Home > Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(65)

Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(65)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

“Oh dear, I didn’t mean to shock him like that.” Lisette crossed over to him in three quick strides, leaning in. “Tori? Baldewin, why is he reacting like this?”

“We didn’t explain enough, apparently.” Baldewin sighed gustily. “He wasn’t allowed mage status in his old clan.”

Several voices demanded incredulously, “What!”

Lisette growled, a ferocious animal ready to tear something limb from limb. “Because he’s a man?”

“Yeah. That was part of it.”

Tori couldn’t sit still a second more. He exploded from the couch and, in one swift movement, grabbed Lisette around the waist, hauling her into a tight hug that lifted her toes from the floor. Tears slipped over his cheeks as he buried his face into her shoulder. “Thank you.”

Lisette hugged him fiercely back. “You shouldn’t thank me, Tori. This is what you’re owed. Your skills alone demand such recognition. Oh, just wait until I meet your clan. I’ll tear a new hole in each of them.”

“I’ll help,” Baldewin assured her flatly.

Pulling back, Tori carefully put Lisette back down. Old people were fragile. He probably shouldn’t break her. As soon as he set her down, he was inundated on all sides by his new co-workers and clanmates, all of them hugging him and welcoming him into the clan. Tori was overwhelmed by the love and acceptance in this room, and he indulged shamelessly in it.

He was a mage of the Burkard clan. It was all too perfect. If this was a dream, he refused to pinch himself. He’d live the rest of his life asleep.



Tori was still riding the high later that evening. He’d eaten dinner in the main hall with everyone else, and this time it felt different, knowing he wasn’t an outsider sitting with everyone but a Burkhard, himself.

The official announcement might not have happened yet, but everyone seemed to be aware of it, as many came over to say hello and welcome. Baldewin sat with him throughout dinner, handling introductions to anyone that he didn’t know. He appreciated it beyond words, as it became quickly overwhelming.

Tori had grown up with the same two hundred people until he was thirty-five and had fled for Helsinki.

And Helsinki had been more than overwhelming, with all its people crammed in so close together.

The Burkhards weren’t a large clan, either, fortunately. But still, talking to people all in a rush like that had sent his head spinning. That was why, when he had a lull, he made a break for his room. Tori just needed a few minutes of quiet time.

He ended up in the cozy, winged chair in his sitting room—which was an odd thing to have—with a pad of paper in his hands. He practiced writing his new name, too giddy not to, even if it did feel somewhat silly. Tori Burkhard. It had a nice ring to it. Cameron stopped by at one point, warning him that there was a lot of paperwork in his future to change his name, apply for a change in citizenship, all of that. Tori honestly didn’t mind. In fact, he looked forward to it.

Tori Burkhard.

He had a feeling he’d smile every time he wrote that name.

A knock sounded at the door. Tori set aside paper and pen, getting up to answer it.

Baldewin gave him a smile, weight shifting a little in a nervous movement. “Hi. Have a moment?”

“Sure.” Tori waved him in. “I was just practicing my new signature.”

Baldewin stepped inside, turning to look at him with amusement. “Come to think of it, it’s something you’d need to practice. You look smug saying that, though.”

“I feel smug. And relieved. And excited. A few other hundred emotions, as well.”

Baldewin touched his hand gently, gathering it up in a loose grip, the warm brush of his fingers strangely electrifying. His grey-green eyes were intent behind his glasses. “I’m so glad you’re staying, that you feel you have a home here. I don’t want to lose you, Tori.”

Tori blinked up at him, heart racing off for a completely new reason.

“I’m very strongly drawn to you. I’ve never been so attracted to anyone before. But it’s become clear to me that I haven’t spoken so candidly to you.”

Tori found it impossible to swallow. His throat was too tight from nerves and anticipation. “Is that why you’re here? To speak candidly to me?”

“Ja. The thought of you not understanding me breaks my heart. There was a moment earlier today when you looked at me with doubt. I do not ever want you to look at me that way again.” He lifted a hand, cradling Tori’s face, the gesture incredibly tender.

Tori turned his face into that warm palm, lifting his own hand to keep it there. He loved how Baldewin touched him, as if he were the most precious thing ever to the dragon. “I didn’t doubt you. I just didn’t understand why you weren’t sitting next to me. You’ve always chosen to sit next to me.”

“And it is that which brings me here. That right to always be at your side. I would like very much for our hearts to walk in tandem. I want to court you properly, Tori Burkhard. I cannot win your heart, as it is not a prize or a trophy, but I wish to entice you into giving it to me freely. I promise, you’ll have my heart in return.”

Tori felt the earth spin and fall away from him for a moment. He’d known Baldewin was serious about him. That moment in front of the king, when he’d told Alric point blank he would follow Tori away from the clan, had spoken of how serious he was. And still, somehow, hearing these words from him was a shock. Knowing that this man was falling steadily in love with him was a thrill all its own.

But his lack of faith that Tori returned his feelings was a cold bucket of water in the face. Baldewin feared breaking his heart, and here he was leaving the man on tenterhooks.


“I haven’t said enough to you, either.” Tori gathered up courage, because for some reason, this was beyond scary. Putting himself out there was harder than he’d ever suspected. If not for Baldewin’s confession, he might not have been able to get the words out. “That I like you. Really like you. That I trust you. I want to be your lover more than anything.”

A brilliant smile broke over Baldewin’s face, and he swooped in, hauling Tori into a firm embrace. Tori laughed, hugging him back just as fiercely, feeling lighter now with it all out there. They wanted each other and that assurance was all he needed.

Pulling back, he caught Baldewin’s face with both hands and kissed him. It was a new dimension, kissing Baldewin like this. With all of this emotion behind it, he fairly buzzed under the kiss.

Baldewin was the one who took it to another level and made it dirty, his tongue sweeping into Tori’s mouth and tangling with his in a hot glide. Tori groaned, trying to give as good as he got, up on tiptoes so he could grind into Baldewin’s groin. It felt good, that friction, and yet frustrating. Because clothes.

Trailing his mouth down, Baldewin kissed his way under an ear, nibbling a little on Tori’s neck, and hmm, that felt good. He’d never thought his neck was sensitive until Baldewin got his mouth on it, but yes. Good spot. Noted. Do it again.

“If we continue like this,” Baldewin whispered against his skin, “we’ll end up in bed very shortly.”

“I want that.” Tori’s nerves returned, but for an entirely different reason. Oh hell, this was going to sound lame, especially at his age. But Baldewin deserved a head’s up. “Just….”

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