Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(191)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(191)
Author: Cora Reilly

“I know, but it’s not about the Outfit or the Famiglia. It’s…” She lowered her gaze and swallowed. “God, I’m not supposed to tell anyone. And I hate it. I hate that we’re keeping up the charade when things are falling apart.”

I waited patiently, giving her the time she obviously needed.

Her shoulders began to shake but she still didn’t cry. I wasn’t sure how she did it. “My mother has cancer.”

That wasn’t what I’d expected. Although now that I thought about it, her mother had looked pale despite the thick layer of makeup on her face.

I touched Lily’s bare shoulder and tried to ignore how good it felt, how smooth her skin was. “I’m sorry. Why don’t you talk to Aria about it? I thought you and her talk about everything.”

“Gianna and Aria talk about everything. I’m the little sister, the fifth wheel.” She sounded bitter. “Sorry.” She released a long breath, obviously trying to get a grip on her emotions. “Father forbade me from telling anyone, even Aria, and here I am telling you.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” I promised before I could really think it through. What was I doing promising that kind of thing to Lily? Luca and the Famiglia were my priority. I had to consider the consequences if the wife of the Consigliere was sick. Would that weaken him and the Outfit? Luca might think so. And not just that, I was supposed to protect Aria. Wasn’t it my job to tell her that her mother was sick? That was the problem if you started to think with your dick. Then things always got messed up.

Lily tilted her head to the side with a curious expression. “You won’t?”

I leaned against the wall beside her, wondering how I was going to get out of that corner. “But don’t you think you should tell your sister? It’s her mother. She deserves to know the truth.”

“I know, don’t you think I don’t know that?” she whispered desperately. “I want to tell her. I feel so guilty for keeping it a secret. Why do you think I’m hiding in the hallway?”

“Then tell her.”

“Father would be furious if he found out. He’s been on edge for a long time. Sometimes I think it takes only the smallest incident and he’ll put a bullet through my head.”

She sounded fucking scared of her own father, and the bastard was scary. I took her hand. “Has he done anything to you? I’m sure Luca could figure out a way to keep you safe.” What the fuck was I talking about? Scuderi would convince Dante to start a war if Luca took his youngest daughter away from him. You never got involved in other people’s family problems. That was one of the most important rules in our world.

“Father wouldn’t allow it,” she said without hesitation. She really wasn’t the kid I’d first met. This world took away your innocence far too soon. “And he didn’t do anything, but he’d be furious if I went against his direct orders.”

“You know your sister, she’d never tell anyone.”

“Then she’d have to keep it a secret and she wouldn’t even be able to talk to Mother about it. Why is everything such a mess? Why can’t I have a normal family?”

She looked to me for answers I couldn’t give. We both had been born into this world and were bound by its rules. “We can’t choose our family.”

“And in my case, not even my future husband,” she said, surprising me. Something in her expression raised my walls. There were lines I couldn’t cross.

She shook her head. “I don’t know why I said it. This isn’t what I should be worried about now.” She looked down at my hand, which was still holding hers. I released her. If Scuderi or one of his men walked in on us, Scuderi would have a new reason to lose his shit.

“You know what? I will tell her,” Lily said suddenly. She straightened and gave me a grateful smile. “You are right. Aria deserves to know the truth.” Now that she didn’t lean against the wall anymore, we were even closer. I should have taken a step back and kept my distance, but instead my eyes were drawn to her lips.

Lily surprised me by walking away. “Thank you for your help.” I watched her turn the corner and then she was gone.





My heart hammered in my chest, not only because I’d been alone with Romero and had barely managed to leave without kissing him, but because I was determined to go against Father’s orders. Maybe Romero had told the truth and he wouldn’t tell my sister and Luca about my mother, but really why should he keep a secret for me? We weren’t a couple, we weren’t even friends. We were nothing to each other. The thought buried itself like a heavy weight in my stomach.

It was better if I told Aria now. She’d find out eventually, and I wanted it to be from me. I headed back into the living room, where I found her deep in conversation with Valentina and a plate with prosciutto in her hand. Valentina smiled at me, but there was a flicker of pity in her green eyes. Did she know?

Of course, she did. Father probably had told his boss, Dante, right away, and Dante had told his wife. Had Father told other people as well? People he thought more deserving of the truth than his own family? “Hi, Val,” I said with a smile. “Can I steal Aria from you for a moment? I have to talk to her.”

Aria gave me a questioning look but Valentina nodded as if she knew why I needed to be alone with my sister. I linked arms with Aria and casually strolled through the room with her. Aria was tense. She knew something was up. I didn’t want Father or Mother to get suspicious so I tried to keep a relaxed expression. I caught Romero’s gaze across the room as he slunk back inside. He made his way over to where Luca and Dante stood beside the fireplace, but not without a last encouraging nod. Somehow that small gesture made me feel better. In the last two years I’d convinced myself that the thing with Romero was nothing but a silly crush but now I wasn’t so sure anymore. I liked his calm protectiveness. It gave me a sense of safety I longed for.

“Lily, what’s going on? You’ve been acting very odd all evening,” Aria whispered as we headed toward the lobby.

“I’m going to tell you in a moment. I want us to be alone.”

Aria’s face clouded with worry. “Has anything happened? Do you need help?”

I led her upstairs and into my room. When the door had closed behind us, I released Aria and sank down on my bed. Aria sat down beside me.

“It’s Mother,” I said in a whisper, not bothering to hide my pain any longer. “She’s got lung cancer.” Maybe I should have broken it to her in a less direct manner, but it wouldn’t have made the news less horrible.

Aria stared at me with wide eyes, then she slumped against the wall, releasing a harsh breath. “Oh God. I thought she looked exhausted but I blamed it on another fight with Father.”

“They’re still fighting and it’s making everything worse.”

Aria wrapped her arm around me and for a moment we held each other in silence. Mother hadn’t always been as caring and loving as a mother should be, but we loved her despite her flaws. “Why hasn’t she told me?”

“Father doesn’t want anyone to know. He actually forbade me from telling you.”

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