Home > Conception (The Wellingtons #4)(25)

Conception (The Wellingtons #4)(25)
Author: Tessa Teevan

That night was different though. We didn’t discuss how we wanted to change the company—we discussed how we wanted to change ourselves along with it. Did he gush about Maria most of the time? Yeah. And for once, I didn’t mind.

What can I say? Booze.

And unfortunately for me, that night was almost a week ago and I still haven’t progressed much with Amelia. Well, not physically. Sure, we’ve spent nearly every waking moment together—and a couple of them sleeping thanks to long days in the summer heat. Never alone. Always with Clay, Sunny, and the rest of the gang. Yet, even on the nights we steal away and stay in, cuddled on the couch while watching old movies, we never do anything other than some very heavy making out—necking as Mom would embarrassingly call it. And every night, as much as it pains me, I put her into bed, give her a kiss goodnight, and go home to Clay’s approving stare.

Like I said: idiot.

He may approve of my going slow; I sure as hell don’t know how I’m managing. I’m a loaded bottle of pent-up frustration that’s in danger of detonating at any given moment.

I have no idea how I’ve kept my cool—and I don’t just mean in this heat wave. The resistance is killing me, and with each night that passes, every inch Amelia presses up closer against me, I can tell it’s killing her, too. So maybe my brother isn’t such a total idiot, but I’ve reached my limit. I have to do something. I can’t lie with her in my arms for one more night with her pert little ass teasing my groin, my hand on her belly when it wants to be on her breast, without doing something about it.

And hell, it’s about time.

Tonight’s the night. And the best part? I have a feeling Amelia has come to that conclusion, too.

When I pick up her up after a long day at the beach, she’s wearing those dark denim shorts that hug her ass to perfection and a tiny Kiss T-shirt that cuts off at the midriff, which exposes a now tanned, taut belly. Her hair in a messy ponytail, practically begging for my fingers to tangle up in it. Cherry lips form an enticing pout, and the necklace that disappears into subtle cleavage has me salivating and desperate to go on my own treasure hunt.

She throws her purse over her shoulder, her beaming smile hitting me somewhere I’m not ready to explore. The moment she steps outside, she sucks in a deep breath.

“Holy smokes. Did it get hotter since this afternoon?” she asks, using her hand to fan her face.

Considering that my white T-shirt already feels damp with my own sweat, I can’t blame her. Probably the wrong fashion choice for the day. Too late now. “Clay said the weatherman warned of a spike in temperature but said it should cool off when the sun goes down. You still cool with walkin’, or do you want me to go get my car?”

I want to ask if I can drive the sweet ride into her garage, but though we’ve gotten close, I’m not sure we’re that close. I can respect the boundaries of a fellow sports car enthusiast.

“That’s sweet, Knox, but I’m not going to melt from the heat. Mickey’s is only a short walk, and plus, if you drive, I don’t get to get you drunk and take advantage.”

I dart forward to catch her, and she twirls out of the way. I’m too quick for her though, so I’m able to hook my forefinger through a loop on her denim shorts.

“Oof!” She makes the cutest damn sound when I tug her in tight to my chest a little harder than I meant to.

“Babe, it’s not taking advantage. I’m yours to do with as you please.” I give her a wink.

Amelia presses her forehead against my chest, her hands fisting the bottom of my shirt. She grumbles something unintelligible.

“What was that?”

Bashful, green eyes flutter up at me beneath incredible, dark lashes. “Nothing. Just… I’ll remember you said that, and I plan on holding you to it.”

“Feel free to hold me to anything you damn well please.”

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been trying to do that all week.” The frustration in her voice matches what I’m feeling inside.

This has to be the night. For both of us. If we didn’t have plans to meet the gang at Mickey’s, I’d have half a mind to haul her up, take her inside, and bury myself inside her so deep that I won’t be able to remember what sex was like before I met her.

And if I just so happen to ruin her for all other men?

Well, that’ll be the icing on the damn cake.


“Is everything okay? Between us?” Amelia asks, catching me off guard.

She’s sitting between my legs, resting her back against my chest, while I run my fingers up and down her bare thighs.

We spent most of the night playing pool and dancing at Mickey’s. Since it turned out to be a slow night, Joe closed the place down early in order to move the party down to the lake. Even though it neared a hundred degrees today, the night is surprisingly refreshing with a cool breeze coming off the water.

A couple of the guys built the fire we’re all sitting around. Joe and Sam are taking turns playing the guitar, alternating between singing rock-and-roll tunes and making up ones of their own. Sunny’s being…well, from what I’ve learned over the past few days, Sunny. She’s smoking a joint, swaying back and forth to the music, occasionally making cat calls to Joe. Every so often, she gestures to me over Amelia’s head. If I’m reading her correctly, Amelia’s told her of our going slow, and she’s trying to nudge me along in the right direction.


I take one of her hands in mine, bringing it to my lips and giving her a kiss. “Nah, babe.”

She sits up quickly and turns around, searching my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

I realize I answered the wrong question. “No, I meant nothing’s wrong. Everything’s cool. Better than cool. Why do you ask?”

Amelia looks around then plays with the end of her ponytail. “Wanna go for a walk? Get away from the crowd? Sunny’s pot is starting to make my nose tickle.” She wrinkles said nose for effect.

Before I can answer, she stands up, brushing the sand off her ass. Then I take the hand she’s holding out to me.

“We’re going to head back to the house,” she tells the gang, surprising me. “Turn in for the night.”

Sunny cheers her approval.

I turn to Amelia. “Back to the house?”

“Is it so terrible that I want to get you alone?”

“All you have to do is ask.”

There’s a chorus of goodbyes, catcalls, and whooping as we walk away from the crowd—including my own brother’s interjection that he’ll be fine for the night and doesn’t expect me home. Once we’re out of earshot, Amelia surprises me by tugging me in the direction not towards the house.

“Where are we going?” I ask her, grateful for the near full moon that allows me to see her face entirely.

“I thought maybe we’d savor the slight chill in the air before heading back to the house. A moonlight stroll? That okay with you?”

Though I’m already primed and ready to move things along between us, I don’t mind holding her hand for a little while longer. “Fine by me.”

We walk in silence, enjoying the sounds of the water softly hitting the shore, the crickets singing their midnight lullaby, and the rustles of the breeze on the trees that cocoon the lake. Laughter rings out in the distance.

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