Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(197)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(197)
Author: Cora Reilly

Perhaps he saw something in my expression because after that, we talked about random things, nothing of importance, and far too soon we had to make our way back to my home. This time we didn’t link arms. I tried not to be disappointed, but it was hard. When we stepped into the entrance hall of the house, I could feel the weight of the lingering sadness return to my shoulders.

Romero lightly touched my arm. My eyes traced his strong jaw with the hint of dark stubble, his worried brown eyes, his prominent cheekbones. And then I did what I’d promised myself not to do again but right in this moment, in this cold, hopeless house he was the light and I was the moth. I pushed to my toes and kissed him. The touch was the briefest contact, hardly there but it made me long for more. Romero grasped my arms and pushed me away. “Liliana, don’t.”

I untangled myself from his hold and left without another word. Mother had said I should take risks for my happiness, and I was doing just that.





I stormed into the kitchen. I needed another coffee. The door smashed shut behind me with too much force. I wanted to tear something into tiny pieces. My lips still tingled from that ridiculous kiss. You couldn’t even really call it that. It had been over too quickly, because I’d acted like the dutiful soldier I was supposed to be. Fuck it.

I made myself a coffee and emptied it in two gulps, then put the cup down with a loud clang.

The door to the kitchen swung open and Luca leaned in the doorway with a questioning look on his face. “You realize this isn’t your home, right? I don’t think Scuderi appreciates you destroying his expensive marble counter.” The corners of his mouth twitched in an almost smile.

I relaxed against the kitchen island. “I don’t think Scuderi even knows where his kitchen is. Where is he anyway? It’s suspiciously quiet in the house. I thought he and Gianna would never stop fighting.”

Luca’s expression darkened. “They would still be at it, but Scuderi left for a meeting, which I’ll have to do soon as well. Dante and I are going to discuss the Russians tonight at some Italian restaurant he loves.”

“I assume I’ll stay here to keep an eye on the women,” I said tightly. The idea of being around Lily all evening worried me.

Luca came up to me. “Do I have to worry about what went on between you and Liliana while you were gone for coffee? Do I even want to know?”

I glared. “Nothing happened, Luca. You know me, I’m a good soldier.”

“You are also a guy with a dick and Liliana is a gorgeous girl who’s been flirting with you for years. Sometimes that can lead to unfortunate accidents.”

I released a long breath.

“Fuck,” Luca muttered. “I was joking. Don’t tell me there’s really been something going on.”

“Liliana kissed me but you could hardly call it that. Our lips barely touched and I pushed her away so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh, but I have to worry considering the look of regret on your face when you said that your lips barely touched. You want her.”

“Yes, I want her,” I muttered, starting to get annoyed by his interrogation. Luca used to be the guy who couldn’t keep it in his pants and now he was acting all high and mighty. “But I’m not going to act on it. I can control myself. I’d never do anything to hurt the Famiglia.”

Luca clapped my shoulder. “I know that. And if you’re ever at risk of following your dick instead of your brain, just remember that Liliana is going through a lot. She’s probably only looking for a distraction. She’s vulnerable and young. I know you won’t allow her to ruin her life.”

That was a guilt trip if I’d ever heard one. I nodded, because the words waiting on the tip of my tongue were too harsh for my Capo.

Aria walked into the kitchen in that moment, but she stopped when she saw us. “Am I interrupting anything?” She glanced between Luca and me. “I thought we should start dinner. Father gave our maid the day off because he doesn’t want anyone in the house right now. That means we have to cook.”

“Let’s order pizza,” Luca said. He walked toward his wife and pulled her against him before kissing the top of her head. In the first few years of working for Luca, I’d have bet everything that he wasn’t capable of that kind of affection.

“Did your conversation have something to do with Lily?” Aria asked casually as she rifled through several flyers from pizza delivery services.

I didn’t say anything, and Luca shrugged. “Why do you ask?” he said.

Aria shook her head. “I’m not blind. Lily has been acting odd ever since she returned from her walk with Romero.” She fixed me with a warning stare. “I don’t want her alone with you.”

Luca’s eyebrows shot up. I knew I had to look pretty shocked too.

“Don’t give me that look. You know I like you, Romero, but Lily has been going through so much recently and when it comes to you her brain stops working. I don’t want to have to worry about her.”

“So now you’re protecting her virtue?” I asked sarcastically.

“Hey,” Luca said sharply. “Don’t take that tone with her.”

Aria shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m not protecting her virtue. I just don’t want her to get hurt. You have younger sisters, don’t you want to keep them safe?”

“I do,” I said. “And I would never do anything that’ll hurt Lily. But I respect your wish. I won’t be alone with Lily from now on.” With a curt nod in Luca’s direction, I headed out of the kitchen. Aria’s words didn’t sit well with me. Luca had trusted me with her, though he was a possessive bastard, but Aria didn’t trust me with her sister. Of course, truth was I’d never been remotely interested in Aria. I wasn’t blind. She was beautiful, and definitely sexy, but I’d never fantasized about her, and not just because I knew Luca would cut my dick off if I made a move. Lily was a different matter. I’d imagined her naked body beneath me more than once and when I was close to her I wanted to press her against the wall and have my fucking way with her. That was a major problem. Maybe it was for the best that Aria’s orders were now another barrier between Lily and me.






Someone was shaking me. I opened my eyes but at first everything was blurry.

“Lily, get up. I think Mom’s going to die,” Aria said in a panicky voice. I jerked upright, my head spinning.

Aria was already on her way out of my room, probably to wake the others. One of us had always sat at Mother’s bed to make sure she was never alone. Tonight it had been Aria’s turn. I untangled myself from my blankets, slipped out of bed and hurried toward the bedroom at the end of the corridor. The smell of antiseptic and disinfectant greeted me even before I entered but my nose had grown used to the biting stench by now. Gianna was already inside, perched on the edge of the bed. Mother’s eyes were closed and for a moment I was sure I was too late and she’d already died. Then I saw the slow rise and fall of her chest. I approached the bed hesitantly. Gianna barely glanced my way. She was glowering at her lap. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders from behind and pressed our cheeks together.

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