s eyes twinkled as he gave Tina his attention. “We’ll have our hands free to enjoy our lovely prisoner. Is that acceptable to you?”

For an answer, she thrust her arms toward the Nobek, inviting him to bind her. He did so, the cool metal rings automatically adjusting to fit.

“Not too tight?” Osopa kissed her fingertips. “Is your circulation okay?”

“Fine. They don’t have anything connecting them though. How can they keep me from moving?” She frowned as she turned her wrists this way and that, the light catching them so they gleamed. Pretty, but hardly a deterrent.

“Cuffs, freeze subject.”

All at once, she couldn’t turn her arms any longer. The cuffs held her wrists suspended in the air, and she couldn’t shift but to pull herself up by bending her elbows. She gasped as a thrill shot between her legs.

Osopa chuckled as he slid the other pair of rings around her ankles. “Cuffs, respond to verbal and physical manipulation by all but the subject.”

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