Home > Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(96)

Breath (Scales 'n' Spells #2)(96)
Author: A.J. Sherwood

Tori shuddered at the idea of being that high up and conscious for it. “I love you, but I’m not going into the air with you while awake. No.”

Baldewin snorted amusement. “Alright. Let’s organize everyone for the flight home when we get back, then. I think they’re half-ready as it is.”

Tori’s phone rang, and he dug it out of a pocket, not sure who could be calling him at this point. He frowned a little when he saw the name on the screen.

“Friend or foe?”

“Friend. Well, more an acquaintance. She and I were in the same grade growing up, and we’ve never been on bad terms with each other. Just never really friends. I’m not sure why she’s calling.” He answered with a quick swipe. “Hei, Sofi?”

“Tori. I heard you’re still here?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I have a few questions for you. The dragons, they made noises about wanting mages to go with them. But I’m not sure that’s still true after all that’s happened.”

“I’ve not heard of anyone leaving right now. Everyone seems to be hesitant. Or assholes.”

She groaned. “I know. Trust me, I know. But I’m tired of being stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with no options except marrying Oliver and having kids.”

Tori couldn’t help the way his face scrunched up at that thought. Oliver didn’t even regularly brush his teeth. “Is that really who they’re trying to pair you off with?”

“Trying, yeah. I keep getting noises about me being too old now, and fertility spells to help me along, and it’s all making me scream with frustration. I want out. And the dragons, from what I saw, are incredibly supportive of their partners. You chose to go with them.”

“I did. Best decision I ever made. And if you want me to put in a good word for you, I will. In fact, I can swing by and grab you right now. We’re leaving in the next few hours.”

“Do it. I’m tired of freezing up here.”

A sudden impulse took over him. “Sofi. You’ve got two dragon clans to choose between, did you know that?”

“Uh…no? I thought they were all one clan.”

“No, there’s both fire and ice dragons up here. Both kings, too. You said you’re tired of freezing. Well, the ice dragons live in Brazil. Do you want me to introduce you to the king of the ice dragons?”

“Brazil,” she repeated thoughtfully. “Oh man, beaches. I could lounge on beaches. And be warm. Shit, Brazil sounds amazing. Do I have to choose between them right now?”

“Absolutely not,” Tori assured her firmly. “The dragons are all about choice. They won’t force anyone into anything. But if you ask to go and stay with them for a while, kind of get a feel for the place, they’ll welcome you with open arms. You’re always free to visit my clan, too.”

“Your clan, eh. You really just jumped clans entirely, like they said.”

“More than that. I’m engaged to a dragon.”

“Oh really? You’re definitely going to have to fill me in once you get me. I’m packing now. I’ll be out in ten minutes.” She paused before adding, “And I think I’ll go with the ice dragons to start with.”

“I’ll call ahead, then. See you in ten minutes.” Tori hung up the phone and stared at it for a second thoughtfully. He hadn’t exactly anticipated that, as Sofi was one of the golden children of the clan. Very talented. “Baldewin, turn around. We need to go back.”

“So I gathered. This woman, you think she’ll be a good fit for a clan?” Baldewin slowed to take advantage of the gas station parking lot to turn around in.

“She’s an excellent mage.” Tori scrolled down and found Cameron’s number, calling him as he didn’t have Rodrigo’s. “And she’s a very sweet person. She never once bullied me or made me an outcast, no matter what our peers did. I understand why she’s trying to leave. They’re forcing her into an arranged marriage she doesn’t want. Hell, just the idea of kissing Oliver makes me nauseous. I can imagine how she feels. Hello, Cameron?”

“Hey. You guys almost back? We’re getting the last of the bags down from the rooms.”

“We were on our way, but we’re actually swinging back around to grab someone. A sort of friend I have in this clan has requested to leave with us.”

“Sort of friend?”

Of course he’d pick up on that. “We were never close, but she was always decent to me. She’s a good mage, too. She doesn’t want to stay up here and is tired of freezing. She’s requested I take her out of here. Um, is King Rodrigo handy?”

“He is. Wait, she wants to go with the ice dragons?”

“Did I not say she’s tired of being cold?”

Cameron laughed outright. “Granted, Germany can get pretty cold. Yeah, I can get him on the phone. Actually, this will be good, if he gets at least one mage out of this fiasco. And I also saw that one of his bodyguards has started texting with that Panu, the one who gave you his contact info. The poor guy’s due for one, in my opinion. Rodrigo? Tori’s on the phone, needs to speak with you.”

Rodrigo answered with a gravelly and very curious, “Hello, Tori?”

“Hello. I have a request from a member of the Taavi to leave. She’s not interested in staying with this clan. I can vouch for her, sir. She’s a sweet person and a knowledgeable mage. She’ll be a good addition. She wants to go with your clan for a while, visit, and get a feel for it. Is that alright?”

Rodrigo audibly perked up, like a dog with a possible new bone in sight. “Yes, we’d be pleased to have her. Where is she? I can come fetch her.”

Very eager. Tori swallowed a laugh. “I’m fetching her now, as I’m close. Baldewin, that little white house on the hill. Yes, that one. We’ll be back in about an hour. Can you tell everyone that?”

“Of course. This mage, what is her name?”


“I’ll welcome her. Assure her of this.”

“I will. See you soon.” Tori hung up, as they were in the driveway now. He wasn’t sure how wise it was for him to go and knock on the door.

It turned out to be a moot point. Sofi darted out the side door with a duffle bag slung over one shoulder, a very large purse in the other hand. She ran for the car like an escaped convict, opening the back and throwing herself in with the bags. “Hi. Go, go, go!”

Baldewin immediately put the car into reverse, a grin growing on his face. “I feel like I’m driving the getaway car.”

“You are, and bless you for it.” Sofi had thrown her light blonde hair up into a messy bun, a soft, over-sized blue shirt baring one shoulder. She looked as if she’d dressed for both style and comfort, with black tights tucked into boots. Her head came up as she took in the two of them, her smile incandescent and mischievous. “Wow, Tori, you look much more handsome! Is this what living with dragons does for you?”

“Basically,” he acknowledged, his cheeks heating a bit. “Dragons are notoriously bad about spoiling people.”

“I accept the blame for this habit,” Baldewin deadpanned. “You make it hard, my heart. It’s fun to spoil you.”

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