Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(236)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(236)
Author: Cora Reilly

“We have to call everyone in for a meeting. They need to know that the truce between the Outfit and us is no longer in effect. I don’t want anyone to walk into a trap because they thought they could trust an Outfit bastard,” Luca said. I could tell that he was still pissed at me, and he had every right to be. That he hadn’t killed me was a bigger sign of his friendship than I’d ever hoped for.

“Some people might not be happy with Liliana and you,” Matteo said. “They probably won’t act on their anger but I’d be careful if I were you.”

“Don’t worry. And if someone lays a finger on Lily, I’ll rip their throat out.”

“I think you have done enough damage for a while,” Luca said tightly. “And nobody will try to hurt Liliana. She’s now part of the Famiglia and under my protection. I assume you’re going to marry her?”

I had never asked her but I wanted her to be my wife. “If she says yes, then I’ll marry her.”

“After all the drama of today, she better marry you,” Matteo muttered. He leaned against the dining table and yawned widely.

“I’ll ask her soon enough.”

Luca raised his hand. “This isn’t our main concern right now. We have to double security measures. We didn’t only kidnap Scuderi’s daughter, we killed a Captain with a loyal following of soldiers. There will be blood to pay.”

I chanced another look at Lily. The Outfit might try to kill her. Knowing her father, he’d probably do it himself. He’d have to go through me if he tried to hurt her.





After two hours in Luca’s apartment, we were finally at Romero’s place. I’d never been there and I was curious despite my exhaustion. I could tell that Romero was tense but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe he regretted everything that had happened? Or maybe he was only worried about what was to come.

Romero unlocked his door and opened it wide for me. I walked past him into a long hallway. Family photos in pretty silver frames decorated the walls. I promised myself to take a closer look at them later. Several doors branched off of the hallway. Romero led me toward the last one on the right. A master bedroom waited behind it but we didn’t stop there. We had been on the road for hours and I’d been awake for more than twenty-four hours. It was already past noon but I wanted to sleep.

I could still smell Benito on me though; his blood, his sweat, his body odor. It made me sick. Romero opened the door to the adjoining bathroom. I quickly shimmied out of my clothes and stepped into the glass shower. Romero watched me silently, an unreadable look on his face. He looked exhausted. When the warm water streamed down my body, I felt some of the tension leave my limbs.

“Do you want to be alone?” Romero asked after a moment. He sounded…uncertain. That wasn’t something I was used to from him. Maybe I needed to take into consideration that he needed some time to work through everything.

I shook my head. “I want you to join me.”

Romero got out of his clothes. I didn’t try to hide my admiration as I watched him. I loved Romero’s body. I loved everything about him. I moved to the side so he could step into the shower with me. I slipped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his chest as the water poured down on us. I’d missed the feel of his skin against mine. I squeezed my eyes shut. So much had happened and so much was still to come.

“Things will get really bad for Luca and the Famiglia now, won’t they?”

Romero stroked my back. “The union between the Famiglia and the Outfit was bound to break at some point. I’d rather have it over something as important as you than over money or politics. You are worth a war.”

“I’m not sure Luca agrees. He’s probably already regretting taking me to New York.”

“I know Luca. He doesn’t regret his decision. Once he’s made up his mind, he stands by his decision. And this wasn’t only for you. It was also for Aria and Gianna. They want you to be happy.”

I tilted my head up and smiled up at him. His body shielded me from the water. Romero lowered his head and kissed my forehead, then my lips. We didn’t deepen the kiss, though. His closeness was enough for now.

We finished showering quickly. Romero stepped out first and took a towel. He wrapped it around me and gently started drying my body. I relaxed under his gentle ministrations. The last bit of tension slid out of me. After he was done with me, I took a towel out of the shelf and dried Romero in turn. He closed his eyes when I massaged his shoulders. “How do you feel?” I asked softly. I knew men, and Made Men in particular, didn’t like to talk about their feelings, especially sadness or fear.

He looked at me. “Tired.”

“No, I mean because you had to kill Benito for me. Are you okay?”

Romero let out a humorless laugh. He took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. He sank down on the bed and pulled me between his legs, then made me sit down on one of them. “He hasn’t been my first and he won’t be my last, but I enjoyed his death more than the others, and I don’t regret it. I’d do it again and enjoy it just as much.”





It was the truth and now that Lily and I would start living together, she needed to know it, needed to know every dark part of me. I searched her eyes for a sign of revulsion but there was none. She kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder. Her fingers traced my chest lightly. That and the feel of her firm butt on my thigh stirred my cock, but now wasn’t the time to follow that urge. Not too long ago Lily had to fight off her new husband, had to stab him and watch him die. She needed time to recover. I stood and lifted Lily into my arms before I lay her down. She kept her hands wrapped around my neck and didn’t let go even as I tried to straighten. “Lily,” I said quietly. “You need to rest.”

She shook her head and pulled me down on top of her. I braced myself on my elbows so I didn’t crush her under my weight. Lily wrapped her legs around my hips and dug her heels into my lower back, pressing me down.

I didn’t resist. Slowly I lowered myself until our bodies were flush against each other and my cock pressed against her pussy. She raised her head to claim my mouth for a kiss. I stared into her eyes; they were soft and filled with longing. I wasn’t sure how I could have ever believed that Lily didn’t want me. Her eyes showed her love for me as plain as day.

“I need you,” she murmured, lifting her hips a few inches and making my tip glide over her lower lips. I let out a small hiss at the sensation. She was wet and warm. She always felt so fucking inviting. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I always wanted her. I quickly put on a condom, cupped her head and eased into her slowly, and as I did I realized just how much I needed it too. She was tighter than usual, maybe from tension and exhaustion, and I made sure to be careful.

I made love to her slowly. This wasn’t about getting off, about being consumed by desire and lust, this was something to show us everything was okay. A few days ago I’d thought I would lose her forever and now she was mine.

Between soft moans she told me she loved me. I kissed her lips. I’d never been the overly emotional type but I never got tired of her saying those words. “I love you too,” I said quietly. It still felt strange to admit it to someone.

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