Home > Lunchtime Chronicles : Sweet Georgia Peach(20)

Lunchtime Chronicles : Sweet Georgia Peach(20)

“Continue our relationship.”

Her smile rose and fell. “Continue what we had.”

She scanned our faces. “My brother disowned me today. Knowing I may never talk to Deacon again has left agonizing pain in my heart. I need time to think.”

“Oh no,” my sister gasped.

“Guys, Messy Mandy posted again.” Shock fell over my sister's face as she approached.

“Oak, look.”

Everyone pulled out their phones and read the post.

Wyatt Oakley, you don’t believe in wearing condoms, do you? How many more women will say they’re pregnant before the end of the year?

How does your best friend, Deacon Hurns, feel about you and his sister hooking up?

If he didn’t know. He does now.

Lakelyn Hurns is the fifth woman to get knocked up by NFL football star, Wyatt Oakley.

Good thing you make one hundred and twenty million dollars a year, because you’ll need that money to pay child support.



MY MOUTH DROPPED OPEN. I felt excited and angry all at once. Why didn’t Lakelyn tell me?


Her hands flew over her gingerbread cheeks. Not making eye contact with anyone, certainly not me, Lakelyn grabbed her purse.

“Lakelyn, don’t leave.”

She fled the room like her hair was on fire.

Mom, dad, and Phoebe stared at me, too, mouths gaped.

“If she’s pregnant. I’m telling you she’s the only woman carrying my baby. For the hundredth time, I didn’t sleep with those women,” I roared.

Searing pain shot through my arm and my heart.

Mom kissed my cheek. “We know that, Wyatt.”

Phoebe gripped my foot. “Give her time.”

I sighed. “Yeah.”

I didn’t know what to believe anymore. How did Messy Mandy find out about Lakelyn’s pregnancy? Was the information true?


For three days, I laid on the sofa watching every news outlet report about the drama that unfolded in my life.

I sent my friends a group text.

Me: Who knew Lakelyn was pregnant? Because I had no idea.

Maxon: Not me.

Rayne: She appeared overly pissed the night of the award dinner. But she didn’t say anything.

Sylvie: Now that you mention it, when we arrived in L.A. and sat down with Rayne in Maxon’s office, Lakelyn nursed the drink, I made for her.

The day of Rayne’s party, I heard Lakelyn vomiting early in the morning. Then she slept until noon. When I mentioned it, she said it must've been the bottle of champagne she drank at the award dinner. I never saw her take a sip.

Rayne: Shit, me either.

Me: Thanks guys.

Deacon sent videos to my phone every day of men fighting. Guess that meant he was coming to beat my ass. Let the games begin.

Time to see Lakelyn and strengthen this shoulder.

I walked into the physical therapy office up the street from the Mercedes Benz stadium. The essential oil diffuser caught my eye on the gray standing desk to my right. Citrus and lavender dangled in the air. It reminded me of a diffuser on Lakelyn’s kitchen counter. The cream walls and black floor made for a basic workout area. Long leather padded wooden benches lined a wall across the room.

A physical therapist to my left strolled beside a guy wearing a black leg brace. Bared teeth, he clutched the slender bars with a death grip as he walked to the other end. I wanted to shout out, good job when he made it to the opposite end without assistance.

“Good morning, Wyatt.” I caught the sternness in her honeyed voice. She sauntered toward me, wearing black khakis, a red polo shirt, and black sneakers. Her eyes never left the clipboard.

“Good morning, Lakelyn.” I grabbed hold of the clipboard, forcing her beautiful eyes on mine.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting your attention.” She had my cocks attention, too. Crushing those lips this very moment was at the forefront of my mind. Was I upset she didn’t tell me she was carrying my child? Hell yeah. We only had unprotected sex with each other.

I knew Lakelyn. My woman. The baby in her belly was mine.

Her sad face squeezed the fuck out of my heart.

She cleared her throat. “Let’s get started. Follow me.”

I released her distraction device. Lakelyn hustled into a private room. “Have a seat on the bench.”

My eyes never left her.

“Close the door.”

She swallowed hard and nodded. “I’ll take measurements of your range of motion.”

The woman continued on with the appointment like I was just another patient.

“How are you doing? How do you feel?”

Standing before me she blinked a few times. “I’m always tired. The morning sickness is the worst. The doctor said it should subside soon. I’ve eaten pizza for dinner three nights in a row. I think this little person loves pepperoni.” A nervous chuckle released from her throat.

My heart raced in my chest. She’s really pregnant.

“We’ll go to your next appointment together.”

Her shoulders dropped.

“It’s just me and you, Lakelyn. Talk to me.”

I eased her shirt up, exposing her tiny baby bump. Leaning over, I pressed my lips against her soft brown skin. Lakelyn shuddered against my mouth.

“I’m sixteen weeks pregnant.”

Fanning my nose against her skin, I bit my lip. Sixteen weeks. What the fuck?

“Every summer I take a break from the birth control pills.”

“I remember.” Last summer I had two options. Pull out or wear a condom. Her pussy was so good, pulling out was a battle.

“Back in June, you came to the hotel. I didn’t expect to see you,” she breathed.

“You know what? No excuses. I should’ve told you the first and second time my monthly visitor barely came.”

“Lakelyn, I’m not mad that you're pregnant. I’m thrilled you’re having our child.” My gaze met hers.

“Really?” She carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.

“Hell yeah. But I deserved to know the moment you knew.”

“The night of the award dinner I left and took a pregnancy test. I’d been in denial before that moment. Wrapping my mind around the other women carrying your baby...”

She shook her head. “That was a tough pill to swallow. In my heart, I know you didn’t sleep with them. I know you better than anyone. The other reason I kept the secret was because of my brother. I betrayed him.” She sighed and continued.

“My mom came to sit with me at the hospital. It felt so good to tell her I was pregnant, but I guess someone overheard our conversation and leaked the info to Messy Mandy. I was so embarrassed the second everyone read her blog.” Lakelyn held her head high.

“I planned to tell you about the baby. In my own time.”

“Lakelyn, don’t ever keep another secret from me.”

“I won’t.”

“Look at me.”

She stared at my lips for some reason. “Later this week, I’d like to show you something.”


My lips melted against her belly again.

“You’re the only woman I ever wanted to make love to every night.”

Lakelyn fell into my lap and hugged me tight. I squeezed her thigh. Felt good holding her again.

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