Home > Tina (Clans of Europa)(8)

Tina (Clans of Europa)(8)
Author: Tracy St. John

“She’ll have personal belongings to gather. Maybe that’ll calm her down.”

He breathed a sigh of relief when they gained the barracks where he’d first seen Tina. Did she remember it was him who’d grabbed her in her sleeping room? Was that adding to her horror of him?

“Do you know which room is hers?”

Instead of answering, Osopa plowed ahead with Tina still screaming, his ears ringing until he was sure they’d never recover. Fewer of his underlings were in the corridor, and they didn’t act as shocked as those outside had been.

There were other cries, other women’s voices raised in supplication. At first, Osopa thought perhaps the remaining four clans had brought in their unwilling Mataras too, then he remembered: Dr. Degorsk had set up a sexual re-education area in the infirmary. No wonder the security forces in this building weren’t reacting badly to Tina’s hysterics.

Yorso’s face worked as he caught the sounds as well. “They’re all hysterical. This is a nightmare. We shouldn’t be here.”

“We’re almost to her quarters,” Osopa muttered. He felt as if he was damned near running, but the door he aimed for wasn’t getting any closer.

Yorso was right. It was a nightmare.

A lanky man with a waist-length braid appeared at the end of the hall, coming from the infirmary. Usually, Osopa was desperate to avoid Dr. Degorsk and his penchant for bad jokes. With Tina bawling and howling for rescue, the appearance of the head medic made his knees wobble with relief.

“Dr. Degorsk!”

“Oh, thank the ancestors.” Yorso sounded as if he were sobbing.

Degorsk waved, his usually happy visage turning to a thundercloud as he hurried their way. It was often easy to forget the Imdiko’s temper was as bad as his jokes. As soon as he reached them, he tried to turn Tina so he could look at her. She screamed and attempted to bite his fingers.

“I hate seeing them this upset,” he muttered so low that Osopa had to strain to hear him. Degorsk raised his voice. “Good set of lungs on this one. Definitely healthy respiratory system. You chose well, along with loud, Clan Tukui.”

Osopa’s cheeks felt stiff as he smiled weakly at the joke.

Tukui was flushed, whether with frustration or panic, Osopa couldn’t say. “This isn’t normal. Is it?”

“For a woman whose life on Earth is forfeit for being carted off and ravished by men? Quite normal, I’m afraid.”

“When will she stop?” Osopa shouted over Tina’s shrieks.

“Good question. When you find out, let me know.” Degorsk gentled, leaning close to speak in English in Tina’s ear. “I understand, little Matara. This is terrifying.”

For a wonder, she settled into quiet sobs, her face hot against Osopa’s chest. She sagged, no doubt exhausted from her violent exertions. His gut shriveled at her crying.

“There must be something we can do.” Osopa heard the waver in his own voice, his iron control slipping.

Degorsk rubbed his forehead, his expression weary. “We’re conquerors. They’re the conquered. It’s going to be rough for a bit.”

“You don’t have any suggestions?” Yorso begged.

“Kalquor’s psychiatric board recommends doing exactly what she’s most afraid of. Get it over with. Stop letting her fear of it terrorize her.”

Tukui blinked. “You mean—”

“Make love to your new Matara as soon as possible. Show her the joys of intimate contact. Get her past the idea of damnation.”

“But—but—look at her. Maybe she’s not ready.”

Degorsk sighed. “Bite her first. Earthers lose their inhibitions when injected with our venom. They welcome sex after the bite, in fact. You’d be amazed how willing they are.”

“You’re sure?” Osopa had his doubts.

“It’s for the best. Let her see there’s nothing to fear. You’ll all be happier for it.”

With that, the doctor moved on, avoiding Tina’s kick as he left them, even chuckling with indulgence at her combativeness.

“What do you think?” Osopa asked his clanmates, tightening his grip on Tina as she began shoving against him again. He looked especially at Yorso, the cultural expert.

His Imdiko seemed reassured by what they’d been told. “Dr. Degorsk said they feel better after they’re bitten. Let’s try it, and see how she acts after that. Then, if she wants to…”

“Who are we to naysay the experts?” Tukui wore a hopeful expression.

Osopa had to agree. He’d give anything if she’d stop crying because of him.


* * * *


Nothing she’d done had put the aliens off from taking her from the others. Tina was exhausted from fighting a hopeless battle to break free. She lacked the strength to offer more than a few token shoves and kicks.

Could she believe the kind words they’d spoken? The four-bar Kalquorian, he of the intense stare, who’d snatched her from the dining room and carried her around the colony hadn’t offered a word of apology. He’d simply clutched her to that powerful chest, his great strength draining hers.

The other two had seemed desperate to reassure her. If they had no intention of harm, what did they want? She was a mere female, worthless to everyone. Even a remote convent.

Sex-slaving, demonic Kalquorians.

Was it true? Tina wept, wondering what would happen next.

Abruptly, she was set on her feet and released. She staggered a step forward, and a hand steadied her when her legs threatened to give out. She stared to see where they’d brought her.

Her sleeping cell. The colorful rag rug on the floor, the soaps and candles on the shelves—all things she’d made from leftover bits and pieces others saw as trash. Her private space, with its bed, hard mattress, her white aspirant dress and head scarf hung on the wall pegs. The place she’d called home for the last five years. The place she was to have been unceremoniously evicted from.

She whirled to confront her attackers. In the tiny cell, they appeared larger than ever, huge Goliaths whose heads nearly brushed the ceiling. She emitted a shriek and backed as far from them as possible—an entire foot.

One still held her arm, the Kalquorian who’d entered the dining hall in a merry mood. He knelt before her, his rich voice soothing. “Tina, please let us talk to you. We mean you no harm.”

Despite the gentle expression he wore—such a handsome man, and no horns as she’d seen on the propaganda vids—Tina’s panicked thoughts grew more chaotic. Should she talk to them? Would it be treason since she had no government secrets to confess? What would Sister Katherine do? More importantly, what would Sister Bernadette do?

She had no compass to guide her. She was alone in her sleeping cell with three men, enemies of her world.

We’re tainted in the eyes of the Church and the Holy Father whether we’re violated or not. Mary’s bitter, wretched voice spoke in her thoughts. We’re as good as executed for lewdness.

“Matara—Tina—please. Speak to me.” The kneeling alien beseeched, as if only her acknowledgment could offer him comfort. A scene straight out of a movie, the misunderstood hero trying to make the leading lady see he was good beneath the bad-guy façade. All that was missing was the background soundtrack.

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