Home > Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(30)

Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(30)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

“Can you drive?” Warin slurred.

“Yeah. Yeah, but I need to remove the spell they’ve got on the car first. It’s meant to trap us in. Hang on.”

Tori stayed kneeling and half-turned to see the car better. He didn’t know what spell they’d used—it frankly looked strange and sort of slanted? The power of it didn’t glow right, reminding him vaguely of the way the magical auras on his two would-be kidnappers had looked off. Distorted might be the best way to describe it.

But he could see the intent of the spell, as that was written across the door, and that was enough for him to know how to counter it. He drew on the remaining dragon’s breath in his lungs, and what reflected sunlight around him he could, forcefully commanding, “Klak aese!”

The spell binding the car splintered and dissipated like smoke in a high wind. Good.

Tori turned, got a shoulder underneath Baldewin, and heaved him up. It was awkward as hell, with Baldewin being taller and larger, but Tori wasn’t weak in a physical sense. He’d done hard labor most of his adult life, and it was handy now, as he was able to haul Baldewin into the passenger seat and get him situated.

Baldewin settled with a groan, obviously fighting the drug in his system. And apparently winning, if he was still awake. Maybe their dosage had been off in their favor.

Tori didn’t question it just then; he wanted out of there before the Jaeggi figured out a way around his ward. They were still milling outside, glaring at him and talking among themselves as if not sure what to do, but determined to stop him from leaving. Fat chance, that. Tori had no compunction in running them over.

He started with Warin, who was easier to haul up, as the man was slimmer in build, and half-carried him over to the car and settled him into the back seat. He almost left the luggage scattered but decided to take the five seconds to throw everything into the trunk. Five seconds now would save them aggravation and money later. And Tori didn’t have any money to spare.

Everything in the trunk, he almost dove right into the driver’s seat, then realized Baldewin still had the keys in his pocket. Plus, he would rather have a little magical power on him just in case the Jaeggi tried something as he passed them. A ward on the car itself would also be a good idea.

He hesitated a split second, then shook it off. Baldewin was the one who’d urged Tori to kiss him in the first place; he wouldn’t mind supplying him with more dragon’s breath. Probably. He opened the passenger door again and asked Baldewin carefully, “Keys?”

Baldewin’s eyes were on him, words slurred. “Front pocket.”

Tori carefully patted both pockets, felt the bulge of the keys, and dug them out with both care and speed. “Sorry to ask. Can I have another kiss?”

Something that might have been a smirk teased at the corners of Baldewin’s mouth. “Aww, you do like me.”

“You’re joking right now? Seriously?” Tori rolled his eyes, then kissed Baldewin again. This was smoother, less frantic and with a better angle. He didn’t linger, though, not more than the three seconds he needed to collect dragon’s breath. Even though his traitorous libido really wanted to kiss Baldewin longer than that.

He pulled back, trying not to feel awkward or blush. He largely failed at both. Shaking fingers fumbled with the key for a moment as a heady mix of adrenaline, fear, and excitement rushed through him. Then he carefully shut the door and walked around the car to slide into the driver’s seat, starting up the car.

The engine was running before he put his hand on the dash and cast another ward over the body of the car. This time, he parsed out the magical power he’d been given instead of using most of it in one go. “Tuella gev adi.”

The ward slid into place, a light golden glow that conformed to the outlines of the car’s body. It was as strong as the other ward, just as able to deflect attack. Tori marveled at it for a split second, unable to comprehend how much easier it was to work a spell when using an element from a dragon. Was it any wonder why his mage ancestors were so eager to partner up with dragons?

He shook the thought off, backing up and out of the space. He had no idea where to go, but he needed to get them out of there. The Jaeggi had a gun aimed at the windshield, and they were shouting something threatening at him, but it didn’t faze Tori.

With a whispered word, the protective dome came down in a wash of magic. A feral grin stretched from ear to ear as he hit the gas, and the car leapt forward, forcing them to jump or become road pancake. Unfortunately, all of them had good enough reflexes to get out of the way. Tori wouldn’t have minded breaking a few limbs after that kidnapping attempt.

He exited the parking lot with a touch more speed than was advisable, merging into the light morning traffic and heading away without any real destination. Driving was all fine and well, but he couldn’t just drive. And with two heavily drugged dragons down for the count, it was up to him to protect everyone. At least for a while. They were both groaning and shifting, so obviously the tranquilizer was wearing off quickly, but still. They weren’t fighting fit and likely wouldn’t be for a while.

Shit. Tori really hated this morning already.

For the next few minutes, at least, he’d focus on getting some distance between them and the Jaeggi.



Baldewin groaned softly as he tried to get into a more comfortable position in the car. Things hurt. Many, many things hurt. Of course, his dragon was making it all worse, starting with his headache, as the creature raged inside of him, demanding to be set free so it could destroy any and all Jaeggi who dared to come near Tori.

Not that Tori had needed his help or his dragon’s. The mage had done just fine taking care of the trap and the Jaeggi. He should have been thrilled about their kisses, but they didn’t count. Baldewin had felt only the faintest brush of Tori’s lips, just enough to leave behind the sweetest tingle.

And then the mage had saved their lives when it should have been him and Warin keeping him safe.

“Baldewin? Baldewin, are you alright?” Tori demanded, pulling him out of his dark, angry thoughts.

“Yes, I’m fine. Muscles are a little sore, and my head is pounding, but I’m fine,” Baldewin murmured. “Warin?”

The other dragon swore loudly in German from the backseat for a moment before finally giving a grumbled, “Okay.”

They did not like being caught unaware. How could they have missed the damn booby trap on the car? It wasn’t as if they were inexperienced children. They’d protected Cameron and Alric on numerous occasions. They’d protected all the mages of the castle with little trouble. This…this was sloppy. He knew better. He was letting himself get distracted by Tori, and it was going to be the mage who paid for his lack of dedication to his job.

“Stop it!” Tori snapped.

Baldewin blinked and looked up to find Tori glancing sternly over at him before directing his gaze back at the road. “I can hear your brooding over there. This wasn’t your fault.”

“We should have sensed the spell or at least smelled it,” Warin countered, proving that the dragon’s thoughts were running parallel to Baldewin’s.

Tori’s fingers clenched the wheel a little tighter. His whole body appeared to be one tense muscle. “Maybe not. It was a trap, and pretty well camouflaged from what I saw of it.”

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