Home > Gray (Members From Money Season Two Book 22)(7)

Gray (Members From Money Season Two Book 22)(7)
Author: Katie Dowe

“What about the threat of shoplifting? I understand that the three major stores in New York, London and Italy as well as Milan are plagued with this pesky problem. I am in the process of setting up teams in all of the stores mentioned to try and get it down before the holiday rush starts.”

“There was a minor incident reported but it was taken care of immediately. I assure you Gray that we are dealing with this in the best possible way.”

“Thank you.” He nodded to her and the rest of the men and women gathered around the large conference table. “Stay a moment, Mellie.”

He waited until the rest of the team had filed out of the room and closed the door behind them. “The baby department. How is it going?”

“Sir?” Mellie blinked as she stared at him.

“Is that department fully stocked with everything an expectant mother would expect to find?”

“We have one of the best mothers’ and children department in the business. There is also a section designed exclusively for Romano’s products, which includes everything an expectant mother would want to pick up for that special moment.”

“Thank you, Mellie.”

“Is that all?”

“For the moment yes.”

“I have sent a report to your email about some recommendations for the upcoming holiday.”

“I will check on it as soon as I get to my office.” He waited until she had left the room before he made the call. “Hi. I was hoping we could have lunch.”


“Sorry I am late,” Shelby muttered as she hurried over to his table.

“You are not. I am actually early,” he took her hands in his and squeezed lightly before letting go. “What are you having?”

She scanned the menu the waiter had placed discreetly in front of her. “The soup, thanks.”

“I will have the classic salad and cinnamon bread please.” He told the hovering waiter who gathered up the menus and hurried away. “How are you Shelby?”

“Pressed for time and wondering how on earth I am going to get up each morning feeling the way I do.” She reached for the glass of water and drank some of it, eyeing him over the rim of the glass. She had wondered how she had not heard from him since she had told him the news and had been pleased when he had called and suggested lunch. “I am bloated and nauseous every second of the day and what is worse, I have deadlines coming up.”

“I am assuming that you have people working for you?”

“I do, but the designs are my baby and I prefer to deal with that part of it myself.” She put the glass down and took a deep breath before continuing. “But that is not your problem. How do you feel about what I told you?”

He laughed softly, his hazel eyes scanning her full face. She was not exactly beautiful in the true sense of the word and it was not because of her weight. But there was something so striking about her that one could not help but take a second look. He had seen her at the party and had been unable to take his eyes off her. Today she had done something different with the thick fat curls of her hair and it shone with health. Her complexion was cocoa brown and incredibly flawless with not a blemish to be seen anywhere and he should know because he had seen her naked several times! Her eyes were large and reminded him of melted chocolate and her mouth; he had to shift in his seat as he remembered the pleasure, he had gotten from the kisses they had indulged in. “I am starting to get used to the idea of becoming a dad.”

Shelby waited until the waiter had placed their orders before them before she said anything. “I find myself perusing baby clothes in the magazine that I have recently subscribed to,” She admitted wryly. “I am getting used to it too.”

“So, what’s next? How do we do this? I am going to instruct my accountant to wire some money into your account- “

“Stop!” Shelby lifted her hand with a laugh. “We are not there yet. I am only two months pregnant, well two months and two weeks to be exact,”

“I want to cover the doctor’s expenses. You went for a checkup the other day?”

“I have an excellent insurance and it did not cost me anything out of pocket. I know you have all this money Gray, but I do not want you bombarding me with it. Right now, I can handle the expense, because it is not much.”

He nodded as he dug into his salad. “I have every intention of doing my part. I want this child, Shelby. I had no idea how much I wanted one until you told me that I am going to be a father. I am thinking of buying a house.”

Shelby looked at him in surprise. “Why?” he shrugged and looked sheepish. “I spent several nights looking over my apartment with a critical eye and realized that it was not child friendly. Too many sharp edges. If I intend to child proof the entire place, it is going to cost me a fortune. I have my realtor looking into some houses for me.”

“Gray, you are getting way ahead of yourself.”

“I know but I cannot help it. The idea of having a child is occupying my every thought.” He stared at her; his hazel eyes sober. “I want to do right by it, Shelby. I want to be there every step of the way.”

“And I appreciate that,” Shelby said gratefully. “Like I told you before, the next doctor’s visit is going to be the second week in December. I have already noted it on my calendar.”

“And I have noted it on mine.” He held up his phone. “Benjamin is quite psyched about becoming a grand-uncle.”

“How is he?”

“He is fine. Flying in on Saturday.” Gray fiddled with his utensils for a moment. “There is something that I need to ask you.”

“Go ahead.”

“This pregnancy, I know it was unplanned and we had decided that we should part ways. Was there someone – I mean after we stopped seeing each other- “

“Are you trying to ask me if I was seeing someone else?” she asked as she lifted her tapered brows.

“I guess I am.” His hazel eyes studied her face. “You are a very striking woman Shelby, and anyone would be fortunate to have you in their lives.”

“You had me in your life, and you did not consider yourself fortunate.” She pointed out with a slight smile.

“I am a hopeless case.” He told her in amusement.

“Why is that?”

“I do not like long-term relationships. They are too restricting, and I am quite set in my ways I am afraid.”

“What happens when our child is born? What sort of example will you be setting?”

“I will cross that bridge when I get to it.” He crunched on his salad carefully. “I stopped seeing the person I was with when you told me the news.”

“Did you offer an explanation?”

“I just told her that my life had gotten somewhat complicated and I could not deal with a relationship right now.” He told her ruefully. Leaning forward he took her hands in his and felt the warmth of her skin. “I am serious about this, Shelby. I want you to know that I will be there for you and our child, every step of the way.”

She moved her hands in his a little restlessly. “I believe you.” She pulled her hands away. “My soup is getting cold.”




“Shelby, are you okay?” Moya asked as she peered at her.

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