Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(58)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 1 : Collection of books 1-4(58)
Author: Cora Reilly

Gianna, Fabi and Lily stood with Father and Mother among the guests from the Chicago Outfit. They’d arrived this morning and I couldn’t wait to spend some time with them. Every guest shook Luca’s hand, clapped his shoulder and said a few words of comfort, most of them lies. How many of these men were waiting for a chance to rip the power from Luca’s hands?

When it was my father’s turn, I had to stop myself from attacking him for agreeing to marry Gianna off to Matteo. Instead I gritted my teeth and gave him a cold smile. Gianna pointedly avoided Matteo’s eyes. She’d lost weight, and it broke my heart to see her so hopeless.

I was glad when the funeral was over. The men had a meeting scheduled for the evening to discuss the rising threat of the Russians. In our world there wasn’t time to mourn the dead for long. Chicago and New York needed to figure out a way to stop the Bratva before another Capo lost his life. And that would be either Luca, or Dante Cavallaro.

* * *

Luca wanted me out of New York, so he sent me to the Vitiello mansion in the Hamptons. Gianna, Lily and Fabi were allowed to accompany me for the night before they’d have to leave for Chicago tomorrow evening. I had a feeling Father hoped I would talk some sense into Gianna about her arranged marriage with Matteo. The engagement party was planned for the beginning of November, so Gianna didn’t have all that long to come to terms with it. Mother stayed with Father in Manhattan, but they sent Umberto with us. He, Cesare and Romero were supposed to keep us safe.

We arrived at the mansion around dinnertime, and the staff had already prepared a meal for us. My heart swelled with happiness as Lily, Fabi, Gianna and I settled around the long dining table, but it was dimmed by the fact that our three bodyguards discussed the Russian threat in hushed voices and by Gianna’s refusal to eat more than two bites. I didn’t want to discuss her betrothal to Matteo with everyone there. Later, when they’d gone to bed, Gianna and I would have enough time for that.

Fabi was the only one who kept the conversation on our side of the table going as he told me excitedly about the collection of knives Father had given him. Lily was busy sneaking admiring glances at Romero, who was completely oblivious to her pining.

After dinner, we moved on to the loggia overlooking the ocean. The night sky out here twinkled with stars. In New York you rarely got a glimpse at them. Cesare had gone off to do God knows what, probably check the security system, and Umberto and Romero had settled in the living room; from there they could watch us without overhearing our conversation. Fabi lay curled up beside Lily, fast asleep, as she typed something on her phone while checking out Romero occasionally.

“Do you want to talk?” I whispered to Gianna who sat beside me, legs pressed up against her chest. She shook her head. It felt as if a rift had grown between us since she’d gotten the news about her betrothal, and I didn’t know why. “Gianna, please.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Maybe it’s not as bad as you think.” She gave me an incredulous look but I kept talking. “When I found out I had to marry Luca, I was terrified, but I’ve come to terms with it. Luca and I are getting along better than I thought possible.”

Gianna glared. “I’m not like you, Aria. You’re eager to please him, to do anything he says. I’m not like that. I won’t submit to anyone.”

I flinched. Gianna had never lashed out at me like that.

She jumped up. I tried to catch her arm but she shook me off. “Leave me alone. I can’t talk to you right now.” She whirled around and stormed off toward the beach. I stood, unsure if I should follow her, but I knew she wouldn’t listen to me when she was like that. Umberto stepped outside. I raised a hand. “No, give her a few minutes to herself. She’s upset.”

Umberto nodded, then his eyes darted to Fabi. “I should take him to bed.”

I was about to nod when an ear-splitting alarm broke the silence, but it stopped a few seconds later. Fabi’s eyes were wide as he clung to Lily, both of them looking at me as if I knew what was going on. Romero stormed toward us, two guns drawn, when a red dot appeared on Umberto’s forehead. I cried out but it was too late. There was a shot and Umberto’s head flung back, blood splattering everywhere. Lily started screaming, and I still couldn’t move. I stared at the dead eyes of Umberto. A man I’d known all my life.

Romero flung himself at me, and we landed on the ground as a second bullet blasted the glass door, sending shards flying.

“What’s going on?” I screamed, hysteria rocking my body.

“The Bratva,” was all Romero said as he dragged me toward the living room. I struggled against him. Lily and Fabi cowered beside a lounge chair, still in shooting range of the sniper. “Get them!”

But Romero ignored my command, and he was too strong for me. He shoved me against a wall inside the living room, his grip biting into my skin, his eyes hard and wild. “Stay here. Don’t move.”

“Lily and Fabi,” I gasped.

He nodded, then ducked and rushed back outside. I was shaking all over. Romero returned with my sister and brother, who clung to him desperately. I wrapped my arms around them tightly the moment they were at my side. And then my world tilted.

“Gianna,” I whispered.

Romero didn’t hear me. He was shouting into his phone. “Where? How many?” His face paled. “Fuck.” He turned to me, and his expression made my stomach drop. “The Russians are on the property. Too many for us. I’ll take you to the panic room in the basement where we’ll wait until backup arrives.”

He gripped my arm but I pulled away. “Take Fabi and Lily there. I need to warn Gianna.”

“You are my responsibility,” Romero hissed. Somewhere in the house glass shattered. Shots rang out.

“I don’t care. I won’t come with you. You will do as I say. Take them to the panic room. If something happens to Lily or Fabi, I will kill myself, and nothing you or Luca or any other power in this world can do will change that. I want you to protect them. Keep them safe. That’s all that matters to me.”

“You should come with us.”

I shook my head. “I have to find Gianna.”

“Luca will be here soon.”

I knew that wasn’t true. “Go now!”

We stared at each other, then finally he turned to my siblings. “Stay down and follow my orders.”

Male voices screamed something in Russian, then more shots were fired. Cesare wouldn’t be able to keep them at bay for long if the number of voices was any indication.

Romero shoved a gun at me. I grabbed it, then I ducked and ran outside. Umberto’s blood covered the stone tiles, but I didn’t look at his body. I hurried down the slope toward the bay when I noticed the vibrating of my phone. I pulled it out and pressed it to my ear as I scanned the beach for Gianna.

“Aria?” Luca’s worried voice sounded. “Are you safe?”

“They killed Umberto,” was the first thing out of my mouth.

“Where are you?”

“Searching for Gianna.”

“Aria, where’s Romero? Why isn’t he taking you to the panic room?”

“I have to find Gianna.”

“Aria,” Luca sounded desperate. “The Bratva wants you. Get into the panic room. I’m taking the helicopter. I’ll be there in twenty minutes. I’m already on the way.”

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