Home > Freeing Lily (MacKay International #3)(26)

Freeing Lily (MacKay International #3)(26)
Author: Rene Webb

“Getting married?”

Lily’s green eyes widen, and her mouth opens as I pull out the small box I smuggled into our suitcase. I’d asked her once before, a year ago today, and she had rejected me. The circumstances at the time weren’t ideal for a proposal, but it stung, nonetheless. I’m not sure I could handle Lily rejecting me again.

Time stands still as she lets go of her hold on me and takes a step back, leaving a chill where her warmth had been. Lily’s eyes flit from my face, down to the box, and back again. Her hands move to grab the front of my sweater.

“Finn,” she breathes out.

“We don’t have to rush into anything,” I tell her quickly, snaking my free hand around her waist and pulling her tight against me once again—not wanting to let her go.

“Let’s get married in Vermont.” She beams, pulling back against my hold and grabbing for the box. “Aunt Kitty can help us plan everything.”

I am dazed, stunned, by her response. Unable to believe that she’s actually accepting me. That this strong, resilient, kindhearted woman, who has gone through so much and yet is still unbelievably sweet, has finally agreed to be my wife. To spend the rest of her life by my side.

“Is that a yes?” I choke out, watching as she flips open the box excitedly.

Lily looks up at me and gives me the most dazzling smile, her emerald eyes gleaming in the sunlight. Jumping up, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek repeatedly, giggling, “Yes, yes, yes.”

“Good,” I growl, tightening my hold on her and burying my face in her neck. I breathe her in and kiss her gently there, tasting the familiar sweet and saltiness of her skin. I can hear people in the background clapping and congratulating us, but my entire focus is on the woman in my arms. On Lily. I may have rescued her, but she’s saved me from a lifetime of loneliness. I hadn’t realized how lonely I was before she snuck into my life. I had friends and family, but work and my business had consumed me.

Letting her go, I watch as Lily takes the ring from the box with gentle fingers. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you, princess,” I tell her, taking the empty box from her hands and tucking it again in my pocket.

“Finn.” My woman laughs, slips the ring onto her finger, and holds up her hand, admiring the way it sparkles in the sunlight.

“You really want to marry me?” I find myself asking.

“Yes.” Her voice is resolute as she places her ringed hand on my chest and raises herself up, giving me a reassuring kiss. “I love you, Xavier Rodolphus Finch. I don’t want to imagine a life without you.”

“I love you more than I can say, princess.” I take her ringed hand in my own and kiss the palm before placing my lips gently on the gold now encircling her fourth finger. “I’ll do anything to make you happy, to give you the life you deserve.”

“All I need is you.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears. “What ever adventure we find ourselves on next, there’s no one I’d rather be with than you.”

“Ditto,” I mutter against her palm. Lily laughs and moves her hand to cup my cheek before pulling me down to touch her lips determinedly against mine.

Moving my lips across her cheek, I whisper in her ear, “Let’s go celebrate,” before nipping the lobe. I feel my woman, my fiancée, shudder against me.

“Yes,” she says breathlessly before pulling away, flushed. Stepping back, she opens her purse, and the silk scarf tied to the handle catches my eyes. The very scarf I bought her during our first trip to Paris. “But first, pictures. I want to remember this moment forever.”

Lily pulls out her cellphone and hands it to me expectantly. I take it from her before wrapping one arm around my back and resting her ringed hand on my chest. “You have longer arms.”

“Are you going to text these to everyone?” I tease as I watch her admiring the ring, the diamonds sparkling in the sunlight.

“No, I’ll take new ones of the ring once I have a manicure,” she tells me seriously, grinning up at me from ear to ear. “These are just for us. I’ll text new ones to our family later. I know they’ll be happy for us.”

“As long as you’re happy, I don’t fucking care what anyone else says.” I lean down and press my lips roughly on hers.

“You’re all mine now,” she tells me, fisting my sweater tightly in her hand. “I’ve never been happier.”

“I was yours the moment I looked up and saw you standing in front of me,” I confess softly. “Never doubt that.”

The End…



Keep reading to fall in love with Bethany and Derek Lion, the owners and founders of Pride Security…



Excerpt from Shock and Awe (A Pride Security Novella)



2008 - Falls Church, Virginia



~ Derek ~



“Mornin’ Boss.”

I am greeted upon entering the small kitchen. My body automatically moves towards the coffee maker. Glancing over, I see two of my operatives crowded around the small kitchen table, devouring plates of scrambled eggs and sausages while drinking from their own steaming mugs.

Lee “Mike” Mikhail and I served together during Desert Storm. The former Army medic is as gentle as he is lethal, the perfect combination to have in a private security operative. Sitting next to him is a former Marine sniper and our only female operative, Josephine Johnson.

“Johnson. Mike,” I grunt in greeting, opening the cabinet directly above the coffee maker and blindly reaching for a mug. Instead, my hand hits bags of coffee beans. Looking up, I scowl at the cabinet I swear only yesterday held the essentials for drinking coffee. Now it contains everything you need for making it.

“Where the fuck are the mugs?” I demand, looking over at the table.

“Next one over,” Johnson says, waving her own mug towards the cabinet to my right.

Slamming the door shut, I open the next to see them neatly organized according to size and function, with the travel mugs on the top shelf. “Who the fuck moved them?”

“B,” Mike answers. Looking over, I see him smiling into his own cup.

Bethany Colombo.

For the past two years, the woman has unknowingly been tormenting me.

Hiring Bethany to keep my private security company, Pride Security, running smoothly was both the best and worst thing I ever did. There is no question she’s the most reliable, especially considering recent events, and hardworking employee I have. If only she wasn’t wrapped up in such a sweet-smelling, amazing-assed, too young for me package. I hate and crave, in equal measure, each morning when she bounces through the back door. Bringing with her youthful energy, enthusiasm, and a perfect body - that full, round ass.

Taking a sip of coffee, I cringe at the taste, Bethany certainly didn’t make this pot. She may be strictly a tea drinker, but she brews the best damn coffee I’ve ever tasted. I bet she tastes even better - out of this world. Not that I’ll ever know. I lick my lips in vain.

Just as that frustrating thought comes to mind, I hear the back door open. The unmistakable sounds of Bethany shuffling around in the entryway can be heard, no doubt putting her purse in the closet and hanging up her sweater. Her light steps follow as she walks into the room, carrying a large colorful box of donuts.

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