Home > Off Limits Attraction(24)

Off Limits Attraction(24)
Author: Jayci Lee

   “I asked what you’re doing here,” she said with the slightest catch in her voice and lifted her eyes to meet his. “I don’t believe we have any urgent business at the moment.”

   “Oh, you’re wrong about that,” he growled. “I have very urgent business with you.”

   Her pink lips parted on a gasp before she stood up straighter. “And what business is that?”

   He lowered his head, gaze darting over her lovely face, until her eyes fluttered shut. But rather than claiming her mouth, as he was badly tempted to do, he brought his lips close to her ear and whispered, “Come with me.”

   Before she could answer, he leaned back and took her hand in his own. When he walked toward the door with single-minded determination, Jihae came willingly until she stopped short. Colin’s stomach dropped to his feet. He didn’t know if he could handle her rejection tonight.

   “Wait,” she said softly. “I need to get my purse and lock up for the night.”

   He nodded jerkily, both relieved and impatient. He freed her hand so she could lock the door, but placed his hand possessively on her lower back. Once she was finished, he reclaimed her hand. He couldn’t bear not touching her for even a moment.

   “Where are we going?” she asked when he settled into the driver’s seat beside her.

   “My place.” He was amazed that he could still get words out. His heart was hammering against his chest and his hands trembled as he backed out of the parking space.

   “Your place?”

   He gave a curt nod and kept his eyes on the road. Jihae didn’t voice any objections and settled into her seat, turning her attention out the window. Her face was carefully expressionless, so he couldn’t guess what she was thinking, but Colin was grateful that she was coming with him.

   By the time they arrived at his condo, his hands were shaking so badly that he had trouble unlocking his door. This was a bad idea, but he was all out of willpower.

   “Would you like a drink?” he asked as casually as he could once they were inside.

   “What have you got?”

   Jihae reached down to remove her heels, bracing a hand on the wall. He couldn’t help noticing how shapely her calves were. He had groveling to do before he could let his thoughts go anywhere near there. He snapped his eyes back to her face, but it wasn’t much help because it was also distractingly beautiful.

   “Everything,” Colin said with a wry grin. “My cousin is an amateur mixologist and insisted I needed a full bar for when she visits.”

   “Is she good?”

   “She’s an amazing cook but her cocktails taste like fruit-infused diesel fuel.”

   Laughter trilled out of Jihae as he led her toward his wet bar. To his surprise, she removed her suit jacket and handed it to him, and began rolling up the sleeves of her silk shirt.

   “You don’t seem like a harsh critic at all,” Jihae said with a mischievous smile. An odd ache came and went in the recesses of his heart at her playfulness. He liked this side of her so much. “Well, no matter. I do love a challenge.”

   “You’re an amateur mixologist, too?”

   “Actually, I’m a professional.” She laughed at the shock on his face. “I took a crash course in bartending and have a certificate to prove it. I actually have a shoebox full of cooking, baking, flower-arrangement, you-name-it certificates. I snuck in bartending as my little rebellion against my parents’ will to domesticate me before my wed—”

   Before her wedding. The thought of her having almost married Garrett made his jaws clench. But not wanting her to feel flustered, he quickly redirected their conversation. “So are you planning to wow me with your skills?”

   “Depends. Can I raid your fridge?” she said, her relief evident in her smile.

   “Be my guest. I have to warn you, though. There isn’t much in there.”

   He followed her into his kitchen and leaned against the island as Jihae searched for ingredients.

   “Aha,” she said, straightening up with a basket of blueberries and a serrano chili pepper.

   “You’re using those blueberries?” he asked with his forehead furrowed in consternation. “Are they still good?”

   “A little dry, but perfectly edible. They’ll do fine for my needs. But...” Her eyes darted around the kitchen counter.

   “Do you need something else?”

   “You don’t happen to have any basil, do you?”

   He actually had a miniature herb garden. Another gift from Adelaide. She claimed that even if he couldn’t cook worth a damn, adding some fresh herbs into premade sauces did wonders.

   “Um...this way, please.”

   Colin showed her to the little alcove where his garden of basil, Italian parsley and thyme flourished under artificial sunlight.

   “You have an herb garden?” she said with an incredulous smile.

   He scratched the back of his head and shrugged. “It’s here to help me with my abysmal cooking skills.”

   “Aww, I think that’s rather sweet.” She reached out and gently grazed the herbs with her fingers.

   “Really?” he said, breaking into a wide grin. “I’ll take that.”

   Once they were back at the wet bar, Jihae got to work. With quick twists of her wrist and fast-moving hands, she muddled the basil with some blueberries and a splash of simple syrup, then poured the mixture into the shaker. Then she added measures of fragrant gin and elderflower liquor into it, and topped it off with ice before she shook the shaker with easy efficiency.

   A glint of mischief entered her eyes, then she bumped the shaker from elbow to elbow before throwing it and catching it behind her back. It was an exciting finale. Simple and elegant. Especially when done with her intoxicating half smile. She added a slice serrano chili into two martini glasses and poured the concoction into them.

   It was hot. She was hot. Damn.

   She pushed a glass toward him and raised hers in the air. “Gun-bae.”

   “Gun-bae.” While the salutation meant “bottoms up” in Korean, Colin took a much more careful sip of the drink. His eyes widened and he gawked at Jihae. “Why aren’t you out there selling this stuff? How about if I buy the recipe from you for my clubs?”

   “Is that what I’m doing here? Having another business meeting?” She took out the sting in her words with a teasing smile.

   “Dammit. Sorry. No.”

   “Relax, Song. My claws are officially withdrawn,” she said, raising her curled fingers toward him like little paws. “Besides, I just made the drink up on the spot, so there is no recipe. I’d probably forget it in like two minutes.”

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